Joe Biden’s Tempest Of Fecal Proportions

Tempest of fecal proportions – to wit, a sh*t storm

Joe Biden is in some deep doo doo and it is so bad that many, including his onw VP, are looking to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove him. Democrats are not likely to do that just now but they have been planning it all along. You see, they have known that Biden suffers from dementia. He had cognitive decline long before he ran for the presidency. The left has to be careful and try to phase his decline in or the public, those who actually think, will know that the Democrat Communists were well aware of the issue and ignored it to get rid of Trump,

Let us not forget that fraud played into the equation. There was massive fraud that put Biden in office by stealing a landslide victory from Trump. No matter how many people tell you it was free and fair, it was no such thing.

Biden is really out there. He said they planned for the things going on in Afghanistan right now. Those things going wrong were, according to Biden, factored into the equation. So Biden wants you to believe he knew the Taliban would take over in 11 days, and that the stranding of tens of thousands of Americans and the loss of billions of dollars of sophisticated equipment were all part of the equation and they figured it would be this way.

If so we need new leadership from the president all the way through the morons in State and the Pentagon who allowed this to happen. Biden is out of his depth and it appears as if Milley and Austin are barely treading water. They all need to be replaced.

How many Americans will be brutally murdered in Afghanistan? When that happens their murders will be used as propaganda rallying cries by the Taliban. They will crow they beat America.

They did not beat our military, they beat the morons in the civilian leadership under that loser Biden. In other words, blame the suits, not the boots.

There are a lot of offers for counseling for military members who are distressed at the turn of events in Afghanistan. This bothers quite a few real heroes who gave their all for this mission only to have Biden mess it all up.

Biden is demented and needs to be replaced.

Hell, Joe Biden can hide his own Easter eggs….

America is in turmoil and the mess was brought to you by the people who run the swamp. They just had to get rid of Trump. If you are one of those people then you deserve whatever happens to you. I hope you live a miserable four years under demented Joe.

Kamala will be no better but it will be fun hammering her every time she does something. Yes Kamala, we will pin lots of sh*t on you.

God bless America because we will need it.


Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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