Obama Calls Finger Pointing “Ridiculous Spectacle”

It is very ironic that on the day that Barack Obama expressed his frustration over the efforts to contain the oil leak in the Gulf by pointing fingers at those who are to blame, he expressed how displeased he was at the finger pointing by the entities responsible for the mess.

“I did not appreciate what I considered to be a ridiculous spectacle during the congressional hearings into this matter,” he intoned. “You had executives of BP and Transocean and Halliburton falling over each other to point the finger of blame at somebody else.” CBS

Obama took the opportunity to blame George W Bush (though not by name) which has been his pattern since taking office. The so called “Ridiculous Spectacle” of finger pointing that Obama does not appreciate is something he has been doing since he took office.

Obama or his sock puppets have blamed Bush for every problem faced (and have never given him credit when something good happens) and they continue to this very day. Barack Obama is unable to accept any criticism of something taking place without reminding people that he inherited a mess or that Bush did this or the past administration did that.

That, for you Obama sycophants, is FINGER POINTING. So it smacks of irony that the finger pointer in chief would have trouble with companies pointing fingers at each other.

And to clear the record, oil companies might very well have been friendly with government regulators over the past decade or longer (they were) but Obama has been in office for nearly a year and a half and it was his regime that issued all the waivers in this mess and it continued to issue them after the problem. HIS REGIME issued them. If he were concerned about a cozy relationship he would have been more proactive.

Funny how he does not care how cozy labor unions, communists, socialists, illegal immigrants, and terrorists are with his regime…

At least they now have another “crisis” they can’t let go to waste…

Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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42 Responses to “Obama Calls Finger Pointing “Ridiculous Spectacle””

  1. Darrel says:

    I very much agree. This is a fair criticism of Obama. He should have been much more aggressive about getting rid of Bush installed cronies and incompetents. I guess his only excuse could be that this takes time and he has been busy with even bigger Bush legacy problems.

    “Interior Department Still Filled With Anti-Science Bush-Era Managers

    Jeff Ruch, the head of the public-employee whistleblowing group, said that as in many other regulatory agencies, Obama political appointees in the Interior Department’s notoriously troubled Minerals Management Service (MMS) have not taken enough steps to reverse the anti-environmental and anti-science policies of the Bush years.

    “For the most part, the Obama team is still the Bush team,” Ruch told HuffPost, noting that beyond a thin layer of political appointees, offices like MMS are run by managers who were “promoted during the Bush years — In many instances, promoted for basically violating the law. And from what we can tell, their conduct hasn’t changed.”


    • Big Dog says:

      You are a one trick pony like the loser Obama. All you can do is blame Bush and then quote losers who are much the same. Amazing, Rich and HuffPo.

      Darrel, you are as bad as your moron leader. Blame Bush is all you know.

      I guess it was Bush’s fault that Obama’s failure in the Gulf led to this oil spill or that we have been attacked a number of times and were saved by regular citizens or the ineptitude of the attackers. No, Obama is responsible for the problems and since he has packed his regime with Clinton retreds we can see why it is.

      Yes, Rich knows so much about the MMS. He spit Obama’s schlong out long enough to bash Bush.

      Darrel, you sir are a slobbering moron who waits in line behind Rich for a turn at the Obama crank. You have proven it time and again.

      But Obama would be proud of you for finger pointing after he said it was a spectacle.

      • Adam says:

        “I guess it was Bush’s fault that Obama’s failure in the Gulf led to this oil spill…”

        What on Earth are you on about now? Obama’s failure?

        • Big Dog says:

          Obama waited 9 days to do anything, he did not follow the government emergency plan and when they decided to there were no fire booms there.

          He allowed all those waivers and even more after the incident.

          He was slow to respond and he has been finger pointing rather than helping. He failed the people of Louisiana. He should have done something, sent help immediately, anything, but he waited.

          His failure…

          Gotta go, getting ready to watch a horse race. You gonna watch it Adam?

        • Adam says:

          I’ll just assume you’re kidding since arguing Obama could have done anything in the first 9 days to prevent what is still going on after about 25 days is pretty loony. I know you want so bad for Obama’s mistakes to equate to Bush’s but don’t be silly. Nobody beats Bush in the screw-up department.

  2. “Barack Obama is unable to accept any criticism of something taking place without reminding people that he inherited a mess or that Bush did this or the past administration did that.”

    The latest chuckle on that subject:
    Michelle Obama: Honey, I’m pregnant!
    Barack Obama: Bush did it!

