Flea Party Or TEA Party
by Big Dog on Oct 11, 2011 at 16:15 Political
The TEA Party has been around for a few years and in all the events that it has been involved not one person has been arrested. Over 700 Socialist lefties have been arrested in New York since the occupy Wall Street flash mobs broke out. Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and many other Democrats support the law breakers even though these very people have condemned the TEA Party as un-American. To this day people like Nancy Pelosi tell lies and carry myths about the TEA Party (the use of the N word and spitting on members of Congress are LIES that are continued by the left) while ignoring the actual disgusting behavior of these morons in New York and their spinoff flash mob gatherings around the country.
We have news today that some left wing protesters in Washington DC entered the Senate Hart Office Building and caused problems leading to the arrest of some who refused to “cooperate with police.”
When did the TEA Party ever do this?
Funny thing that the Senate Office building, a building that belongs to the people, has police officers who arrest those who fail to conform while the Mayor of New York invites the OWS morons to stay and disrupt private enterprise as long as they want. Funny how the people that Pelosi and Obama support acting like pigs in New York are not welcome in the buildings in DC.
Why is it that the buildings in DC are protected by police who keep people from engaging in the very acts Obama and Pelosi support in New York?
Pelosi stood in solidarity with the people who occupied the government buildings in Wisconsin? Why wouldn’t she encourage that behavior at the Hart building? She and the other leaders should call the police and tell them to leave the protesters alone.
The dirty, smelly, non showering flea bags are supported by the Democrats while the clean and peaceful TEA Party is lied about and called un-American.
America, you have a choice. The Flea Party or the TEA Party.
We already know who the Democrats have chosen…
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
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Tags: flea party, lies, Obama, Pelosi, tea party, wall street