Giuliani is Toast

Rudy Giuliani has given himself the kiss of death among the Conservative base by declaring that he finds abortion morally wrong but believes in the right to murder unborn children:

Saying he believes abortion is “morally wrong,” Republican presidential hopeful Rudy Giuliani told an audience at Houston Baptist University this morning that he respects a woman’s right to choose to have the procedure.

“I believe you have to respect their viewpoint and give them a level of choice,” the former New York City mayor told a crowd of about 300 students and faculty at the school’s Mabee Teaching Theater.

He might appeal to the Democratic base but they do not vote in the Republican primary so he just did himself in.

Big Dog

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One Response to “Giuliani is Toast”

  1. Bosun says:

    Sounds like a rent a contractor in chief. I’d rather vote for Michael Savage/Rick Roberts ticket.