If Bush Had Said It…

George Bush had a way with words that made liberals cringe. Every nuance or mistake was highlighted on TV and other media outlets as proof that Bush was an idiot, a moron, or mentally challenged. The same media uses the mistakes of Sarah Palin to show she is an idiot and not worthy of consideration for anything regardless of her actual intelligence. The media though, love to ignore Obama’s mistakes. He has made many verbal gaffes but the MSM ignores when Obama makes a mistake. He is, after all, the smartest man in the world, so they have to protect him.

At a campaign rally, I mean jobs bill rally this week Obama discussed how great America used to be. We did, according to Obama the Great, build the Intercontinental Railroad

Now, we used to have the best infrastructure in the world here in America. We’re the country that built the Intercontinental Railroad, the Interstate Highway System. (Applause.) We built the Hoover Dam. We built the Grand Central Station. (Applause.) LA Times

I am sure Obama meant the Transcontinental Railroad since we don’t have a rail system that extends from the US to places like Europe or Africa. Since he was talking about America’s infrastructure one must assume he was talking about the Transcontinental Railroad.

Anyone can make a mistake though one would assume that his speech writers would crack a book or do a Google search to ensure they had it correct.

If George Bush had made this mistake the liberal media pundits would be talking about what a moron he is and how stupid we are as a people for electing such a buffoon.

But when Obama makes this kind of error it is ignored. Can’t let the masses know how dumb the leader really is.

Obama is the least intelligent man in any room he enters…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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18 Responses to “If Bush Had Said It…”

  1. victoria says:

    It must connect all 57 states.

  2. Ferd Berfel says:

    How can Obama be the smartest guy? I thought that was Clinton.

  3. Adam says:

    What you fail to understand is the problem is not that Obama ran as the smartest man in the room. Obama just didn’t run as the guy you wanted most to have a beer with who was every bit like you and I. You saw Hillary drinking beer in pubs with voters and selling it. You saw Obama fling a gutter ball and look like an idiot so he gave that up early on.

    By most reasonable accounts Bush is a very smart man. He is better educated than the vast majority of Americans including myself. The trouble is Bush didn’t run on that. He is an ivy league educated man who ran as a simple old cowboy on his Texas ranch who spent his days clearing brush with his pickup truck and his dog. You notice he doesn’t do much of that now that he’s not campaigning for president?

    Bush, Palin, and other conservatives always run against intelligence, academia, peer reviewed science, and logic and they discount all that as liberal elitism. Their appeal to their base is always at the gut level invoking patriotism, “common sense”, and traditional values. This opens them up to unfair attacks on their intelligence and their reasoning skills. That’s just the way it is.

    Now, you take the current GOP primary season that will get under way in a few months. We already see the candidates maneuvering through the debates. Romney promotes himself as smart, qualified, and experienced. And he’s losing in the polls to Perry who is George W. Bush but without the education. You have Jon Huntsman who is laughed out of the room every time he speaks simply because he won’t deny peer reviewed science to please the base like Perry does.

    What you should be asking yourself is not why Obama gets away with being a smart man that occasionally says silly things but why your side continues to promote candidates to the top of that have to run on being anti-intellectual instead of simply being the smartest candidate in the race.

    • Big Dog says:

      This is the biggest load of BS I have seen. We do not know what Bush does much of now that he is not campaigning because the media are not out looking at him all the time. He might spend quite a bit of time on his ranch doing just that. This is the issue with liberals. You can’t accept that some folks who are educated are genuine. Obama is reported to have a good education and instead of being genuine he acts as if he is smarter than everyone, an elitist. So when he makes a mistake it is highlighted even more. Well, not by the MSM. They only portrayed Bush as an idiot when he was better educated than most in the media.

      Conservatives do not run against intelligence, they run with it. They lay things out for the public and let the public decide. They do not go around like liberals who act as if no one can take decisions without the liberal elites helping them.

