Obama Is Like An Empty Shell, No Nuts
by Big Dog on Jul 14, 2008 at 21:55 Political
Jesse Jackson made the startling revelation this week that he wanted to cut off Barack Obama’s nuts but that would presuppose that Obama actually has a pair of them to remove. Obama has given a number of hints that he lacks testicular fortitude. It is has been evident each time he has thrown someone under the bus and it is obvious in his inability to take a position and stick with it.
Perhaps the strongest indicator that Obama lacks a set of testicles is his reaction to the recent cover of the New Yorker. Now, I understand what the magazine was doing and I can see what they are getting at. I can also see how it would upset Obama but he is running for the presidency and should man up. If he ignored the thing it would go away and that would be it. By complaining about it he allows it to get more and more air time and it makes him look petty. Wonkette probably said it best:
“Who cares about the stupid New Yorker cover? It just makes the silly-sallies at the Obama campaign look like, uh, silly-sallies, and makes the New Yorker look terribly unfunny, which it is, except for that Anthony Lane who is a stitch.”
It is not like the New Yorker has never done this before. George Bush has been the object of their satire on a few occasions as have members of his administration and other politicians. Barack Obama is the only one who has thrown a fit over it and that is because he lacks the ability to man up an accept the fact that when one is in the public eye he is fair game.
It really isn’t all his fault because the media has given him a pass thus far and people have treated him as the messiah for so long that he actually believes it.
Tags: castration, jackson, messiah, nuts, Obama
Few people I know would bother with the New Yorker at all – but what happened to freedom of speech here? We couldn’t touch Michelle “unamerican” Obama and her comments and now a picture of Hussein and his crazy lady are getting him out of sorts? Give me a break – Bush can’t move without someone commenting on how much he screws up or how he’s the oil man and so on and so on. I never hear him cry about it. MAN up – perfect term. Whining is NOT presidential at all.
Whining is not presidential at all. Lying, having scape goats, sending civilians off to die for oil, and a low IQ are presidential. You are right. Obama needs to join the club.
Stephan Millers last blog post..I Wanna Be a Ass Hat SEO, Please
Stephan, do you have a Kool-Aid IV running? Where was the war for oil conducted? If we are fighting for oil why does gas cost $4.00 a gallon? Seems to me if we wanted the oil we could have gone in, killed everyone and taken it.
We also don’t send civilians off to die, we send our MILITARY off to fight when it is needed.
Lying, hmmmm. Using available intelligence to take decisions is not a lie. I did not have sex with that woman, now that was a lie.
I never heard Pastor Wright talk like that, it was a lie. Not telling people your mother and father were not married when you were born (OBAMA) is a lie by omission.
I also want to explore the low IQ that you tack on to our president. He had a higher GPA than Kerry and learned to fly fighter jets. He has two master’s degrees and he has run businesses. If he is so dumb how did he do all this? If he has a low IQ what does it say about the people who keep saying he tricked them? You guys on the left must be really stupid if a low IQ president keeps tripping you up…
Bravo Big Dog! I love it when you take on snits like Stephan Miller and tear them a new one. That’s what keeps me comming back to this blog.
Good points, BigDog!
I tried to post a comment at the Fox News Channel website this morning, but it wasn’t published. There have been 501 total comments listed there since last night.
What gives? Did the Obamination make them close the comments there? Wouldn’t be a bit surprised…
What weenies!!!
Just checked again. There are new comments posted. Apparently, just mine was rejected.
Go see the one by “John Elkins” posted July 15th, 2008 at 10:52 am! I can’t even believe that they posted such a politically incorrect comment!
Mine wasn’t anywhere NEAR as bad!
Christinewjcs last blog post..Correction and Reproof
Thanks for the kind words. We need to keep up the good fight or we will lose our country to those who wear rose colored glasses…
“Where was the war for oil conducted? If we are fighting for oil why does gas cost $4.00 a gallon? Seems to me if we wanted the oil we could have gone in, killed everyone and taken it.”
Dude, you’re the one with the rose-colored glasses. Guys like you belong in Iraq, getting your ass shot off. Why aren’t you there?
Heed this: The way these things work, if we’d “gone in, killed everyone and taken it,” you probably wouldn’t be here today writing your patriotic rose-colored anti-American mush.
Iraq has 115 billion barrels of KNOWN oil reserves, 10% of the world’s total. There are only 17 developed oilfields out of 80 that have been discovered in Iraq so far.
There is an Iraqi Oil Law being drafted, the first of its kind, whereby large AMERICAN and “international” oil corporations stand to gain the greater control of Iraqi oil production (read: sales). I strongly suggest you use your hugely sarcastic, cynical American brain and read this:
How, in your depraved indifference, you can possibly think that the price of oil has nothing to do with Iraqi oil and the war in Iraq shows the extant of the brain damage the Bush administration has inflicted on hapless citizens such as yourself.
Anything good that we have accomplished in Iraq has been done IN SPITE of the Bush administration and the oil corporations, not because of them.
Keep telling yourself Obama’s the enemy. Everything will be alright.
Hal you cite a left leaning website as your source of information. I see no links to a copy of said draft of the oil law, merely a fact sheet prepared by the site itself that reiterates what was said in the article you linked. Going with the left’s traditional tactic of “repeat it enough as truth people are bound to believe you”. You like many of leftists parrot what you read as gospel. You seem to ignore our own largely untapped and unexplored reserves, which if you include the oil shale is reportedly greater than that of the Middle East. How does that figure into your number of 10% of the world’s total?
Next, Iraq like most Middle Eastern nations has little of value to offer developed nations in the way of trade. Iraq is still a fledgling nation, (it took the US over 15 years to form our current government) and due to neglect and damage of previous wars and regimes it would take the nation many years to recover from the damage and develop new oil fields. Favorable deals to American and international oil companies result in two things, increased revenue and (hopefully) lower fuel costs from increased global supply. The increased revenue provides more taxes to the US government, lower fuel costs also benefits the US government as the economy will grow as it frees up money now going into gas tanks across the nation. This results in increased revenue from sales taxes, businesses income taxes, etc. This in turn helps pay back the American government and people some of the “treasure” spent on liberating the Iraqi people from a brutal dictator.
Keep on keepin’ on for “hope and change” there Hal because the only change that B.O. and the Dems care about is the change they can take from your pocket.
Hey Hal, I am RETIRED from the military after 24 years. That is why I am not there. I served my time but would serve again if they called me out of retirement. I served, guys like you sit at home drinking Kool-Aid and living under the blanket of freedom and protection that guys like me provide. Before you start throwing accusations you should know what you are talking about. I served my time, where were you?
As for the rest, Scott said it all…Dude
I thought lying, using scape goats, and low IQs only applied to DEMS – at least that’s all I see. The only club OB needs to join is the Socialist party because that is where he belongs. President of the free world? He doesn’t qualify to kiss my very free — well you get the idea.
As for Hal, I don’t what liberal rock this misinformed and hateful moron crawled out from under but I hope to hell he finds it and goes back home soon. Has anyone seen so much rhetoric and obviously unamerican BS in one comment? Sheesh