Is Chelsea Clinton Hurting the Poor?

Chelsea Clinton works for a hedge fund that was established by friends and supporters of her mother. It is not a stretch to say that the job was a gift to the Clinton family. I don’t begrudge the girl work but I have to ask if she is part of the problem that plagues this country right now?

Chelsea Clinton is taking time off from her job with Avenue Capital Group, a New York hedge fund, to promote the campaign of her mother, Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-N.Y.), for the Democratic presidential nomination. The Stanford Daily

John Edwards went after hedge funds and their tax structure but he was associated with one. Hedge funds have been blamed for fueling problems in the sub prime housing markets leading to record foreclosures. Is Chelsea, the daughter of the people’s champion, helping to cause the problems for those who cannot afford their houses?

Another question. Is Chelsea receiving her salary during this time off? If the company is paying her to go around and campaign for her mother, isn’t that a campaign contribution? Is it a violation of FEC rules?

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5 Responses to “Is Chelsea Clinton Hurting the Poor?”

  1. mcas says:

    “If the company is paying her to go around and campaign for her mother, isn’t that a campaign contribution? ”

    Simple answer to simple question:

    NO. It is not a campaign contribution if a private company chooses to pay someone’s salary while they take time off to do something personal, be it political or other.

    If she was a government employee, there would be an issue, but she’s not, so you are just fishing for a scandal.

    (FYI: I don’t support Hillary, but don’t support false implied speculation of wrong-doing, either.)

  2. […] Dog has some questions about Chelsea Clinton’s […]

  3. Big Dog says:

    I ask because of this ruling in NRA vs FEC:

    [T]he initial disbursement of corporate treasury monies
    is a loan, advance, or something of value to both the
    candidate and the corporation’s separate segregated
    fund…. None of the exceptions in the Act or regula-
    tions remove such a disbursement from the general
    prohibition of s 441b…. [O]nce the [corporation] dis-
    burses its treasury funds to pay an employee for political
    services rendered to a Federal candidate, … the [corpo-
    ration] makes a prohibited contribution or expenditure
    and a violation of the Act occurs…. [A] reimbursement
    payment method … does not cause the violation to

  4. […] from Stanford and a Master’s Degree from Oxford in International Relations. It is reported by OneBigdog blog that she is now working for a Hedge fund in New York City and serves as a co-chairman for the […]

  5. […] from Stanford and a Master’s Degree from Oxford in International Relations. It is reported by OneBigdog blog that she is now working for a Hedge fund in New York City and serves as a co-chairman for the […]