Our “Beloved” Leaders

It would be funny if this was a film, with all the clumsy attempts at propaganda that the government tries to use, all to little effect. Indeed, one might say that they are hurting their cause by all of this manipulation, but still they persevere. Never before in our history have we had people as nakedly promoting their radical agenda  through their propaganda as these Marxists.

With Senate bill 773, which gives the Resident the power to shut down the Internet at his discretion, (whatever constitutes, in his mind, an emergency), this administration is trying its best to control and influence all information.

This includes scrubbing the Internet of all negative information that could be construed to be negative. The blog, Stop the ACLU has found an Organizing For America,(Nobama’s personal propaganda corps) E-mail (that has now been “scrubbed” from their site) that calls for “action” on (and this is soooooooo cute, they have selected, 9/11, or “Patriot Day”) Sept. 11, where each minion calls their Senators and “Swamp the switchboards” about the “Right- wing terrorists” who are apparently hogging all the healthcare, and denying poor people the healthcare they need. How ridiculous is that?

This is something I couldn’t make up- you have to view it yourself:

Stop The ACLU

The point of this post is not so much that they are lying blatantly- I have come to expect that. Or that they use their little OFA website to promote hate- I expect that also.

But what galls me is that they attempted to “scrub” their website of this offensive hate missive- and some liberals maintain that they simply wouldn’t , or couldn’t delete these things, like they maintain that Wikipedia and other sites can’t be scrubbed of information the government deems detrimental to their cause. 

These people will soon have the ability to shut off our free speech- right now, they are busy remolding their “reality” to fit their propaganda, their “class warfare”, because with Liberals, it seems to be the only way they know how to make their  disgusting ideas palatable to the public- pick a group- in this case, conservatives, and demonize them with baseless rumors and innuendo that is then deleted from their websites.

These are the people that apparently, a slim majority of people elected- actually, only one was elected- he has brought all his marxist, racist, radical people with him. What galls me, is that he has been friends with Bill Ayers for about 20 years- he sat in Rev. Wright’s pews for 20 years, listening to that race- baiter, he has formed friendships with the most radical people in this country, and he has the gall to call conservatives terrorists?

This man’s value system is so screwed up that a lifetime of sessions with Freud himself couldn’t even begin to peel the socialist onion that is our Resident. 

As I have said, he would be laughable if only he didn’t attract so many radical flies.

We need to stop this man’s hateful agenda now.
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8 Responses to “Our “Beloved” Leaders”

  1. cmblake6 says:

    Let me send you over to Vilmar to see a post. This is a serious “deep thought” thing.

  2. Darrel says:

    Dear Blake, you couldn’t use your little paranoid imagination to conjure up a reason why it might be appropriate to shut the internet off for a bit?

    Think about it.

    What if we learned some boogie man was going to trigger a bomb via an internet connection? Or a computer virus/worm attack of new and ultra scary proportions?

    It might be useful to have a temporary off switch (which would probably never be used) and it only makes sense that the person who would take the heat for such an action would be the fellow at the top.

    A fellow how is entrusted with the nuke certainly can handle the responsibility of not abusing an internet off switch.

    If it happened, then you would have a reason to whine.

    And don’t worry, it wouldn’t be for long. Politicians thrive on being liked and the power that comes from being liked. People wouldn’t like to have their internet off for very long. After all, what would you conservatives do if you couldn’t GET YOUR PORN?

    Porn in the USA: Conservatives are biggest consumers .


  3. Blake says:

    Darrel, as USUAL, you can’t read for comprehension- the point was not S773, which I wrote awhile back on, but the fact that Hussein’s little marxist minions are busy scrubbing the websites of anything that might be illegal for them to do, or might look illegal, for that matter- and they have A LOT that looks pretty damn illegal to me, not to mention immoral.
    Ahhhhh, what am I doing talking morals with an atheist for? Thats like describing colors to a blind man.

    • Darrel says:

      BLK: “…what am I doing talking morals with an atheist for?>>

      Morality has nothing to do with theism. Moral questions pose the exact same problems for a God as they do for theists, atheists and everyone else.

      As I told you in July, Plato pointed this out 2,400 years ago. You can learn about this here:

      Euthyphro Dilemma
