If He Burns It They Will Applaud

Happy Armed Forces Day

A Hummer dealership in Las Vegas Nevada got permission to erect a 100 foot flag pole and to fly a large American Flag from it. He agreed to build a veteran’s memorial at the base of it but also agreed to a review of the Flag after six months to hear complaints neighbors might have. That period elapsed and they eventually got around to it now and a few people have complained. Some complain that the Flag is some type of eyesore (I wonder if Francis Scott Key felt that way) and other complain that the flapping in the wind bothers them. Still others complained that the veteran’s memorial had not been built though the owner stated he was awaiting final approval on the Flag before building it.

The town countered complaints about patriotism by indicating they made a law that forbids home owner’s associations from forbidding the flying of an American Flag. Someone from the ACLU stated that you can not have special rules for Flags, but that person is wrong. A town can make a law that singles out any particular item and it can be specific. If laws were not allowed to be specific they could not pass laws that forbid the hunting of species that are “endangered.” But I digress. If this dealership would have burned the Flag everyone who opposes it would have been happy. Many people agree with burning the Flag, though they are all on the left and believe that Flag burning is free speech but saying Nappy Headed Hos is hate speech. People who burn Flags are low life cretins that have no respect for their country and do not deserve to live in it. This issue can be fixed easily and without an amendment. All they have to do is ask and I will help them.

Back to Nevada. Perhaps if the dealer flies a big Mexican flag the people would be happy at the diversity. Of course, no one would ever ask for a Mexican or any other flag to be removed because that might be viewed as insensitive. It is only fitting when they are assaulting American Flags. This dealer should take matters into his own hands.

First of all, his dealership probably sponsors some of the local sports teams. He should terminate that as well as any activities where the town or a group wants to use his Hummers for a parade and what not. If he has a large piece of property that is not part of an association he should erect the largest flagpole and Flag that he can and if he belongs to an association he should erect a Flag at his home (within the rules of the association). He should also withdraw any political donations he makes to the people on the town council. These town politicians depend on donations from businesses to get reelected so he should stop donating. He should stop all donations that make the town a better place including youth groups, churches and other organizations. He should also fly as many Flags as he can at his business on the ground level and across the side of the building.

He should also get the people who support him to stop doing business with the places that do not. I understand that there were conditions on the Flag but it appears that this is motivated by something other than a complaint or two.

Today is Armed Forces Day so support the troops and piss off a Liberal by flying an American Flag. Mine is flying outside the door. In my neck of the woods Flag burners would get a bullet through them.

Review Journal

Big Dog

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6 Responses to “If He Burns It They Will Applaud”

  1. mishabear says:

    Sounds to me that the car dealership wants a “bigger is better” flag to promote their “patriotism” (which is really a ploy to sell more cars). Why can’t they simply have a NORMAL pole with a NORMAL flag? That wouldn’t make themm stand out? People wouldn’t think they are patriotic enough? I don’t get it….

  2. Big Dog says:

    Seems the guy had purchased the pole and flag and then was given different instructions. In any event, he got permission so why is anything different? I agree that he could go with smaller but if they gave him permission for this, who will bear the cost?

    You think a big flag sells cars or does offering a good product at a fair price?

  3. Big Dog says:

    We are talking about Las Vegas here where they have huge things that are illuminated all the time. I don’t imagine they asked the brothels to take down their stuff.

  4. Spree says:

    Great piece!!!! Finally figured out I had to add my name BEFORE where it says Name: Website: etc…. I didn’t see the place for it before.


    I love the flag piece, and you are right, they WOULD party if the flag was burnt, disgusting idiots they are.

    Thanks for posting this and my flag IS flying high and will stay that way.

  5. Our nation’s flag is an eyesore???

    I’ll tell you what’s an eyesore….The damage that Muslims did on 9/11.

  6. CavMom says:

    I think it is ridiculous to think a bigger flag sales more cars. Who honestly looks for the lot with the biggest flag before making a purchase?

    I am growing tired of people pushing us to hide our patriotism. My flag will fly high. I will not cower to the bullies who are bent on destroying our nation from the inside.