    Obama has never had the responsibility for the consequences of his decisions or actions. Public office is like that: you spend other people’s money and regulate other people’s lives, and if the results aren’t what you promised at the outset, there are no refunds and no apologies. Yet he thinks he’s better suited to “fixing the economy” and “creating jobs” than the millions of us who actually labor for our livings and have to answer for the mistakes we make.

    Say what you will about George W. Bush; he was humble enough to allow that there ought to be limits on Washington’s ability to take our money and run our lives, though he sometimes transgressed the limits he articulated. But Bush had had some dollars-and-cents experience with actual, pointy-end-of-the-blade capitalism. He understood profit, loss, and accountability. Barack Hussein Obama has never held a productive job, and as for accountability…well, form your own opinions.

  3. Big Dog says:

    Adam, I think you make my point greatly. Obama is as responsible for inaction as Bush was. Bush marshalled the resources but they were not requested by the governor. Once requested they were sent but it takes time.

    The feds have a plan for an oil spill in the Gulf and that plan was not immediately enacted. If it had been they would have found they did not have the equipment that was called for much sooner.

    No, Obama was slow to react or take an active role, contrary to what he said about Bush and how he [Obama] would act in such a disaster.

    • Adam says:

      That is ridiculous and you know it. You’re so desperate to paint Obama with the same brush Democrats painted the miserable failure that you do so at the expense of reality. Unlike with the federal response to Katrina, the Obama administration actually did everything they could when it needed to be done and nothing else could have been done to limit this disaster by any significant degree. Obama showed strong leadership on this oil spill but you didn’t notice because you were too busy getting your talking points and marching orders from your media masters.

      • Blake says:

        No desperation here- Barrie waited nine days to begin to address this oil spill- I think having a couple of Coast Guard boats “monitoring” the BP response can be fairly equated to Bush’s “lack of response” to Katrina, even though Bush, under the Constitution, had to be asked by Blanco to intervene, and there was a two day gap when Blanco had her “deer in the headlights” moment.
        I agree that there was not much that Barrie could have personally done, but NINE days to acknowledge the seriousness of the situation?
        Please tell me you are not that blind- it is not a good thing for the won.

  4. Mike Radigan says:

    For sale: In an effort to lessen the work load of our liberal commenters I’ve created some self generating reply software for Bunny, Adam, and Darrel or BAD

    Just supply the author to which you’re replying, the topic, and fill in a supplied list with the number of times you wish to use the terms racist, Nazi, rabbit trail, squirm, wing nut, etc.

    The standard BAD edition can be upgraded to the FOOL edition with even more Faulty, Overzealous, and Outlandish Logic. Saul Alinsky approved and guaranteed to redirect all arguments without ever admitting to advocating Socialism or Wealth Redistribution.

    Although there are no border restrictions you cannot pay in cents since their comments make no sense. Therefore payments must be in Euros or Pesos. Your option for the proceeds to benefit either the Clinton campaign fund or the New World Order.

    But wait there’s more! Act now and I’ll double the offer and throw in a free name caller and Bush blamer.

    • Adam says:

      Oh…don’t you worry about the work load, Mike. It’s a cakewalk to point out the numerous errors and outright fabrications coming from the conservatives on this website on a daily basis.

    • Mike Radigan says:

      I am pleased to announce that Darrel has been beta testing the FOOL upgrade and the results are positive. Not only are all facets of the software working as advertised, but the redirection feature is performing exceedingly well.

    • Darrel says:

      Since Radigan can’t compete on the intellectual playing field of ideas he instead resorts to a level and quality of discourse consistent with his abilities.

      This is probably for the best.

      • Mike Radigan says:

        Name calling; check.

      • Darrel says:

        Careful readers may notice that the only name I called Mr. Radigan above, is “Radigan.” I hope that’s not inappropriate or getting too rough for him.

        Especially careful readers will also notice the irony in the fact that while there has been naming calling in this little thread, it has been done exclusively by (as usual) Mr. Radigan.


        • Mike Radigan says:

          All benchmarks have been met or exceeded and the software is ready for production release. Hey, we need a users’ group. I know, Darrel can be The Organization’s President or TOPFOOL!

  5. Big Dog says:

    I understand your frustration Adam, you backed a loser. No, he did nothing. You all can spin the story and you can spin what happened in Katrina but like all the others with no experience in such things you chose to follow those who knew not what they were talking about and spouted lies about the response.