      Have you ever seen a liberal campaign? Liberals certainly do not appeal to intelligence, they appeal to fear and intimidation while using the poorly educated as tools to get elected.

      Obama gets away with being an above average guy who gets away with saying stupid things because the media must protect him. He is a Democrat and the media protects them all.

      • Adam says:

        “He might spend quite a bit of time on his ranch doing just that.”

        Doubtful. As far as I know he still owns the ranch but Dallas is his permanent residence. I believe Bush loved his home in Crawford but we know it was a major piece of image building. It was no coincidence that it was purchased and constructed after he started running for president.

        “Obama is reported to have a good education…”

        You say “reported” as if there is some question there. Well, we just don’t know for sure do we? I mean, maybe that year Obama graduated Magna from Harvard Law School the top 10% included C and D students?

        “Conservatives do not run against intelligence, they run with it.”

        Now that is hilarious. Your side demonizes colleges and college educations. Your side scoffs at peer reviewed scientific fact. You can say otherwise but watch what your side does, not what you say it does.

        “Obama gets away with being an above average guy who gets away with saying stupid things because the media must protect him.”

        No, Obama is simply a man that makes numerous public statements. Any person will occasionally misspeak or say something silly. I think it’s a scale thing for you. If you blow it once in a while like Obama and you’re a Democrat then you’re an idiot. If you blow it every other sentence like President Bush and you’re a Republican then that is just good character.

        • Big Dog says:

          Bush made plenty of mistakes and the MSM was there to jump in and tell us he is an idiot.

          I have never seen any records showing me that Obama is anything. I know that people say it but I have not seen it. You all demanded Bush’s service records…

          I do not know where Bush spends his time and neither do you. I doubt what you are saying is accurate but it is only speculation on both our parts.

          You can say what you want about peer reviewed articles but the science is not settled. And when the people doing the review are part of the cabal well, you get what you get. My side does not demonize colleges or college educations. We demonize the liberal indoctrination that takes place on those campuses.

          When you consider the products produced by many colleges then there is a valid point about the education system lacking.

          What my side believes is that a college education is not for everyone. We need plenty of trades people who can get educated in trade school. We also believe that the standards should be the same for everyone and that you should pay your own bills.

          It is a matter of responsibility.

          I have seen the interviews. On election day they ask the questions and the liberals are always the ones who can’t answer the questions.

          And Leno’s man on the street segment pretty much sums up the state of college education in America.

          Conservatives are more generous and as well educated as anyone else.

        • Blake says:

          Adam- We only ridicule the colleges’ socialist asshat professors- not necessarily the colleges themselves (although Colombia University must be snorting some of its namesake’s powder).
          “Peer- reviewed” has become a joke, when Al Gore and others BUY the “Peer- Review”- remember, garbage in, garbage out.
          The only reason Bari doesn’t blow it more, is he has the totuses (or is the plural Toti?) to tell him what to say. Without them, he is puerile, vomiting forth non sequitors ad nauseum.

        • Blake says:

          Adam, there is no doubt that Bush does not spend his time as much on the ranch as he used to- he has been pretty busy designing and overseeing his Library.
          But make no mistake, we Texans love our ranches- it’s part of our genome.
          If you immigrate to Texas, one is implanted in you- a longing to have something large enough to be able to see your enemies from a hell of a long way off, and do something about it.

  4. Big Dog says:

    The left panders to the vulnerable to enslave them. You use their lack of education to scare them into voting for you.

    • Adam says:

      “Bush made plenty of mistakes and the MSM was there to jump in and tell us he is an idiot.”

      He made a ton of mistakes. There was something to laugh at almost every time he spoke to the public. Obama occasionally says something wrong. Biden does it routinely but he’s still no Bush.

      “You can say what you want about peer reviewed articles but the science is not settled.”

