Obama Is The Commander In Thief

Barack Obama tried to hide his agenda for wealth redistribution until he slipped up and told Joe the Plumber that he [Obama] wanted to spread the wealth around. Since he took office he has done nothing to help the economy and has quadrupled the national debt. The 600 billion dollar debt Bush left was bad enough but Obama is up to 1.4 TRILLION and he has not completed two years.

Obama is busy spending money we do not have to reward his supporters as was the case with the Stimulus and he is busy working on taking wealth from those who produce and giving it to those who do not. He is doing this with the takeover of health care, the banks, the car companies and with a cap and tax scheme.

[note]Obama said jobs (a three letter word for Joe BiteMe) were his number one priority. Private companies added 13,000 new jobs in June. How is that for Stimulating the Economy?[/note]

Obama is piling up huge amounts of debt that we will not be able to pay. He has burdened generations of unborn children by saddling them with debt.

The national debt of the US is at its highest level since WW II and will be 62% of our economy by the end of the year:

The federal debt will represent 62% of the nation’s economy by the end of this year, the highest percentage since just after World War II, according to a long-term budget outlook released today by the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office. USA Today

Barack Obama has his heart set on taking wealth and spreading it around to “level the playing field” and he does not care how he goes about this theft.

Additionally, he has stolen the future of millions of unborn Americans by amassing debt we cannot possibly pay off.

Barack Obama is the Commander in Thief…

Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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5 Responses to “Obama Is The Commander In Thief”

  1. Adam says:

    In your blame game you lost track of the facts. The biggest chunk of the deficit is still the wars, Bush tax cuts, and the downturn.

    • Big Dog says:

      Link to a left wing think tank that pushes social issues and expect it to be credible. It must be credible, it refutes what Heritage said.

      The tax cuts benefitted the middle class and poor the most and Obama will be (at least until he changes his mind) keeping those cuts. Since they affected the largest portion of people there will be little change in the deficit. The wars STILL cost less than what we spend on social programs.

      Obama spent a trillion dollars on a stimulus that did not work and had quadrupled the debt. Bush did not do that, Obama and the Democrats in COngress did.

      But I expect you to continue to blame Bush. You guys were successful in blaming Bush for the failures of democrats in Congress (not that he did not have his own failures) and the destruction of our economy under Democrat rule of Congress.

      Here is the deal, you libs like to lay 9/11 and any other thing that started under Clinton on Bush because it happened on his watch. fine, this mess is happening on Obama’s watch and he is responsible.

      It has been a year and a half so repeat after me, Bush is not in office, Bush is not in office.

      Cut spending, reduce taxes and watch the economy rebound. Very simple concept for people with business experience. Oh wait, Obama has never had a job where he had to make payroll…

      • Adam says:

        “Link to a left wing think tank that pushes social issues and expect it to be credible.”

        Right. It’s “liberal” so the facts are wrong? Please present the costs of the wars, tax cuts, and the downturn that run counter to the values in the graph I’ve presented and then you can suggest the graph is incorrect.

        “Fine, this mess is happening on Obama’s watch and he is responsible.”

        So you think the wars Bush started, the tax cuts that Bush signed into law, and the downturn that started under Bush all happened on Obama’s watch?

        “Cut spending, reduce taxes and watch the economy rebound. Very simple concept for people with business experience.”

        I wouldn’t call it a simple concept so much as a simpleton’s concept. You want to run the $14 trillion US economy like a family budget or a business and I’m supposed to trust your judgment on the subject?

  2. Darrel says:

    Adam smacks down a whole article with a single sentence. Very nice. That’s talent.

    • Blake says:

      Darrell- the whole thing can be summed up in the single TRUE sentence, “Hussein has done nothing to add REAL jobs to the country, because he WANTS the country to be in “crisis mode” for as long as possible.”
      That is the sum and substance of Hussein’s reign so far.