Obama is the Perfect Candidate
by Big Dog on Apr 14, 2008 at 21:01 Political
…for the Democratic Party.
I don’t know why there are so many Hillary supporters who keep attacking Barack Obama. I just cannot understand why so many super delegates are undecided and I cannot understand why Hillary has not dropped out so that she and Bill can support Obama because he is the perfect Democratic candidate.
Barack Obama has so many things going for him that make him the perfect candidate, a perfect representative of the Democratic Party and all that it stands for. Obama is the kind of person the party claims to represent and he fits nearly every demographic that they could hope for.
Obama’s mother married a Muslim, a non citizen, and give birth to little Barry. Then his momma, in true liberal style, abandoned Barry and his daddy and hooked up with another dude. Both her suitors were black men and she was white so she was a diverse chick way back when. Obama comes from a broken home and Democrats love that. His momma was divorced and remarried and the Democrats love that except for the NOW gang who don’t see a need for men. Little Barry was raised by his grandmother (the one who is typical and is afraid of black folks) and he is mixed race. Democrats should be eating him up with a ladle.
Barry was a drug addict and alcohol abuser and the Democrats certainly love that about a person. Obama’s abuse of booze is the sole factor in getting the Ted Kennedy endorsement and the drug use should make Bill Clinton jump right on the Obama train. In addition to his drug and alcohol abuse, Barry was a cigarette smoker which is a turn off to the clean air Dems but he said he quit at the start of the campaign so now he is a beloved reformed smoker.
Barry Obama believes that when a woman gets pregnant it is a punishment so he believes that any woman should be able to abort a child at any time, no questions asked. He has always opposed any legislation that would restrict abortions. Obama is so pro abortion that he would probably be OK with killing a newborn and calling it an abortion. After all, why punish the mother when you can punish the child instead?
Barry is real big on government intervention and he loves the idea of taxing and spending. He has made a number of promises to raise taxes and he has told us that he intends to introduce legislation that will cost billions of dollars. Obama is a Socialist who loves the idea of income redistribution and he will be more than happy to take money from those who earn it and give it to those who don’t. He believes in people getting money to which they are not entitled just as he did when he purchased his home.
Barry believes that bitter white folks cling to religion when times are bad but thinks nothing of clinging for more than 20 years to a racist pastor in a America hating church. Barry believes that we small town white folk cling to our guns because we are bitter but fails to mention the inner city black kids who kill each other every day because they have been the victims of failed Democratic policies. Yes, that Barry sure knows how to point fingers at everyone else and that is the making of a Democratic king.
Yes folks, Barry Obama has almost all the attributes needed to be the perfect Democrat. He lacks only one credential in order to be perfect.
If he could somehow show that he was in fact an aborted fetus he would be the hands down nominee. Hillary would drop out, Bill would sing him praises, the super delegates would all support him and the godless of the Democratic party would have multiple orgasms all through the convention.
I bet Hillary wishes he had been an aborted fetus…
Tags: abortion, Democrats, guns, inner city, Obama
[…] Mixed race, diverse, past-drug use, radical, corrupt, elitist, big government socialist. Everything a good Democrat loves? Big Dog explains. […]
I think he’s more of a commie than a socialist, but otherwise, I couldn’t agree more! Nicely done!
And are you SURE he’s not an aborted fetus? After all, if that’s what you want him to be, then that’s what he is, according to his campaign.
Ogre’s last blog post..Public Schools
Barack Obama has revealed something about the Democratic Party. There were other contemptuous remarks made by Obama at the San Francisco fundraiser which haven’t been widely reported. Here’s the quote:
“Here’s how it is: in a lot of these communities in big industrial states like Ohio and Pennsylvania, people have been beaten down so long, and they feel so betrayed by government, and when they hear a pitch that is premised on not being cynical about government, then a part of them just doesn’t buy it. And when it’s delivered by — it’s true that when it’s delivered by a 46-year-old black man named Barack Obama (laugher), then that adds another layer of skepticism.”
Here’s the link to the video of Obama saying this:
He’s clearly sneering at average American citizens, Pennsylvanians and the rest of us, and enjoying himself so much while doing so. It’s incredible that he would refer to the voters of this country in such a disdainful manner. That’s the prevailing theme of the Democratic Party, they call us flyover country. This is who these Democrats are. They’ve separated themselves apart, or above us all.
They have no regard for us, they look down upon us with nothing but disrespect. It’s shocking to see this sentiment laid bare for us. I am sickened.
We cannot elect these people, they hate us. They aren’t interested in making the country stronger. They aren’t interested in protecting what we’ve earned and produced, they don’t think we had anything to do with our success. They think government provided it for us and we’re too dumb to know it.
Democrats are unworthy of representing us in the White House, or in the Congress. They don’t represent us, they don’t consider themselves to be one of us. They think they’re better, much better. We must defeat these people, they must be thrown out of office completely, every last one of them.
I don’t know why I never realized this before, but with this latest revelation from Senator O-Bombed-out, the point has been driven home to me. These people despise us and everything we’ve accomplished.
Hey, I know what you are! a total ass and bitter to boot
What’s the matter Paul the truth hurt?
The Democrats and liberal don’t give a damn about working class America beyond the votes that keep them in power to line their pockets. People on welfare didn’t make this country great, people relying on themselves, their family, and their neighbors is what made America great. Just ask the Native American what government subsidies, handouts, etc. did to an entire people. Just look at the average urban ghetto or section 8 housing to see just how much pride and self worth government handouts and welfare instill in a people. What better way to oppress an entire people than to take away their pride and sense of self worth? The Democrats want to do it to everyone, and they’ve hoodwinked the the middle class through the liberal education system, bamboozled the minorities through entitlement programs, and leaving loopholes for themselves and the rest of the ultra-rich who contribute to their campaigns to protect their finances while they tax the poor and middle class into wage slaves.
Just ask any resident of the People’s Republic of MD about their “beloved” Democratic M.O.B. and how their tax hikes have really hurt the poor and middle class. The increased sales tax, cigarette, and alcohol tax (thank God he didn’t get the gas tax passed) have impacted the poor and middle class much more than the wealthy.
Paul, thanks for chiming in. Now that we have the your comment I can apply for a grant for allowing the mentally disabled comment here.
It is tough when people point out the truth. I know it hurts but Scott is right, Democrats only care about you voting for them. They have spent 13 trillion dollars on the war on poverty and we still have the same rate of poverty we had when the war started.
Democrats have promised blacks everything and anything every year and when the election is over they are forgotten.
Obama is a perfect candidate because he represents what the party is…
This article is filled with skewed facts and lies, lubricated by the minimum truth. It is a good read though. It’s just a little sad because we can’t get the real news on TV or in the paper, and when we are given the chance to do it ourselves, we put out information based solely on the facts we think we have in our head, and 30 min. of internet research.
The Pamphlet,
It is easy to claim that someone lies but it is difficult to be taken seriously when you fail to point out the lie and then demonstrate the truth.
I suspect you have no method to do that because this article contains no lies.
Opinions, facts and speculation, but no lies. Point them out if you are so sure.