If They Had Executed This Murderer
by Big Dog on Mar 4, 2007 at 13:02 Uncategorized
Maryland’s Governor and his Democratically controlled legislature want to abolish the death penalty. They believe that it serves no purpose and in keeping with their liberal ideology, believe that criminals should be rehabilitated. They do not care about closure for the victims of murder, unless of course, the victims are police officers or other members of special groups. Arguments have been made that murderers who receive life without parole get a reasonable sentence and will not be a threat to society. This assurance comes despite the fact that life without parole is like a lifetime ban in baseball. Who did not see this coming?
A correctional officer is at Shock Trauma after he was stabbed Friday afternoon by an inmate at the maximum security Maryland House of Correction in Jessup.
The Department of Public Safety says the officer was stabbed multiple times by an inmate. The suspect is a 38-year-old convicted murderer who’s serving a life sentence.
According to broadcast reports, the 27-year-old officer was conscious and breathing when he was taken to Shock Trauma. The inmate was reportedly on his way to dinner and was alone with the officer when the officer was attacked with a makeshift knife. WBAL
If they had executed this murderer instead of giving him life in prison he would not have attacked a correctional officer. What will they do to him now? Perhaps give him another long sentence. I can see how that will affect him seeing how LIFE in prison had not impact.
As Forrest Gump once said, “Stupid is as stupid does.”
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