Do We Want Another Wake Up Call?
by Big Dog on Nov 24, 2006 at 15:45 Uncategorized
Why is it that the United States requires a catastrophic event before it wakes up? There were plenty of people in this country in the early part of the last century who believed that we should ignore the war in Europe. It did not involve us and we should keep our noses out of it. Isolationism is what many people preferred. Pearl Harbor was attacked by the Japanese, and though the attack was based on economic reasons rather than any link to the ongoing war, we were still caught by surprise and many Americans died. Most of the dead were sailors from the Pearl harbor Naval Base and though today the death of military men makes people yawn as if it is not important, back then an attack on our military was a serious issue.
In 2001 an avowed enemy of America, one that had been attacking us for decades, launched a violent attack on this country. For the briefest moment people came together as a united country and vowed to get the people who had done this. Many politicians from the left abandoned their anything but war attitude and agreed that we needed to take out the animals who attacked us. Interestingly, during that period of time, they agreed with intelligence and agreed with attacking Iraq in support of the statements they had all made about Iraq as a threat. Those statements, made while Clinton was President, reaffirmed the danger that Hussein presented and that he truly possessed Weapons of Mass Destruction. Remember, these statements were all based on intelligence obtained from the Clinton Administration and to a person, the donks talked about how dangerous Hussein was. Their beliefs were given even more credence on 9/11.
Unfortunately, those who were targets on 9/11 (the Capitol was a target) have forgotten that we have enemies. They would be more committed had one of those planes hit the Capitol. At least, those responsible for giving us the attack in the first place would be the ones paying the price. It is likely that those in Congress were only solidly behind the effort at first because they were in fact a target. Now that there is air defense in place and DC is a virtual “no-fly” zone, they have little to worry about. Democrats live and die by polls so when their friends in the media were able to influence public opinion, they immediately jumped on the anti-war bandwagon.
It is not a difficult leap for most of them considering their dope smoking hippie days of protests and love-ins. John Kerry had an orgasm thinking about dusting off his anti-war clothes and throwing someone else’s medals over the White House fence. These people are now telling us we would be better off by bringing our troops home. They are willing to tell the troops, who they claim to support, that they have accomplished nothing and that they are coming home again without completing the mission. Jack Murtha wants out troops home but that was probably not an original thought. Someone probably paid him $50,000 to say it.
We are not too far away from the next Pearl Harbor or 9/11. Our enemy is planning that very thing as our politicians sit around doing the first digit rectal interface. Now that Democrats are in charge and conspiring for our defeat it will not be long before we have another massacre. I only hope that if it comes, it effects those who deserve to feel the effects of it.
When we are attacked again, who will we call? Our men and women in uniform will be leaving the service in droves if they are forced to withdraw before they are done. Many more young men and women will decide against military service because they do not want to fight for a government that does not fight for them. We should pass a law that if we cut and run and are attacked again, every single member of Congress has to go into the Armed Forces and must be sent to the battlefield to fight. Those who refuse will be executed by firing squad in the middle of DC. Let us pass this law and then see how many of them believe that we should cut and run.
As an aside, it is possible the Democrats want another attack. It would give them a chance to show us how tough they are in dealing with our enemies. By then, it will be too late. We will be at the mercy of the bad guys. The bright spot for the Dems, they can blame it on George Bush.
Stop the ACLU
Tags: Commentary
“As an aside, it is possible the Democrats want another attack. It would give them a chance to show us how tough they are in dealing with our enemies. By then, it will be too late. We will be at the mercy of the bad guys. The bright spot for the Dems, they can blame it on George Bush.”
Exactly what the Dems want, IMO. They’ll never admit it, of course.