Happy Thanksgiving

As you pause to give thanks for the things and people in your life please take time to remember those who fight the war on terror over there so we do not have to fight it over here. The link is to a great tribute, please take time to watch it and enjoy.

Thanksgiving 2006

God bless and Happy Thanksgiving

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5 Responses to “Happy Thanksgiving”

  1. Webloggin says:

    Happy Thanksgiving…

    If I do it right my children might just sit down 30 years from today and write a story about giving thanks for the way their parents brought them up; perhaps not. But I’ll do my best to plant that seed. Having that opportunity is a blessed reminder t…

  2. GM Roper says:

    Large Mutt, I’m thankful that you are part of my blogging life. You remind me of a gruff but big hearted Army nurse that…. oh, wait, that may have been you.

    Happy Thanksgiving my friend.

  3. Laurie says:

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  4. chrys says:

    Have a wondrous Thanksgiving!

  5. Big Dog says:

    Thanks to all of you and may you all have a safe and healthy Thanksgiving.

    GM, the feeling is mutual my friend.