Get The NFL In New Orleans

We have been inundated with ads for tonight’s football game between the New Orleans Saints and the Atlanta Falcons. Why more ads than usual? It is because the New Orleans Superdome is hosting a football game for the first time since Hurricane Katrina swept through and illuminated the incompetence of the state and local government. Every other ad touts the return of the Saints, the reopening of the Superdome, blah, blah.

It would appear that after a bunch of people who acted like animals and tore the Superdome apart, the team got in there and rebuilt the place. This is about the only thing that has been rebuilt since the hurricane. Perhaps it is time to consider turning the job of rebuilding the city over to the Saints’ owners and the NFL. Maybe if we sent all that tax money to those two groups they would actually spend it on rebuilding the city and, who knows, it might be rebuilt in a little more than a year.

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2 Responses to “Get The NFL In New Orleans”

  1. Webloggin says:

    I was watching the Superdome Katrina hype for about 15 minutes. Then they announced that Green Day would be opening up with U2. Click. Off.

    It figures that the NFL would get anti-American rip off band Green Day and follow it up with Spike Lee. Glad I turned it off.

    I also would like to know how much US Taxpayer money went into rebuilding the Superdome. FEMA has a history of funding the rebuilding of these sort of things after a disaster.

  2. Big Dog says:

    I heard them discuss it during the game. The indicated that FEMA paid for it but I did not hear how much it cost. I can’t figure how the US Taxpayer is responsible for the cost of that. The NFL makes enough money to pay their own bills.

    And the donks talk about corporate welfare? They would not touch this for fear of being labeled racist.