How Many Geithners Are There To Help Out?

Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner said that there will be hard times for Americans for a long time to come. He also said that Barack Obama rescued us from the second Great Depression, the financial mess caused by his party and their careless ways. Geithner is pushing lawmakers to raise the debt ceiling so that we will not default. This is hyperbole designed to stir up the masses because we will not default. The country takes in 200 billion dollars a month and the amount needed to service the debt is about 20 Billion dollars, or ten percent of what we take in.

What we will not have is money to pay for the items that are not associated with servicing the debt. We will not default on our debt but we will have to cut way back on some programs, programs that should have been paired down or eliminated a long time ago.

As Geithner is out predicting doom and gloom the Democrats are pushing for 2 trillion dollars in tax increases coupled with 4 trillion dollars in cuts (over ten years). This is a non starter for Republicans who know that raising taxes in a bad economy is not a good thing and that lower taxes, in general, are better for our financial health.

But since we are talking about taxes perhaps we should explore an area where more tax revenue can be brought in. Why don’t we go after people like Tim Geithner, you know, those who don’t pay their taxes.

There are a number of people in this country who do not pay the taxes they owe. Hell, look how many Obama appointees or nominees to positions had tax problems. If this is a representation of the Democrat political class in this country then there are a lot of people out there we can go after to increase revenue. There are lot of them and you know who they are. These are the folks, like John Kerry, who think it is perfectly OK to tax us to death but who go out of their way to avoid paying the taxes they owe. Kerry did not keep his luxury yacht in his home state in order to avoid paying the taxes. He also pays taxes at the lower rate in his state.

So I propose that we audit every person in this country who is in a government elected or appointed position including advisers who receive no federal pay so that we can ensure they are paying their fair share of the tax burden. Tim Geithner did not pay his taxes and, come to think of it, neither did Charlie Rangel. It is high time we hold these people’s feet to the fire and make them pay up.

Before they start going after the people in this country who pay nearly all the taxes they need to go after those who are trying to get that money.

Maybe if we find all these tax dodgers and make them pay we will have enough money to cover the debt. Likely not but why let that stop us since the fact that taxing the rich at 100% would not pay off the debt does not stop these people from going after them.

We are hurting and Geithner says it will continue for a long time. It is because people like him failed to pay up coupled with failed Democrat policies that we are in this mess in the first place.

Time for pitchforks and torches…

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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