It’s Not His Middle Name That Worries Them
by Big Dog on Jul 10, 2010 at 19:31 Political
Barack Hussein Obama thinks that his middle name makes some of the Israelis suspicious of him. I believe that the Israelis are not so shallow as to allow the middle name of Hussein to cause suspicion. They are a thoughtful people and if they are suspicious of Obama it is because of his deeds and not his name.
During the interview Wednesday, when confronted with the anxiety that some Israelis feel toward him, Obama said that “some of it may just be the fact that my middle name is Hussein, and that creates suspicion.” Haaretz
Obama has snubbed Israel and has appeared to take the side of the people who are out to wipe that country off the map. His administration has given millions of dollars to the Palestinians and Obama has snubbed the Israeli Prime Minister. Barack Obama treated the man like a common servant during a previous visit and has been less than receptive to Israel defending itself.
If the Israelis are suspicious of Obama it is because his actions warrant such suspicion and not because of his middle name.
Then again, maybe it is Bush’s fault…
Never surrender, never submit.
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Tags: hussein, Israel, middle name, Obama, suspicion
What an insulting thing to say! He is basically saying that Israeli’s are so stupid that they let his name decide whether they should trust him or not. Everything that this man has done on international affairs has been aimed at taking the side of Israel’s enemies and he has the audacity to say that it is his name– not his policies– that are the problem? This man has an excuse for everything!
I am waiting for the “clown- punching” blow-up figures you can punch, and they rebound, but with his face on them- I would buy one, and I bet there would even be demand from Dems-
Another idea would be some king of decal you could put in the toilet, also with his face.