GOP Com-planes About Remarks
by Big Dog on Aug 12, 2010 at 05:04 Political
Yesterday Ted Stevens, a former Senator from Alaska, was killed in a plane crash along with several other people. Amazingly, several people survived the tragedy. The liberals, once again showing their true intolerant selves, said that it would have been better if Sarah Palin had been on the place. Several Democrats in New Hampshire evidently think that the crash could have been better had Palin and Levy Johnson been on board and presumably been killed.
There’s only one way the tragic airplane crash in Alaska that ended the life of former-U.S. Senator Ted Stevens could have been better, according to New Hampshire Democratic activist and State Rep. candidate Keith Halloran: If Sarah Palin had been on it.
In a Facebook post, Halloran, who describes himself as “an active local citizen and supporter of NH Governor John Lynch,” said of the plane crash, “Just wish Sarah and Levy were on board.” Now Hampshire
This person is running for office in New Hampshire and he is not the only moron who wished Palin were on the aircraft. A staffer for current US Congressman Paul Hodes also expressed this sentiment. Hodes is currently running for the US Senate.
Of course the GOP is outraged and is demanding apologies and denouncements and all the other things political groups demand when they feel they have been wronged. First of all, good luck getting an apology from people who have no ideas that will allow them to win the debate about what is best for this country. This is why they resort to insults and death wishes.
These people selected Palin because the accident happened in Alaska but they also wish her dead because they are afraid of her. They know she is making a difference in many races and they are horrified at the thought that she could generate enough support to beat Obama in 2012. This idea was once laughed at but things have changed since Obama fell from his lofty perch. Now Palin could very well beat him and that scares Democrats so they fantasize about her being killed.
I know that many are worried about Palin but Obama should concern himself with another powerful woman. Hillary Clinton might just run against the sainted one and beat him. A lot of Democrats want to correct their mistake.
I am not upset with the remarks by these moron Democrats because this is how they really are. They do not care for open debate, differences of opinion or any other thing. They want things their way and if anyone appears to be a threat they should die.
I understand how these Democrats feel. The better thing in all of this would have been if this was a plane with every elected Democrat from Congress on it. If this were a plane with every Democrat in Congress on it flying up to Alaska on a momma grizzly bear sightseeing tour and it crashed then it would be a wonderful thing and the nation would be in much better shape. Either a Democrat with a pilot’s license would have to be flying the plane or the pilot would need to survive the crash. No sense in any innocent life being lost.
In this scenario I can only think of one instance where this would be described as a tragedy and that would be if there were any empty seats on the airplane…
I like Sarah Palin. I do not agree with everything she says but she is genuine and connects well with a lot of people. I do not know if she will decide to run in 2012 and if so, if she will actually win. Democrats know how to cheat in elections, especially when the gong gets tough.
I would love to see her run and win for no other reason than to see the Democrats go apoplectic. If Palin were to win they would be having strokes and seizures all over the place and those who were not having strokes would be booking reservations for one way tickets on planes heading out of this country.
It would also be wonderful to have Obama suffer a defeat at the hands of Palin. Imagine how the progressives would act if their messiah were to be beaten by someone they view as an uneducated boob. It would be amusing, assuming, of course, that Obama did not fly to Alaska with Democrats on a Momma grizzly bear sightseeing tour.
It would be great fun to watch.
As for the death wishes from the liberal loons, let them say what they want. They are going to experience political death in November.
And they will have Palin to blame for a lot of that.
Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
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Tags: lies, Obama, palin, plane crash, ted stevens
I hate how every time somebody on the right dies we have to have this conversation about how “this is how [democrats] really are.” Of course when pressed you’ll admit the right does the same thing when it’s a Democrat that is near death or dead. But I guess that’s not like Republicans really are, is it?
Keith Halloran should be forced to drop from the race for being a moron. I don’t get how the comments from 2 weeks ago by a Paul Hodes staffer is related to the plane crash though. He is most likely responding to Palin’s moronic stance on Cordoba House.
As for Democrats being afraid of Palin I’m sure you can find a few. Personally I want her to run and win the nomination. Either Obama beats her like a drum or she wins and bankrupts the GOP again like Bush did. Either way the Democrats will win in the end.
Well it is you Dems who keep claiming you are diverse and tolerant. You never quite show it that way. Look at how often you guys do it. Yes, some people on the right also engage in this behavior. The Dems have the market cornered.
Or Palin wins, we have smaller limited government and the country does extremely well and your party is never heard from again. I understand you though. As a sexist you do not believe a woman should do the job. You believe that since she is a woman she is not able to do the job.
That is truly sad man…
Obama beats her like a drum…You are of course assuming that Obama gets the nomination again. How many people are secretly working to get Hillary running against him? If things are really bad she will challenge him. And then the Dems will have to explain why she is running if he is the messiah and why we should trust them if they screwed the pooch n Obama.
It gets complicated and we have until 2012. By then a number fo things could happen. We could get invaded, Obama could drop dead on the B Ball court or the economy could get healthy again (the last one is the least likely to happen).
“Well it is you Dems who keep claiming you are diverse and tolerant. You never quite show it that way.”
Just because we are a diverse and tolerant party doesn’t mean someone on our side won’t occasionally be a bigot or a complete moron.
“Or Palin wins, we have smaller limited government and the country does extremely well and your party is never heard from again.”
“As a sexist you do not believe a woman should do the job. You believe that since she is a woman she is not able to do the job.”
Yes, which is why I refused to campaign or send donations to Hillary.
“You are of course assuming that Obama gets the nomination again.”
The idea that a Dem would run against Obama is as unfounded as when some on my side suggested Bush would replace Cheney. Or also when your side suggested Obama would regret the Biden pick and replace him right before November.
Well, there are rumblings that Biden might be gone as Obama selects Hillary in 2012. He will do that to drop the gaffe machine and improve his chances of winning while keeping Hillary at bay.
I have quite a few black friends and served with thousands who I would fight next to and protect with my life and you call me a racist. So just because you supported Hillary or gave money does not mean you are not a sexist.
You know, it will be really funny if she wins and you have to swallow those HAHAs.
And someone on your side occasionally, they do it ALL the time. When Cheney goes in the hospital they salivate in anticipation of his death.
And for 8 years they prayed for the death of Bush. Your old site had all those people who were not worried that he would be killed by a grenade but that it would happen on foreign soil and we would go to war with someone else. You all were not concerned with him being killed.
The biggest problem with Billary replacing Unca Joe on the ticket in 2012, would be the “Et Tu, Brutus” syndrome that Billary might display- just look at Vince
Foster-(oh wait, you can’t, he’s dead under mysterious circumstances, isn’t he?)- Billary don’t jack around, and Hussein might just go the way of another of the same name.
Meanwhile, you would have good ol’ Unca Joe, insulting every country he might go to- talk about a keystone Kops scenario.