    Could things have been better on all ends, sure but the BIGGEST failure was from Blanco and Nagin. But tell me, what would you have FEMA do there when the first two weeks were spent pulling people off rooftops. Those people were there because of failure of state and local government. But that had to occur before the other things.

    And perhaps the NG could have been doing more (they fall under the governor) but they were busy taking Jefferson to get his cash from the freezer.

    Oh, year, Bush should have put on a cape and flown in. It is easy to lay blame on him but he had to spend a couple of weeks unf*cking the things Blano and Nagin messed up.

    Obama was not engaged in this mess from the start. He was deciding whether to wait 8 days or 9 before he responded. Then he had to figure out how to say he did not like finger pointing while he was finger pointing.

    Bush did it…

    • Adam says:

      “Obama was not engaged in this mess from the start. He was deciding whether to wait 8 days or 9 before he responded. Then he had to figure out how to say he did not like finger pointing while he was finger pointing.”

      You’re wrong. You merely have to read the AP timeline to see how silly it is to suggest such nonsense. But maybe your definition of “engaged” conveniently leaves out all the things Obama’s administration did up to the 8 or 9 day point where you pretend Obama became engaged.

      • Big Dog says:

        So the state run media prints a time line for Obama to help him out. Whether most of it fits is speculative since this is not based on anything released until well after. Was part of this before or after the vacation one of the key payers was on came to an end.

        Yes Adam, the Coast Guard responded quickly. That is what they are supposed to do and it is their function. They responded during Katrina as well and did so as soon as it was safe for ships to be in the water. Other agencies were engaged when they were called by the Coast Guard.

        Explain how any of this is different than what happened in Katrina. The big difference is they knew it was coming and Bush got things rolling while he asked the governor if she wanted any help. She still did not ask.

        The agencies responded quickly as soon as danger had passed and after Nagin and Blanco had effed it all up. Some things went wrong with the federal response. It would not have been as bad had local officials not screwed so much up and if all those people who should have been evacuated by Nagin and Blanco did not need to be rescued.

        The CG responds to oil spill. A few agencies are put on notice, they wait 9 days to enact the federal response plan and then find they don’t have the right stuff. Seems to me some stuff went wrong with federal response and Obama is in charge of that.

        But wait, when Bush was responding he hated black people and it was all screwed up and he was blamed for it all even though the state and local had the bulk of the blame.

        Obama has problems, is not engaged right away and the feds have jurisdiction from the moment it starts (did not have to wait for a state to ask) because it is in federally controlled water.

        So Adam, if Bush was to blame for Katrina then Obama is to blame for the oil spill. Both had problems with response and had similar response times though it took Obama longer to run the federal response plan than Bush and yet you can’t see it that way.

        When the time line for Katrina was displayed you did not concern yourself with it.

        I intend to hold this clown to the same standard you held Bush and I don’t really give a damn if you like it or not. But if you take your head out of Obama’s arse you will see it.

        • Adam says:

          “So Adam, if Bush was to blame for Katrina then Obama is to blame for the oil spill.”

          Sorry. You’re still wrong. Bush is not to blame for Katrina, but for a terrible federal response to it instead. Obama is not to blame for the oil spill and there was no such failure in the federal response no matter how many times you say otherwise and how many facts to the contrary you shrug off.

          “I intend to hold this clown to the same standard you held Bush and I don’t really give a damn if you like it or not.”

          Look, I know you went through 8 long hard years where you had to defend and carry water for Bush during every humiliating defeat and embarrassing political failure. But that doesn’t entitle you to project all that shame onto Obama just to score cheap political points like you’re doing.

    • Darrel says:

      Bigd: “I understand your frustration Adam, you backed a loser.”>>

      One just marvels at the audacity of a McCain/Palin supporter, saying this to an Obama supporter.

      Two Top McCain Campaign Staffers Quit.

      Looks like someone may have more time to hang out in however many homes they happen to own?

      • Big Dog says:

        The word loser has different connotations. One can win something and stll be a loser in general. Let me demonstrate:

        After Darrel won the goat herding contest he asked Sally to the dance. Sally said she would never be caught going out with a loser like him.

        Goy it?

      • Darrel says:

        Bigd: “One can win something and stll be a loser in general.”>>

        I see your point. After all, GW Bush won something and has proven to be a loser not in general but in totality.

        Maybe when Obama loses something you will have a point? Keep an eye out for it.

        And what kind of silly girl would Sally be if she didn’t appreciate a goat herding champion? Apparently not a girl of good character and judgment. Unlike in your example, when I asked girls to the dance, they went. Both of them.

