New Poll on Immigration Bill

I put up a new poll in the right sidebar asking about the new immigration amnesty bill that will allow millions of illegals to stay here with few consequences for their actions. Please take the time to respond.

Big Dog

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One Response to “New Poll on Immigration Bill”

  1. bj1 says:

    Did you notice in World Net Daily that the RNC has fired all 65 of their phone soliciters? The reason given by the RNC is that the phone banks are out dated and its too hard to keep them going . And.. that the people are giving
    their donations thru a different medium. There was a denial by the RNC that donations had fallen off.
    Quote- “We have not heard anyone in our donor calls who supported the president on immigration,” said a fired phone solicitor, who described himself as a Republican activist. Comments from callers are written up on each call and turned in .
    Same person quoting-He said. “But when I talked with the White House, the people there told me they got nothing but positive comments on the president’s immigration stand.”
    A Rasmussen poll last week showed only 26 percent of American voters favor the Senate plan.
    Our president and our RNC are telling us what They wish we were saying.
    They will do their best to ram this immigration bill down our throats.
    God bless our America.bj1