Like The Immigrants, The Bill Will Sneak In Later
by Big Dog on Jun 7, 2007 at 22:15 Immigration
Ron Smith of WBAL radio in Baltimore has a saying that goes something like this; The Republicans are the evil party and the Democrats are the stupid party so when they team up on something the result is both stupid and evil. Case in point, the recent immigration bill that is going down in flames as we speak (until the beady eyed Harry Reid sneaks it in for a vote someplace else) was put together by a bipartisan group and supported by many people from both sides of the aisle. The usual suspects were involved including Kennedy, Specter, Reid, Pelosi, McCain, McConnell, Martinez, Chavez (Linda not Hugo though he probably likes it as well) and all of this was supported by George W Bush who has become so eaten up by his lame duck status and desire to have some kind of legacy that he would have sex with a porcupine if he thought it would make the Democrats happy and give him better standing in the world. We can discuss some other time what happened to that famous swagger and if a real man from Texas would ever lose it.
This immigration bill is both evil and stupid and does absolutely nothing to secure our country from the same kinds of invasions that resulted the last two times Kennedy introduced legislation to allow ILLEGALS a free pass. Fortunately, this bill contained so many pieces that it was fragile. It was, as many of these stellar leaders told us, not a perfect bill but the best they could do. I don’t buy this crap at all. What kind of idiot passes a bill that is flawed? Why would they pass something that might cause more problems than it is worth and why is this the best they can do? Are these people not elected to get these kinds of things correct and to do it right? It is the best they can do because they all place politics above the needs or desires of this country’s citizens. We have a republican form of government which means that those sent to Congress represent our wishes and in this case the majority of Americans want this bill stopped.
How could these morons have done a better job? Let the Big Dog school these people on how to get things done without making a bill that is bigger than the Bible (a religious book that is the basis for Christianity, Judaism and Islam just to help the liberals who might not know) and makes more sense. The first thing they should have done is to offer each of the major portions of this bill as separate bills. This way Senators could vote for those that were favorable and and against the ones that were not good instead of killing an entire bill because of a few provisions. This would also make the process more transparent and the proposed items easier for the public to understand. The damned bill takes forever to read and is full of mumbo jumbo that becomes confusing and leaves a lot of things open to interpretation. Single bills would allow us to focus and might not cause all the uproar.
It is also worthy to note that before we fix the problem we must seal the border. My friend Gribbit said it well when he said that when you can not treat a wound until you stop the bleeding. We must pass legislation that ensures we have good fences so we can have good neighbors. It should not be so hard to build this wall or fence or whatever they are calling the barrier. The US seems to be doing quite well building an Embassy in Iraq that is the size of a small nation so I am sure we can get a barrier up in no time. That would give the Senate time to hammer out the problems in the separate amendments.
The last thing they need to do is enforce the 14th Amendment as it was intended. The 14th says you are not a citizen when born here unless you are subject to the jurisdiction thereof. That phrase means you have allegiance to no other country, or as the person who wrote it said, you are an American citizen and not a citizen of another nation. The 14th and supporting documents as well as civil rights legislation passed at the time indicate that if you are born on our soil you have the same citizenship as your parents. This is how it was written, this is how it was intended, this is how the people who wrote it describe it so this issue needs to be revisited by the SCOTUS and returned to its original meaning and then we need to revoke the citizenship of all the people who were granted it illegally. For those who need a better description of subject to jurisdiction then read this. Suffice it to say that while ILLEGALS are subject to our law they are not subject to the jurisdiction because they are not citizens (or subjects of America).
Be vigilant because they are going to do an end run on us and try to sneak this through. Seems as if sneaking it in might be appropriate method for this bill considering what its subject is. If they do some sneaky stuff like that we should consider rewriting the Declaration of Independence to reflect us severing our ties with a government that has gotten too powerful and too corrupt.
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[…] Big Dog fears that the bill will sneak in later. A good bet if we are to take Harry Reid at his word (usually a big if). Ron Smith of WBAL radio in Baltimore has a saying that goes something like this; The Republicans are the evil party and the Democrats are the stupid party so when they team up on something the result is both stupid and evil. Case in point, the recent immigration bill that is going down in flames as we speak (until the beady eyed Harry Reid sneaks it in for a vote someplace else) was put together by a bipartisan group and supported by many people from both sides of the aisle. The usual suspects were involved including Kennedy, Specter, Reid, Pelosi, McCain, McConnell, Martinez, Chavez (Linda not Hugo though he probably likes it as well) and all of this was supported by George W Bush who has become so eaten up by his lame duck status and desire to have some kind of legacy that he would have sex with a porcupine if he thought it would make the Democrats happy and give him better standing in the world. We can discuss some other time what happened to that famous swagger and if a real man from Texas would ever lose it. […]
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