Obama On Car Insurance
by Big Dog on Mar 1, 2010 at 09:56 Political
During the dog and pony show summit about health care Obama used an analogy about when he had graduated from college and had a junker car that was covered with liability insurance. He claims to have been rear ended and that the insurance company would not pay for the repairs to his car. Obama is either lying about the incident (he made it up to make a point) or he does not understand what happened to him.
Obama probably had liability insurance only (common when a car gets old). Liability covers the other person in an accident (as in you are responsible so they pay the other driver because it is your fault). Liability does not cover the damage to your car. If Obama only had liability then the company did what Obama contracted it to do. He paid them premiums to cover him for the damage to another person’s car and that is what they did. If he had full coverage (unlikely or his car would have been covered or totaled) then he is misleading us about the result of the accident. Obama claims that this was not set up to provide real insurance, only to meet legal requirements (which are that you have to have liability insurance) but he is wrong. Unlike health insurance, people actually have a choice in what they want to buy. There are minimums established by each state but drivers are allowed to add what they want (as long as it is offered). Obama had to choose the coverage he had and he either had to know that he was only covered for damage he did to others or he is ignorant about insurance or he lied about the particulars of the accident. One more reason he should not be involved in OUR heath insurance.
But I wonder if this incident took place at all. Obama claims to have been rear ended which means the accident would have been the other person’s fault. In this case, the other person’s insurance would have been responsible for the damage to both vehicles.
No matter, Obama used this analogy to say that it is one thing to have a beat up car and get screwed over by insurance but it is quite another if you have a serious illness. These two are nothing alike.
But as long as Obama wants to compare to car insurance then he should consider the way they do business. Have minimums that must be covered and allow individuals to decide on what they want to add. Allow competition across state lines and have varying deductibles to help with costs. In addition, charge higher risk people more money for coverage.
I doubt this accident took place and it looks to me like the only folks who are going to get rear ended are Americans who have Obamacare forced upon them.
Obama made it clear he will let this get rammed through with reconciliation and that if people don’t like it then that is what elections are for.
We can start showing our dislike in 2010 by ramming them out the door.
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Tags: car accident, health care, lies, Obama
Bigd: “Obama made it clear he will let this get rammed through with reconciliation…”
I hope you are being accurate here.
I think it is accurate with what he said at the end of the summit. It was pretty clear what he meant when he said that they would just have to proceed and that this is what elections are for.
No one who has commented on this from either side (that I have heard) has interpreted it differently.