Obama Said This Was The Wrong Approach

When Obama was running for the office he now holds he put out a commercial that blasted John McCain over his positions on health care reform. McCain discussed taxing employer provided benefits and cutting Medicare and Obama went after him on that. Obama said; “Taxing Healthcare and Cutting Medicare Is Worst Way to Reform System.”

The worst way to reform the system.

The bills that will be reconciled in the House and Senate will tax health care plans and cut Medicare. The two things Obama said were the worst way to do things his Congress is now doing as is Obama because he made it clear he will sign whatever the Congress comes up with.

Breitbart has the video of the commercial. Be sure to watch it and see how, back then, Obama was against what he is now pushing for. You can be absolutely certain Obama was on board with the commercial because at the end he says; “I’m Barack Obama and I approve this message.”

In their haste to get something, anything, passed the Democrats have shown that either they agreed with McCain or they are willing to abandon their position just to get something through. I think it is the later rather than the former.

Obama’s numbers are rapidly falling and people are against this plan. He does not care. He wants to be able to say that he got health care passed. It matters not to him that he will be signing a bill into law that contains things that “are the worst way to reform the system.”

Just as long as he gets to sign something…

Looks like he lost Republicans foolish enough to vote for him, has lost Independents who voted for him and now is losing Democrats who were all full of Hope and Change.

Obama even lost his buddy Hugo.

This hack is a one term wonder.

And folks, the Senate bill has language that would prevent it from ever being repealed (though I imagine a future Congress could pass a bill that allows unrepealable laws to be repealed). The problem is, once we get it, it will not go away. There are too many lemmings who suckle at the teat of government to ever let go.

On a lighter note, this piece by Dave Barry (Miami Herald) is absolutely hilarious.

Big Dog


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3 Responses to “Obama Said This Was The Wrong Approach”

  1. Darrel says:

    Bigd: “Senate bill… once we get it, it will not go away.”

    You got that right.

  2. Blake says:

    Yes- it IS unconstitutional- Dem dummies cannot keep stuffing every law that they like down the throat of Article 8, sec. 1- that pig will choke from the sheer hypocrisy forced upon it.
    And the argument that “well, the Repubs did it too”, is just prima facie childish “logic” akin to the old “jumping off the bridge” argument.