No H1N1 Shortage At Gitmo
by Big Dog on Nov 1, 2009 at 21:46 Political
The terrorists at Gitmo are considered high risk for the H1N1 swine flu so they will be getting inoculated (it will be offered to them) before many people who are citizens of this country and who did not try to do us harm because inmates are considered a higher risk group.
Besides, we can’t have Muslims getting the Swine Flu. That might be considered a hate crime or something.
If the distribution of the vaccine has been like it is here then they will probably have gotten the flu or the threat will be over before they do.
A little flu hits and the government gins up an emergency. People are prioritized so the medication can be rationed and then we end up with lines all over the place as people stand in line hoping they will get the vaccine before it runs out.
Of course, if people are worried about getting the vaccine or if they do not have health care for that matter, they can always get arrested.
Criminals get free health care and are a higher priority for vaccines.
Even terrorists.
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Tags: gitmo, health care, swine flu, terrorists, vaccine
They should have been used as guinea pigs to see if there were detrimental side effects- that way they could have made a beneficial contribution to the human race, instead of the waste of oxygen they are now.
Blake gives us more glimpse into his evil lack of morals when it comes to people he considers lacking of human rights. I wonder which other groups of people he would put into a category he considers OK to do scientific testing on against their will…
Liberal, for sure-I mean, why not- except I am pretty sure they are not truly human- possibly they are the aliens in “V”- Perhaps you could tell us.
Truthfully, I am just pissed that these wastes of space be given the serum before our citizens- that is not right, and Adam, you are right in that I really do not care if they die. If that makes me a heartless bastard, so be it – I can live with that, and do not really care what you think.
And you could always ask John Holdren about a lack of morals- he is intimately familiar with amoral behavior, or Zeke Emanuel- either one of those are more likely to have an amoral impact on our society than I am.
They are doing it now by trying to pass this bitch of a healthcare bill that benefits no one except those in power- so do not get all “moral” on me, big boy- you hardly have room to talk. By supporting these Mengele wannabes, you have abandoned any moral high ground you might have thought you had.
I’d take a man who discusses the possibility of actions as Holdren did over a man like yourself actually calling for amoral action. Holdren and Emanuel do not call for the actions you make believe they do.
They both call for the ending of life or not treating the elderly.
I keep hearing about how bad this is but i know of no one that has had it. everybody i know has been sick but not h1n1?
There was an early H1N1 breakout at the University of Delaware where my wife attends including several people she was in class with at the time. More recently, my young nephew was diagnosed with H1N1 just a few weeks ago, though he was healthy enough to dress up as a Storm Trooper by this Halloween.
It is my opinion that, except for those who are very young or very old, this is not that big a thing, unless it mutates- and there’s the true fear, that in mid infection, so to speak, the lethality could increase, and become deadly.
If that happens, the vaccinations might not work anyway.
So far, I have known two families who have had it- the difference seems to be the length of time one is sick- regular flu- 3 days; swine flu 7-9 days, with the infectious phase still communicable even after the fever has broken.
A good friend of mine has a friend whose husband is on a U.S. Navy ship. Back in Sept, 2009, before leaving port for Europe, the entire crew was inoculated with the H1N1 vaccine.
Before the ship reached Europe, the commanding officer and a chief (enlisted, E-7) had died. Of the 333 mebers of the crew, only 14 were not affected. The rest came down with the flu.
My friend’s friend’s husband was another chief aboard the ship. He sent his wife the email before all communication with the outside world was shut down.