Helping the Supreme Court

The Supreme Court of the United States is debating the issue of “Global Warming” and greenhouse gas emissions and whether the Environmental Protection Agency had the right to regulate those gases. This is a complicated issue brought by several states with the city of Baltimore jumping on the pile. Here is what Chief Justice Roberts said:

“It depends what happens across the globe,” Chief Justice John Roberts said, noting that any reduction in US emissions might be overcome by a rise in emissions caused by China’s rapid economic development. Several liberal justices supported Massachusetts but the pivotal swing justice, Anthony Kennedy, did not reveal where he stood.

Let me help the Supreme Court because they are evidently a bunch of judges who have a little problem understanding their roles. You guys are supposed to interpret law to see if it is allowed by the Constitution. You are not supposed to make the laws, or enact the laws, you are supposed to interpret them. This matter is one that needs to be sent to the Congress, the lawmaking body in this country.

Whether or not the EPA can regulate greenhouse gases is a matter for the legislative body to decide. They need to hold hearings and listen to experts, things the court can not do. They can then decide if the law needs to be changed or if the power of the EPA needs to be expanded, that is what lawmakers do. This is not an issue that should be decided by the courts, Supreme or otherwise. As for the idea that the SCOTUS needs to determine if Massachusetts has the right to bring the suit they can dismiss that because the Supreme Court should not be ruling on it.

There ladies and gentlemen of the Supreme Court, now you have some sense to go by. Do us a favor and use it.

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