Late Round Up Star Date 2021.256

1. The NORKs did not play this game with Trump. When Donald John Trump was the president Lil’ Kim in North Korea did some saber rattling but he was basically more hot air than anything and that is because he knows Trump would drop a missile on his ample derrière. With Joe Biden’s weakness all bets are off. Lil’ Kim tested a Long Range Cruise Missile. The missile has a range of 930 miles. Trump told Kim I have bigger missiles and they work. Kim knew Trump was not bluffing. With the paper tiger Biden the world is laughing and out enemies are foaming at the mouth in anticipation of trying us.

2. Tony Fauci is auditioning for dictator in case Biden goes toes up. Fauci has been talking about mandates and now he wants a vaccine mandated for anyone to travel by air. That is all the airlines need, more people who say screw it and refuse to fly. Not to worry, your tax dollars will bail them out. Fauci also wants your children to be mandated to be vaccinated. There are no approved vaccines available for use. Everything available is Emergency Use Authorization only. The hastily approved vaccine is not in production and probably will not be for some time. The FDA said the vaccine is safe for kids 16 and older BUT how do they know? What long term issues can our children expect to see? Will they develop heart problems or immune disorders? Will they develop blood clots? If any parent is forced to have his child vaccinated and something bad happens and the parent let’s say, holds the people who mandated it accountable, I would never vote to convict them on trial.

3. Evidently the GOP has an audio recording of Secretary of State Blinken talking about some people in the Biden Regime and allegedly, the things he says are not flattering. I remember when Trump took office and there were leaks about what people were saying and some people resigned when they were not there very long. The media called it an Administration in turmoil and one of chaos. This audio leak coupled with the people resigning rather than put up with a dementia patient are not a good look for the Biden Regime. You add all that to the turmoil of the blundered withdraw from Afghanistan and the media’s sudden ability to criticize Biden and we have the makings of something far more tumultuous than the Trump White House. This is what happens when a demented bumbling moron is in charge.

4. Follow the science unless it is inconvenient. People like Biden and Fauci say to follow the science yet they only follow what they like. We do not need to rehash the times Fauci ignored science for politics. The Biden regime is pushing for booster shots of the Covid jab. The WHO is opposed because they think it is not fair for rich nations to be doing boosters when poor nations are not getting vaccines. I know we gave a boatload of vaccines to other places. In reality, if we want to give boosters we are not obligated to consider any other nation’s vax status. But, we should try to follow science. Two people resigning from the CDC (more dissent?) wrote an item indicating that boosters are not warranted right now. Marion Gruber and Phil Krause have stated that there could be a number of side effects if we push boosters too early and that could cause reactions like myocarditis or Guillain-Barre syndrome and it might make people more hesitant to get not only this vaccine but vaccines in general. Instead of worrying about introducing boosters too soon they should have worried about introducing the vaccine too soon.

5. If you do not want to get the mandated vaccine a possible course for you to take is to claim you are in the country illegally. The Biden Regime is NOT requiring illegals pouring through our border to get vaccinated as a condition of being here. Seems to me we could be giving these folks lots of shots to keep people from catching and spreading Covid. Of course, that would be the sane thing to do if we had a sane leader and if Covid were really the main issue. It is obvious that the government is not actually concerned about the spread of the virus like they pretend to be. If they were these illegals would be held at the border and vaccinated before they were sent all over the nation. Of course in the real world we would be keeping them at the border and not letting them into the country but Biden is an idiot so he and his left wing cabal are just letting them in, virus be damned. If you do not want a vaccine say you are an illegal. If you want the government to leave you alone, well then the only way to have that happen is to be in Afghanistan.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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