      The science of climate change is as settled as science gets. This “not settled” phrase is a mighty talking point for your side. It lets you ignore as many facts as you see fit in order to pretend that somehow we just don’t know what the facts mean. Silly. You will not elect a Republican that states their belief in evolution or climate change. Why not?

      “Conservatives are more generous and as well educated as anyone else.”

      I didn’t say anything about the education of voters themselves, for the record. That is an entirely different subject than the message your party runs on.

      “The left panders to the vulnerable to enslave them. You use their lack of education to scare them into voting for you.”

      If by “pander” you mean represent, then yes. The GOP’s tendency to elect white, christian, males while the true political diversity lies in the Democratic ranks is of course completely the fault of Democratic pandering and enslavement…

      • Big Dog says:

        From your viewpoint, of course Bush made mistakes every day. Obama makes them all the time but your rose colored glasses obscure that.

        Yes, your party claims to be diverse because you make blacks dependent on government and enslave them. It is not representation to be moved to second class citizen unable to make it without government help. This has happened because of your diverse party. YOU have made people slaves to government. You have relegated them to second class status by giving them special programs because YOU believe they are not capable of making it on their own because they are inferior to your ehite leaders.

        Blacks have flocked to the Democrat party because you have enslaved them and made them believe you are diverse and care about them. 90% of blacks are registered Democrat not because of anything but they have become dependent on government. You call it diversity to enslave people. This is not surprising considering you enslaved blacks until we freed them. I guess to you, slavery was a form of diversity.

        The message my party runs on is self reliance and freedom. Yours runs on enslavement and entitlement. You need to enslave people to keep them on your plantation.

      • Big Dog says:

        And for the record, there are a lot of black conservatives starting to speak up. You racists on the left will call them uncle Toms and traitors to their race and say they are being manipulated. That is how diverse you racists are.

      • Blake says:

        Adam- the problem of “Climate Change” is every bit as settled as the weather.
        Have you noticed that the tropical storms seem to be weaker? True, we are going to have storms like Irene, a cat 1 with plenty of rain. Down here we had Allison, a storm that put 30″ on us in two days imagine how that would have been, where you are.
        Y’all only got a foot or so- so quit crying- yes, Irene was bad, but the OVERALL storm season has been mild. Stick that up your Goricle.

        • Adam says:

          “Have you noticed that the tropical storms seem to be weaker?”

          There are numerous conditions on the globe that make seasons better or worse, hotter, colder, wetter or drier. The Katrina hurricane season was especially bad most likely because of dust caused by greater drought on the Earth at that time. Whether that was global warming is anyone’s guess. There is also El Nino, La Nina, etc.

          But of course weather is not climate. The Earth is warming up. Humans are affecting it. The biggest mistakes are those who incorrectly use weather to argue for or against climate change. They’re all making the same mistake no matter what side they’re on.

          • Blake says:

            Actually, the dust from the Sahara is dry air, which is the death of tropical cyclones- learn your weather, Adam- And as I have said before, humans do cause variations in the climate, but NOT for the reasons the Goricle from funnyland says. He has a vested interest in the direction of the debate.
            Climate variations have more to do with clear-cutting of evergreen forests in the Amazon, and other places, and the presence of “urban heat islands” caused by our cities and the amount of concrete and asphalt that has covered the ground. NOT Co2, or the ozone, or any of the other things the goricle rages against.

      • Blake says:

        BTW- If you all relied on yourselves and neighbors, you would have weathered Irene much better.
        Self reliance is sooooooooooooo much better than begging at the feet of the govt.

  5. Adam says:

    “Yes, your party claims to be diverse because you make blacks dependent on government and enslave them.”

    Right. And women? Hispanics? Jewish Americans? Asians? Why does the Democratic Party elect more of them than the Republican Party? Let’s hear it.

    • Blake says:

      Because the simple truth is that in the Dem Party, it doesn’t matter what color you are as long as you are lackeys who can keep their constituency in line.
      No more than that is required of them except to CONTROL their people from election cycle to election cycle.