Jackass of the Month for March 2007

It is time again to vote for the Jackass of the Month. This month we have a few past contenders and a past winner or two. Your candidates are:

  • Keith Ellison
  • Jack Murtha
  • Nancy Pelosi
  • John Edwards
  • Hussein Obama

Be sure to vote for the person who should receive the dishonor of being the Jackass of the Month. The Dog is looking forward to doing his bidniz on that Jackass.

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7 Responses to “Jackass of the Month for March 2007”

  1. Bosun says:

    I voted for Jack Murtha. He is a real jackass, not sure he will be everyones, but, he is mine.

    Good Day,

  2. TexasFred says:

    If you could get a pic of ‘All of the Above” it would be perfect, if not, Jack Murtha is the biggest Jackass I have ever seen, bar none…

  3. bj1boo says:

    Every one of them are huge jack asses but… This moment in time, I vote for Murtha.. I cannot stand that troop hating so and so… bj1

  4. sbouvier says:

    Murtha has it hands down, Nancy Pelosi blouse, while Hussein Obama watches and says ” Look they are Republicans, oh wait, I don’t see anything.”

    They are all whiners ooops winners.

  5. Robert says:

    How about a doubleshot? Murtha and Pelosi, I think I can photoshop them together in a passionate embrace……LMAO

  6. Big Dog says:

    Ugh, now that is seared, seared into my memory…..

  7. Virginia says:

    Even though I voted for Pelosi, I would have like to have voted for Murtha also. Can we just say all the 5 above for the monthly award of being a JA. I would like a write in vote on this and add Hillary Clinton to the list.