Does Ted Kennedy’s Endorsement Matter?

The news has been indicating that Senator Ted Kennedy will endorse Barack Obama tomorrow. This is an endorsement that Hillary Clinton has been courting and deals a blow to her while giving more credibility to Obama. The endorsement comes a few days after the daughter of JFK, Caroline Kennedy, endorsed Obama as a man like her father (quite similar to the endorsement she gave John Kerry in 2004). In anticipation of tomorrow’s announcement the Clinton aides downplayed the endorsement:

“She has a great deal of respect for Sen. Kennedy and is very proud of all the endorsements she’s received from her Senate colleagues,” said Doug Hattaway, a Clinton spokesman. “At the end of the day, the voters are going to choose a candidate on their merits, not on their endorsements.” The Politico

I imagine that this might have some smattering of reality to it but the truth is that Hillary coveted the Kennedy endorsement and it is so important that the Clinton campaign had union chiefs and constituents calling Kennedy trying to stop his endorsement. Bill Clinton himself has been on the phone a few times with Kennedy in an effort to stop this from happening.

If, in the end, voters are going to choose candidates based on their merits and not their endorsements, why did Hillary try to get the Kennedy endorsement and why did her campaign work so hard to keep him from endorsing Obama? Perhaps it is because Kennedy, who has been in the Senate for 47 years, is a liberal icon and is loved by a lot of moonbats. His endorsement gives credibility to people within the moonbat community. Hillary wanted the blessing of Ted Kennedy.

I don’t care for Obama and he has his own issues but I like to see him doing well in the primary because it gives the Clintons fits and it makes them reveal their true selves.

The Kos kids were talking about the disarray in the Republican Party but it seems to me that the Democrats are the ones acting like a dysfunctional family.
Big Dog

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3 Responses to “Does Ted Kennedy’s Endorsement Matter?”

  1. Adam says:

    When John Kerry endorsed Obama I laughed that off, because hey…who wouldn’t want the thumbs up from the guy who took on the worst president in the history of this country and lost? But Teddy, that has the potential to damage, so the Clinton’s should be disappointed for real.

    In the end though they gotta spin it off. This true selves that the Clinton’s are showing is a real political campaign with real potential for victory. It’s not a clean job, and sometimes you gotta hit below the belt, and the GOP are no strangers to this kind of work but for some reason when the Clinton’s do it they’re just some kind of evil political machine to you.

    I like that you report their actions over and over like you alone are seeing through their lies and their spin to reveal the truth behind their actions, that they’re only in this to win, and they’ll do anything to accomplish that. I don’t think that’s a surprise to anybody. It’s called a campaign. You’re not much of a politician if can’t win power.

  2. Just Like Her Daddy and Worse

    The Princess Royal of the Kennedy clan, who has herself accomplished nothing in life except being born to wealth and privilege, has draped her father’s moth-eaten cloak on Barack Obama, who, in her father’s White House, would have been a footman or cook. Say what you will about Obama, he got there himself without the benefit of a rich daddy or corrupt political machine. He may be more unprepared to be president and more disastrous for this country than was JFK, but we hope, at least, that he will be impervious to “love notes” from middle-aged political camp followers who are still trying to be influential without ever being relevant.

    Tomorrow the black sheep of the family, Sen. Ted Kennedy, will follow in his niece Caroline’s footsteps and endorse Obama at American University. It is still possible that some Kennedy cousin might endorse Hillary; perhaps the other murderer or the rapist.

  3. Big Dog says:

    Adam, it is one thing to hit below the belt and it is quite another to make accusations or say things about the other guy that you yourself are doing or have done.

    To bring up Obama’s drug use when Bill “did not inhale” is just hypocritical. Claiming to have more experience because you were married to the president is stupid especially since he has been in elected office longer.

    She would never have gone to the Senate if it were not for her husband and the name.