Gathering of the Crows

My friends over at Webloggin (who are kind enough to post some of my work) have a video up of Cynthia McKinney. She was at the anti-war rally which has been dubbed by Webloggin as the Gathering of the Crows as opposed to the honorable people who were there for the Gathering of Eagles. McKinney is a far out, moonbat racist who was defeated in the last election. I am sure she is trying to make a comeback and there are just enough dumb people in this country to put her back in office.

McKinney disavows herself of the bombs dropped and the people killed or maimed. Well Ms. Moonbat, the American people in Georgia disavowed themselves of you. So why don’t you crawl in a hole and stay there. I guess McKinney had nothing better to do on her birthday than bash our “illegitimate” president and his administration. She also bashed the Democrats for not doing more to stop the war. One true patriot spent his birthday (one he shares with her, much to his chagrin) protecting the monuments and the memories of people who gave all so idiots like McKinney can squawk about America. She wasted her birthday bashing America.

To all the crows who attended and to all those who agree with them, if you don’t like this country I only have two words for you:


Be sure to head over to Webloggin to watch the video of McKinney the racist moonbat.

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3 Responses to “Gathering of the Crows”

  1. tj says:

    Happy Belated Bday Bigdog

  2. freddy says:

    McKinney is trying to save America from pinheads like you who kill babies for halliburton. You are pathetic filth.

  3. Big Dog says:

    You managed to get baby killer and Halliburton in the same comment. Congrats, moonbat 101 is paying off for you.

    If you could have gotten Nazi and cracker in you might have been moonbat of the month.

    Cynthia McKinney is a race baiting poverty pimp who has a chip on her shoulder. She is an anti Semite and a racist who thinks the world owes her because she is black.

    The only pinheads in this conversation is the person who defended this media whore and thinks that we veterans are baby killers as if we deliberately target kids.

    When will you self centered idiots grow up and live in the real world. Now go tell Cynthia “Cop Socker” McKinney it is time for her to get back in her moonbat cave….