Maryland Senator; Pictures Of Dear Leader Obama In All State Buildings
by Big Dog on Feb 3, 2009 at 05:17 Political
It took the election of Barack Obama to make one Maryland State Senator recognize what it means to be a good citizen. Lisa Gladden is introducing legislation that would require every state building to have a picture of Barack Obama in it. Gladden evidently wants Obama to share wall space with the governor whose picture adorns all state buildings. She must not understand the difference between state and federal government. You see, Obama’s picture is in the federal buildings within the state.
But to Gladden, this is not a matter of whether one supports Obama, it is about supporting America. To Gladden, putting Obama’s picture in all state buildings is all about being a good citizen.
So, is this to indicate that we all were not good citizens when Bush, Clinton, H.W. Bush, Reagan and every other past president was in office because their pictures were not hanging in every state building?
It would seem that we were incapable of being good citizens until Obama came along and forgave our sins. This is the mentality of some of the morons who go ga ga over the sainted one. Gladden is so smitten with him and his election that she is not concerned about the cost associated with the pictures and she is unaware that her request appears to be more about the man and not so much about being a good citizen because she is blinded by the light that shone through the clouds that opened when Obama was elected. Her Obama worship has caused her to ignore the financial mess we are in, a mess that was caused by moron state legislators like, well, her.
It is not surprising that Gladden would be unconcerned with the cost. When Baltimore was preparing for the Obama express to come to town the costs were piling up and topped out around 11 million dollars. Gladden said that it did not matter that the state had budget problems as long as Obama was president.
I guess she, like Peggy the Moocher, figures now that Obama has been elected all our financial woes will go away as he steps up to pay our bills.
Seems to me that there have been other leaders whose pictures were placed everywhere; Hitler, Il, and the other Hussein.
Maybe after Dear Leader is in office for a year or so Lisa Gladden can have bronze statues made and put them in front of all the state buildings.
At least that will give us something to tear down during the revolution…
Baltimore Examiner
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Tags: lisa gladden, Obama, pictures, worship
“Seems to me that there have been other leaders whose pictures were placed everywhere; Hitler, Il, and the other Hussein.”
This from the man who defends George W. Bush’s presidency. You know, dubya the draft dodger. The guy who had the nerve to hitch a ride in a fighter jet to deliver the big news- MISSION ACCOMPLISHED- aboard an aircraft carrier over five years ago.
That had to be the presidential photo op of the century. Maybe I should start comparing Fearless Leader Bush to Hitler, Hussein and “Il” (not quite sure who this is).
The leader of North Korea.
Bush was not a draft dodger. He served in the guard and he attended his drills. The records are public (or were at one time).
I don’t defend the presidency, I defend aspects of it. He did well in some areas and not in others.
The left never saw any good in him and worked hard to defeat him.
Now it is our turn to defeat Obama’s Socialist agenda.
Now I read somewhere that the Mission Accomplished banner was put up by the crew to celebrate that they had accomplished their mission and returned home. If that is the case then it is unfortunate that it was there when Bush arrived because it gave the left fodder.
But you support Barry “I will lower the oceans and bring peace to the world” Obama. He has a sordid history and very little experience. But that matters little to you and your ilk.
BTW, when did he serve in the military, since you are hung up on Bush’s service.
Oh, I see. Perhaps next time you should refer to him by his full name or family name (Kim) to avoid any confusion.
I was under the impression that volunteering for the National Guard was a way for the wealthy and connected folks to avoid combat duty at the time. Please correct me if I am wrong.
What area did dubya do “well” in? I’m curious.
No, no. I believe NOW the “official” story is that the crew requested it but the Preisdent’s people hung it. The story has changed so many times, it is hard to keep track.
He never served in the military. Nor did he claim to. But rest assured, the day he hops in a flight suit and lands in a fighter jet on an aircraft carrier to announce the end of a war that has just begun, I’ll be the first to criticize him for it.
Plus Il looks funny when it is typed out…
The only thing O will hop into will be a bunker to take cover. I admit I did not vote for him because of color….green. No experience.
Good one.
I liked that as well.
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