Obama Budget Is More Of The Same
by Big Dog on Feb 15, 2011 at 05:04 Political
One thing that is constant about progressives is that they love to spend, spend, spend and they also like to tax, tax, tax. Barack Obama released his budget and it is more of the same. The spending amounts to about 2 TRILLION dollars and is over 102% of GDP. The deficit for this year is expected to 1.645 TRILLION dollars which would break last year’s record by quite a bit.
The budget does not address the social programs that cost us the most as there is no mention of Social Security or Medicare reform. The budget allegedly has cuts but since Obama raised the budgets of federal departments in the last two years, how much will really be cut? One thing is certain, the budget involves lots of tax increases.
The economy is still in the tank and inflation is creeping in as gas and clothing prices rise along with the cost of food. People are getting less for the same amount of money because of the inflation producing policies of the Obama regime.
We need to reduce federal spending by cutting the budgets of all departments (especially all those booze purchases) and we need to reform the social welfare programs.
These are tough times and tough decisions will have to be taken but the cold hard truth is that we have NO money.
And we can’t continue spending what we do not have. Though the government has been doing so for quite some time we can no longer follow the model that got us into this mess.
“We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” [attributed to Albert Einstein]
Bloomberg says it is like a slow train wreck…
Obama will cut funding to airports and then increase fees on air travelers to make up the shortfall. People always end up paying.
The Budget Bluff
Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
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Tags: budget, deficit, lies, Obama, taxes
This “budget” is an insult to the American People- its like trying to tell the credit company, “I am going to spend at current levels- this will, over time, reduce the deficit I have with you-” Perhaps if you are using inflation as a reduction device, which would be insane.
No- you have to cut up the credit cards that our incompetent executive has- he is as bad as the CEOs of other Fortune 500 companies, who feel that their behavior, however outrageous, is justified, because they are CEOs.
Abolish the Depts. of Education, HHS, EPA,and, in this era of cost-cutting, open ALL of our rresources to drilling- or we WILL have $5 a gallon gasoline within a year, and Woebamma will be to blame.
If a man has gangrene in his arm, sometimes that arm has to be amputated in order to save the body.
We are at that point now.
Sadly, you are correct, Blake. This Congress looks to be completely willing to raise the debt limit and continue spending at will. And yes, the gas prices will go up, primarily because of government action, but you can bet it will be blamed on the “radicals” in the middle east, giving yet another excuse to send more soldiers to die.