LGF – Charles Johnson 2010 Calendar

My friends at The Nose On Your Face have a great parody about Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs fame. Johnson has recently gone bonkers and is probably close to a nervous breakdown. The parody is a great piece that delves into Johnson’s weirdness.

The guys at the Nose On Your Face have brought us such great items as Islamic Rage Boy and Ahmed and the Chipmunks. And don’t forget Islamic Rage Boy sings “Infidels”.

TNOYF You Tube Channel.

Big Dog Salute to American Digest

Big Dog


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9 Responses to “LGF – Charles Johnson 2010 Calendar”

  1. Adam says:

    Right, it’s Charles Johnson that is bonkers, not you right wing nutjobs with your Obama derangement. He spent the entire Bush years complaining about liberals with BDS. When he hasn’t fallen in line with conservatives off their rocker over Obama then you conservatives throw him under the bus.

  2. victoria says:

    I haven’t read LGF lately but I have read about what has been going on lately and it seems like to me that if Big Dog were comparable, he would have banned you a long time ago and especially Darrel.

    • Adam says:

      Well, I read LFG but I’m not a member so I don’t know what goes on in that respect.
      Big Dog’s one of the few right wing bloggers that I know who doesn’t ban people simply for having dissenting opinion. This is one thing I always point out in his defense over at meatbrain’s site when he compares Big Dog to people like Cao at caosblog.com who simply deletes any opposing view point and pretends it’s because we don’t follow site policy. The original Blogs For Bush was bad about deleting certain comments as well though they tried to pretend they didn’t.

  3. Big Dog says:

    Well, I appreciate it even if WordPress did not…

    I don’t know why you got moderated because you comment all the time. Maybe it was the volume today.

    Who knows…