I Bet It Is A Toll Road

A road in Florida, one paid for with stimulus money, will be named in honor of Barack Obama:

It’s official: An 800-foot stretch of Orlando road is now named “President Barack Obama Parkway.”

The City Council voted Monday to rename a short section of Mission Road between Cason Cove Drive and Conroy Road in Obama’s honor. Orlando Sentinael

I bet there will be a toll every 50 feet on this road. That would be the way to honor him with a road.

The big debate was whether the name of the road should contain the title President because the 911 system cannot handle names of roads more than 18 characters long. Ultimately, the City Council decided to ignore the limitations of their system and use the title.

Perhaps they can just use stimulus money to upgrade the 911 system.

Better yet, they can just refer to the road as “Socialist Express” or “One Term Lane”.

Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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15 Responses to “I Bet It Is A Toll Road”

  1. bleecherama7 says:

    obama loves you.

  2. Adam says:

    After they get done naming this road after Obama maybe they can name a Turtle Tunnel after Blake.

    • Big Dog says:

      Perhaps but since Blake is not building turtle tunnels (or spending someone else’s money to do so) it would make no sense.

      Name them after the morons who built them. If turtles are not smart enough to stay out of the road then they are not smart enough to use a tunnel. Look, they can’t get out of oily water.

      Perhaps someone should consider a turtle tunnel in the Gulf.

  3. Time was, it was considered highly inappropriate to name an edifice, or a road, after someone still among the living. Even putting a living person’s face on a postage stamp was simply not done. We broke that taboo fairly recently, though I’m unsure of the first instance. We shouldn’t have — and not because Obama now has a strip of asphalt named after him.

    A living person still has time left in which to make us wish, instead of honoring him with a building, bridge, battleship, or boulevard bearing his name, rather that we’d never heard of him at all, possibly even that he’d never been born. To “pre-memorialize” someone — particularly a politician — risks precisely that outcome. It makes as much sense as putting an athlete in the Hall of Fame while he’s still on some team’s roster.

    But the adulation of the politically glamorous, particularly among the clueless, appears to know no bounds. Certainly not the bounds of hubris.

    • Big Dog says:

      Yes, this is how it was and I, like you, don’t know when it changed. The military still has prohibitions on naming things after people who are alive.

      Perhaps this started when Robert Byrd had everything in West Virginia named after him.

    • POed says:

      I would just LOVE for Obama’s face to be on a postage stamp! I would like to see a nomination for that to be made this Monday June 28th. Look up the postal regulations and see why. hehehe

  4. Big Dog says:

    Well Adam, I was looking at my copy of the Constitution (the one I carry with me) and I can see a Constitutional provision for war and its funding but have not found one for saving the turtles.

    If you could point me to the part that authorizes that expenditure I will be happy to send a few coins that way…

    • Adam says:

      You don’t see this passage in there?

      The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence of and general Welfare of the animals in the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

      No? I guess that’s what I get for using this copy PETA sent me.

  5. Big Dog says:

    Given that welfare is used in the context of states and not individuals and that welfare did not mean then what it means now, it is doubtful our Founders meant what progressives have turned welfare into…

    However, I don’t doubt some progressive moron will find the words “provide welfare for animals” next to the word abortion in the Constitution.