Government Run Health Care; The Preview

The government cannot run anything efficiently. The Post Office, The DMV, Welfare, Medicare, you name it and it is in financial trouble and possibly on the verge of collapse. Even Obama indicated that the Post Office was in trouble as he was saying the government should run health care because the Post Office has not kept FedEx or UPS from succeeding.

To interpret that, he said that insurance companies would still be profitable when government is involved in health care because government screws things up and is inefficient. His admission is not stopping him from wanting YOU to have the health care run as well as the Post Office.

The Obamabots also point out how well Medicare is run. The truth is that Medicare spends more than it takes in and that its administrative costs are much higher than reported because the true costs are spread throughout the government and are not reported.

Then we get to the VA. Obama and his ilk tout how well the VA is run. Ask most veterans who receive care at the VA and you will get a different story. Now I know many doctors and nurses who work for the VA and those that I know provide great care. However, the system is broken and the administrative tasks are burdensome. Not to mention the waste.

A large number of veterans were the recipients of government efficiency known as the VA when 1200 of them received letters telling them they were dying of an incurable disease. The letters were intended to notify veterans who have Lou Gehrig’s Disease (ALS) that they were eligible for benefits. The letters went to the wrong people in what the VA is describing as a coding error.

This is not the only snafu. A number of veterans recently received endoscopic procedures with dirty equipment possibly exposing them to a number of diseases including hepatitis and HIV. One man is suing the government because he blames his HIV on a colonoscopy.

The number of contaminated veterans is now at 57 and the VA still accepts no blame.

I know that there have been horror stories in the private sector but in that sector people are free to change providers and insurance carriers and there are legal avenues available to them. It is hard to sue the government and their army of lawyers will ensure that the cases drag on forever.

And to top it off, they do not accept blame for the things they do wrong.

This is what Obamacare will turn in to. People will be shortchanged in the name of saving money and they will die as a result of the “blameless” government.

We do not need more of this no matter how great Obama says it is.

Capitalism works much better at driving down costs and there are plenty of ways to fix what is broken without overhauling the entire system.

Big Dog

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9 Responses to “Government Run Health Care; The Preview”

  1. Blake says:

    Government run healthcare- it just reeks of failure and lies- you have to ask why- What is the TRUE reason these people want to make a power grab of this idiotic magnitude?
    Simple really, so they can better control your lives- it’s all about the perception of power.

  2. Blake says:

    Might this be a ploy to cause older people to lose hope and end their lives? We do not know, but I would not put it past this administration to “entice” people into committing suicide- why else did they revive the book, “Your Life, Your Choices”- turns out, it is NOT a death panel, it’s a death magazine. Oh Joy- something to brighten your day as you wait to see the doctor and get a false diagnosis.

  3. Liberty Card says:

    DMVs are state run – not a good example to use when arguing in favor of states’ rights.

    Liberty Card

    PS It matters not what administration commissioned The Death Book. It’s there, it’s real, it gives the lie to the claim that The Government won’t counsel the elderly to take the suicide option, the claim made by Uncle B-HO, an extremely ineffective liar.

    • Big Dog says:

      Ahh, but the state has the right to run them as they see fit. They are crappy but the state can change them. This does not require mandating what 49 other states do.

      Point taken but the DMV is run by government and that should say all that needs to be said.