Maryland Might Apologize for Slavery
by Big Dog on Mar 2, 2007 at 08:56 Uncategorized
For some reason, there is this big push now to apologize for slavery. First, Virginia issued an apology and now the People’s Republic of Maryland is considering doing the same thing. I wrote earlier about this and I thought it was a stupid idea when Virginia did it and I have not changed my mind with regard to Maryland. My friend GM Roper has already pointed out, quite well, that people can not apologize for something they did not do. No one who is a alive today was a slave or a slave owner.
Maryland has taken a hard left turn (as if it could get any further left) and Saint Martin O’Malley is leading the moonbat parade. He indicated that he thought it was a good idea and he would not be opposed to signing the apology. Why it might even bring healing, the Saint said. I will say this to Marty and the rest of the moonbats, time heals all wounds. We have had over 100 years time to heal. I am personally tired of hearing about slavery in the context that it hurt people of today. Slavery was wrong and I believe that no person should own another but I also realize that this was the practice of the times and it was LEGAL. Just because it was legal does not mean it was right but the fact is, it was legal and it was eventually abolished. The funny thing is that the moonbats will say that because it was legal does not justify it but will argue that abortion is legal and therefore right when they justify killing unborn children.
Slavery happened a very, very long time ago and Maryland was basically split in the war. There were people who sided with the North and people who sided with the South. There were many people here who fought in the Civil War for the North, and even though the Civil War was not about slavery, those fighters eventually helped free those slaves. How about we start having some thank yous handed out with the apologies? Why don’t we have the NAACP issue thank yous to the states that did not have slaves and to the families of people who fought and helped gain the freedom of those held as slaves? Why, well first of all that would not fit any agenda and it why would anyone thank someone who had nothing to do with the acts? That is right, the people alive today did not free anyone nor did they fight in the Civil War. It just makes no sense and is nothing more than the politicians placating black people who have never been slaves but use the history of slavery in this country as a means to gain what they want and as a means to excuse anti-social behavior.
Maryland might apologize for slavery but that apology does not come from me. I do not apologize for slavery because I had absolutely nothing to do with slavery. I have never owned a person, of any color, nor would I. So the politicians can waste money drafting worthless resolutions and proclamations but no matter what they come up with, the sentiments are not mine. I will say this though, if the state issues this apology, I do not expect to hear anyone raise the issue of slavery again. I do not want to hear people calling talk shows telling me how terrible white people are and that “you held us as slaves” (which is patently false anyway for the reasons already stated). I will dismiss any such talk and be quick to remind the speaker that an apology was issued and the matter is closed. Yes closed, as it should have been years ago.
My ancestors had their land in this country taken from them. I do not ask for an apology and I do not believe I am entitled to reparations or anything else. It was something that took place in history and it can not be undone. You can not un-ring a bell. I am fine with it because it happened and it is over with. My advice to all the folks looking for an apology and who continually use the past practice of slavery as the reason for every ill in society that befalls blacks:
Get over it an move on.
And by the way, I am not sorry for something that I did not do and if you are truly tired of slavery, stop allowing yourselves to be owned by your taskmasters in the Democratic Party. They are the ones who should be apologizing for enslaving blacks.
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Hey there Big Dog, been doing any skateboarding lately ?
Watch Big Dog Skateboarding here : Big Dog on a Skateboard
Hey on the Topic of Slavery, Zepahaniah Kingsly was an quite a character, he became a millionaire trading slaves, he even married one, Anna Kingsly I posted the story here, it’s incredible:
Puerto Plata and Zepahaniah Kingsly
I completely agree with you, I was outraged when I read the article on I’ve done a lot of research on my heritage and none of my ancestors that have been documented had slaves of African American descent. (I’m also second generation American and my family is from Poland, so I think it would be unlikely that they themselves would have had slaves when they were being persecuted as well.)
Secondly, last I recall Maryland was a fairly neutral state. And if anyone should or need to be making an apology, let us resurrect the African tribe leaders who sold their own people into slavery.