Keep Kerry Quiet!

This is just funny!

Kerry Quiet

Big Dog salute to Wayfarer.

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9 Responses to “Keep Kerry Quiet!”

  1. Wouldn’t that be hilarious?

  2. Kat says:


    Goooooood one, BD!


  3. **Ziiing!** (UPDATED)…

    Via the Ward View… Thanks, Ward… UPDATE: From another blog-bro, Big Dog: **SNERK** Oh, that’s tooooo funny!…

  4. Michael says:

    The Captain (Morgan) of Chappaquiddick.
    that was funny as hell on IMUS dick up his ass telling Kerry to STFU and go home.

  5. Big Dog says:

    Thanks for the comments. This is hysterical, and yet so true…

  6. Vulgorilla says:

    Funny as it is, its a sad commentary on the fact that Ted is still running around loose in society rather than paying the price for murdering the mother of his unborn child.

  7. Raven says:

    Hmm. Kerry and Kennedy scare me. They really do. Two of a kind residing not too far from me.

    Time to move the heck away from them!

  8. Maybe Teddy will drive off another bridge and we’ll be rid of both of them. Heh.