  6. Big Dog says:

    I don’t recall a lot of political failure. I do recall the Democrats lying about issues, like Katrina, to make it seem as if it were a failure.

    The federal response in Katrina had a few problems but for the most part went OK. The state and local screw up caused most of the problems.

    Obama’s federal plan was to enact the fire booms. They did not try that for 9 days and then when they did they saw the booms were gone. That is failure on the federal leverl.

    Ass to that the fact that Obama’s regime gave that rig an award last year while it was not inspecting it according to its own rules.

    The federal agency responsible for ensuring that the Deepwater Horizon was operating safely before it exploded last month fell well short of its own policy that the rig be inspected at least once per month, an Associated Press investigation shows. Link

    Yeah, no federal failure here. But if you could show me what was wrong with the Katrina response that was so terrible perhaps I could clear it up for you.

    • Adam says:

      “Obama’s federal plan was to enact the fire booms. They did not try that for 9 days and then when they did they saw the booms were gone.”

      I’m not sure where you get the 9 days thing. Oil was discovered leaking on April 24.
      Booms were used on April 28 which is just 4 days. It’s 6 days if you count when the rig sank. You can’t get to 9 days even counting from the time of the explosion.

      Sure, it’s regretful that burning didn’t start sooner but most of the complaints about burning came when the spill was thought to be much smaller and manageable.

      Remind me again what booms can do to prevent the fact that the pipe has been leaking in three places for over 3 weeks now with the majority of the oil floating in miles wide blobs under the water?

      “But if you could show me what was wrong with the Katrina response that was so terrible perhaps I could clear it up for you.”

      Take your pick.

      • Blake says:

        Oil was determined to be leaking after the fire and loss of life on 4/20- BP just didn’t know how much- but the fact that Barrie CHOSE not to address the loss of life, not to mention the potential disaster of possible oil leakage shows how disengaged he is from reality.
        Perhaps the pilots on Air Force One were allowing him to play with the controls.
        The fire booms were MANDATED in 1994, under Bubba Clinton, and yet the federal government had not bought a SINGLE ONE, despite that being the law.
        The MMS had given environmental waivers to virtually EVERY lessee who applied- this went all the way back to Clinton, again-
        While Bush’s admin continued the practice, so did Barrie’s minions.
        Barrie and his coterie need the jackboot on THEIR throats-

        • Adam says:

          “…but the fact that Barrie CHOSE not to address the loss of life, not to mention the potential disaster of possible oil leakage shows how disengaged he is from reality.”

          Once again we have a conservative simply repeating an idea, facts be damned. And Blake has the nerve to suggest Obama is the one disengaged from reality. More conservative projection. Drill, baby, drill!

      • Big Dog says:

        There are two kinds of booms. Containment and fire. We had no fire and had to go get them.

        • Adam says:

          A test burn happened on April 28. Part of the delay was the lack of the booms, part was weather, and another part that nobody can really determine the reason for. The suggestion that Obama waited 9 days to enact the process and then found there were no booms is inaccurate.

        • Blake says:

          If the Buck stops with Barrie, then he IS to blame for the lack of firebooms, whether it was the EPA, or the MMS, or whoever- quit trying to throw your body on Barrie’s- the grenade of truth will get you both, and he is the one who deserves to be shredded politically- you are just a minion, a drone for him- he is the queen bee.

  7. MissPolite says:

    I’d love to hear why nobody made a big stink about Obama’s NON-RESPONSE to the flooding in Tennessee.
    I won’t hold my breath waiting for a decent excuse for that one.

  8. MissPolite says:

    And what do you base this on Adam?
    Read the comments on the blog, maybe you can get a clue.

  9. MissPolite says:

    Your defense of Obama and how slowly he responded to the disaster in Tennessee, of course!
    Let me guess Adam, you are a die hard Obama supporter, and you toe the line for him no matter what?
    If you read it on the White House blog, then it must be true in your book, correct?
    I know your type all too well.

    • Adam says:

      That’s not the White House blog, Miss. That’s your friends at Fox News. But let me help you by quoting Fox News for you directly:

      Record amounts of rain fell Saturday and Sunday, more than 13 inches recorded in parts of Tennessee. … After speaking with the governor Monday, President Obama signed a disaster declaration for the state Tuesday, sending federal aid to Tennessee to help supplement the state and local recovery efforts.

      Now take your time and read carefully. If it doesn’t make sense just relax and read it again. It’s just a few lines of text. I have faith that you can grasp it this time if you try real hard.