Obama Admits Tax Cuts For The Rich Stimulate Economy

The tax cuts enacted under George Bush were for everyone and the middle class made out better than the wealthy. I know that is hard to believe because a rich person gets a bigger dollar figure back but that person pays many multiples of what a middle class worker pays. Additionally, the lower 50% of wage earners pay just under 4% of our nation’s taxes. If they pay little or none then they should be getting little or none back. Our government though, believes in income redistribution or “spreading the wealth.” That is why the last stimulus checks went to people who paid little or no taxes while the upper wage earners, the ones whose taxes ultimately paid for the stimulus, got NOTHING.

When Barack Obama was running for office he said that George Bush had tax cuts for the rich. He had to say that because that is the mantra the left uses to invoke class warfare. They make the middle and lower classes support them by making them envious of the rich. Obama vowed that he would get rid of Bush’s tax cut for the rich and that he would cut taxes for the middle class. The problem with that is the Bush tax cut benefited the middle class and if it goes away the taxes on them go way up. If Obama takes away the tax cut and then gives them a tax cut, what did they gain? Oh well, it sounded good.

As part of the newest stimulus package that Obama says will likely end up being over a TRILLION dollars, there are tax cuts. That is right left wing moonbats who supported him, Obama wants tax cuts for those making under some magic number that is a moving target. Of course, when Bush cut taxes the left said that it would lead to less money going to government and that it was wrong to cut taxes when the country was in such debt. Since the sainted one is adding tax cuts to a stimulus package he must now be admitting that tax cuts stimulate the economy.

But Big Dog, that means nothing. Obama promised to give tax cuts to the middle class and to end Bush’s tax cuts fo the evil rich.

Yep, and Obama is also giving tax cuts to the rich. He has stated that he will probably not seek immediate repeal of Bush’s tax cuts for people making over $250,000 (the tax cuts were for everyone, Obama just wants to repeal them for anyone making this amount or more) and that he will let them expire in 2010. Imagine that, he is allowing the rich to keep the tax cuts in order to stimulate the economy. Barack Obama is now showing what Republicans have stated and what George Bush demonstrated and that is tax cuts (for everyone) stimulate the economy.

A few things though. The tax cuts for the middle class were not part of the original plan and Obama has them there as bait to get Republicans to sign on to the stimulus package. Also, the tax cuts will have little effect on the economy because they will be accompanied by a huge amount of government spending, spending that will give us a deficit that will take generations to pay off.

I am not in favor of the stimulus package and I believe that the more government meddles in the issue the longer the recession will last and it might end up in a full blown depression. We need the government to allow the free market to correct the issue as it always has. Despite Obama’s claim that Wall Street has not worked and needs more government regulation, the fact is the market has worked very well for a long time with just a few periods of economic downturn. The market is good more often than it is bad.

We do not need more government regulation. Government regulation and abandonment of free market principles is what got us in this mess. The government forced lending institutions to make loans that people were never going to be able to pay. That is too much government intervention. Everywhere governments meddle in the free market there is turmoil.

The politicians in DC have spent billions of dollars on bailouts already and there are trillions of dollars that they refuse to tell what it was spent on or who it went to.

More bailouts and more spending means that we have to borrow more money. China already has billions of dollars invested in our government and they are discussing investing billions more. When the bill comes due we are going to be in even greater trouble. We just don’t have the money.

Obama admitted that tax cuts are a stimulus for the economy. Now he needs to learn the second part and that is cutting government spending. If we cut the spending then we will reduce the deficit and things will gradually work back to normal.

I recommend we do not pass the stimulus package. The government is spending well beyond its means and that is a recipe for disaster.

Just ask any of the people who got loans they could not afford when the government forced lending institutions to lend them money.

Is it any wonder that people in this country live beyond their means? Their government is leading by example.


Big Dog

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2 Responses to “Obama Admits Tax Cuts For The Rich Stimulate Economy”

  1. Schatzee says:

    I CANNOT BELIEVE the amount of money that is being thrown around as it is and the thought of a “stimulus” package which becomes welfare when you give “rebates” to people not paying any taxes. I am afraid, very afraid!

    I agree – free market is made to correct itself when they take down turns and the government should butt out and let it do its job. Limited government — did anyone else read that somewhere? Maybe like an important document?

    Government spending and interference needs to be seriously curtailed. That’s the only way to save the economy…

  2. Its a clever pitch, because it lets him pose as a middle-class tax cutter while disguising that he’s also proposing one of the largest tax increases ever on the other 5%. But how does he conjure this miracle, especially since more than a third of all Americans pay no income taxes at all. There are several sleight of hands, but the most creative is to redefine the meaning of “tax cut.” Its a clever pitch, because it lets him pose as a middle-class tax cutter while disguising that he’s also proposing one of the largest tax increases ever on the other 5%. But how does he conjure this miracle, especially since more than a third of all Americans pay no income taxes at all. There are several sleight of hands, but the most creative is to redefine the meaning of “tax cut.”

    The problem is that people get comfortable in saying that “anyone who makes more than me should pay more taxes” because it’s easy and doesn’t affect them. Why on earth would you reward someone who doesn’t work (and therefore doesn’t pay taxes) with an incentive? Instead, encourage hard work – encourage education – encourage investment. Build the economy – don’t carve it up.

    We are talking here about giving money to the same people that the federal government felt should get home loans even though they are not qualified – and that put us in the mess we are in now. Stop coddling those who refuse to do a hard day’s work, and start rewarding those who do. That applies across all income levels.

    Europe is going in the toilet and Comrade Obama wants the US to become like that. No way – not by a long shot.

    Obama will also turn democracy and capitalism on it’s head, and villainize the affluent and successful in our society, in order to rally the masses behind him. With evangelical zeal Obama will convince his followers to replace reason with hope and belief … to blindly follow him … never challenge him … and embrace his words as gospel. In the real, and unforgiving world of economics however, when you immediately gratify everyone by feasting on the goose that lays the golden eggs, the economy looses it’s ability to continue generating growth and wealth. Obama is promising everyone a piece of the pie, whether they helped bake it, or not … but, only in a socialistic, or communist state do the non-contributors demand to share equally in the property that belongs to others. Immediate gratification is like a drug to the malcontents, but in the big picture, every farmer knows that you never eat your seed crop. America will turn into a third world country, with massive government welfare programs, unable to generate jobs for it’s citizens, and unable to compete in the global markets.

    I have just recently been able to work my way into this tax bracket. I worked hard to get where I am. I dont feel my hard work should be taken away from my. Why did I work this hard to just give my money to someone who has not earned it or deserve it?
    What gives them the right to say “Oh good job NOW GIVE IT TO SOMEONE ELSE” Let them go out and work. I came from a middle class hard working family and worked my way up from the bottom. No silver spoon in my mouth. They have no right to take what I have earned and give it to someone who has the same opportunities I do but won’t take them. Let them earn their own money.
