Joe Biden is Insignificant, and He Knows it

Senator Joe Biden has run for the Presidency in the past and he usually drops out of the race because he gets no support. Right now he is near the bottom of the barrel and the top tier candidates spend more on toilet paper than he has raised. Joe knows he has no chance and he probably just wants his name in the history books as an also ran so his great grand children can talk about how Poppa Joe almost made it *snicker*.

Joe has to do something, anything, to get media attention. Biden could capture Osama bin Laden and would not be on the news (though he would probably talk bin Laden to death). So what does he do? He attacks the President which seems to be the Democratic past time. In a recent speech (who knew he even had one) Joe Biden said that President bush was brain dead. Joe, and many other Democrats like to act as if President Bush is not a bright person. They insult his intelligence all the time and, of course, your Democratic candidate is so much smarter, or not brain dead, as it were.

So perhaps people can explain why Joe Biden voted for the war in Iraq? I know there are those, including Hillary Rodham, who say they were misled into war. If this is true, what does it say about their intelligence? Hillary, and many others, have stated they thought they were voting to give the option for war and that they believed that negotiations would be ongoing. The title of the resolution they voted on is, “A joint resolution to authorize the use of United States Armed Forces against Iraq.” If they could not figure they were voting for use of our armed forces (war) then what does it say about their intelligence?

Biden’s contention is that President Bush granted clemency to Libby and that shows Bush is brain dead.

“This is a guy who is on the balls of his heels, here’s a guy who is lower off in the polls than any president in modern history and he goes ahead and he does something that just flies in the face of the sensibilities of the American people.” New York Times

For those who do not know it, Biden voted not guilty in Clinton’s impeachment proceedings which basically excused Clinton for his illegal behavior. Not to mention that the President’s low approval ratings are still higher than the approval rating of the Congress. As much as the polls show people are dissatisfied with the President, they show that people are even more dissatisfied with Congress. Calling the President brain dead will not make those numbers go up.

But, it did get Biden some ink. When Paris Hilton gets more press for going to jail then a guy running for President, drastic measures are needed. Biden just showed how desperate, and insignificant he really is.

Big Dog

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8 Responses to “Joe Biden is Insignificant, and He Knows it”

  1. Keith Dinsmore says:

    What Sen. Biden has shown us is how a smart, truthful and authentic leader who doesn’t feel the need to sugarcoat the obvious runs for President … and I can’t wait for vote for him.

    I was in the audience when Sen. Biden made his prescient observations about not only the Braindead Shrub but about Rudy “Family Values” Giuliani as well.

    If we’re fortunate enough to get Sen. Biden as our President, how refreshing it will be to have as our leader someone with so much knowledge, wisdom and confidence in his command of the facts that he never uses even a note, much less a script.

    Wouldn’t it be great to have a President again who is smart, articulate and actually makes sense?

    Sen. Biden qualifies on all counts and your demaning commentary says a helluva lot more about your ignorance than it does about Sen. Biden’s campaign.

  2. Big Dog says:

    One thing you can be sure of Keith and that is these are my words. Who do the words Biden is using belong to this week? Biden voted for the war and was “fooled” by a President he calls brain dead.

    Biden can not possibly win but if you think he represents an honest politician you go ahead and vote for him.

    I think he is an idiot and would be happy to let him know that.

  3. […] [Discuss this article with the Big Dog…] Share Article Joe Biden, Osama bin Laden, President Bush, Libby    Sphere: Related Content | Trackback URL […]

  4. shelbinator says:

    Wow, people call Biden “bloviating,” but this post takes the cake. Lemme count the errors….

    “he usually drops out of the race” — He’s only run once. “Usually” would indicate a trend, and a trend would require more than one instance, don’t you think?

    ” probably just wants his name in the history books as an also ran” — He’s already going to wind up in the history books for the great work he’s done in the Senate supporting law enforcement, civil rights, and international peacekeeping operations like in the Balkans, all of which are already greater than tacking on an “also ran” booby prize.

    “Joe has to do something, anything, to get media attention.” — No he doesn’t. If you weren’t so busy exclusively watching FoxNooz you’d realize he gets invited on countless news programs to talk about important issues of the day because he knows what he’s talking about. He’s getting less press attention as a presidential candidate than he does as a Senator.

    “They insult his intelligence all the time and, of course, your Democratic candidate is so much smarter, or not brain dead, as it were. So perhaps people can explain why Joe Biden voted for the war in Iraq?” — Maybe because Bush is just the bobble-head doll that stands in the limelight while Cheney and the neocons orchestrate the massive intelligence molestation that was the false pretense for the Iraq invasion. To go into more detail about the strategic value in authorizing the use of force under the impression that your president wouldn’t actually fire the bullet you gave him unless absolutely necessary (i.e. letting the inspectors find out what we now know: there were no WMD stockpiles) is probably futile here.

  5. Big Dog says:

    OK Shel, count the errors. Biden ran in 1988 and in 2004 he considered it and then decided not to. Technically he did not run but I say he told people he would and dropped out before starting. And now in 2008 he will drop out.

    He dropped out in 1988 because he used someone else’s words without attribution, real ethical guy.

    You don’t want to waste time doing what. When you vote to give authorization it means you allow someone to shoot. Wasn’t 14 years of UN sanctions and Hussein thumbing his nose enough for you? How about the WMD that were there and were moved to Syria and Iran. Yes, they were there and we know he had them because he used them. The inspectors were not going to find anything because Hussein kicked them out of the country. You are too blind to see what was happening.

    Are you telling me Cheney was able to manipulate every intelligence agency in the world? You suffer from Bush Derangement Syndrome.

    I will tell you what futile is. Trying to get a moonbat off the kool aid and Joe Biden’s presidential campaign.

  6. Virginia says:

    Bigdog, we know your right, guess we just have to feel sorry for those addicted to Kool Aid, kind of like Kennedy’s addiction to alcohol. There is no way out for this type, except to blow up like a blow fish and die from destroying their liver and brain. What they sow, they will reap.

  7. 747btrfly says:

    Gee, I’ve been an avid supporter of Joe Biden for two years now. I really don’t worry about the polls right now – no frontrunner has won an election since 1952, shoot, that’s three years after I was born.

    No, I find Joe Biden to be an honest, intelligent, more than knowledgeable and would be a superb president. He has forgotten more about foreign relations than any other candidate knows. I can’t wait to vote for him.