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Round Up Star Date 2021.264
by Big Dog on Sep 21, 2021 at 20:57 Posted in Opinion, Political, Tyranny Comments Off on Round Up Star Date 2021.264
1. Same old song and dance. Well, here we are with the government up against the debt ceiling. The minority party is balking at raising the limit while the majority is saying they all must “do the right thing” and raise the limit. The majority can do it on its own with no support from the minority but that is a political suicide waiting to happen. That amounts to giving your opponent the tools with which to beat you. A familiar story is playing out. The limit was hit in July but extreme measures will keep the US running until mid October and they have not been able to reach a deal so the compromise is to extend the limit short term, until December (and of course tack a few trinkets on for good measure), and then they will have time to accomplish raising the debt limit and funding the government. This plays out every time. Here is what will happen; they will pass the short term limit increase and then in December, right as Christmas approaches and they all want to go home they will pass a huge increase in the debt limit and spend a boatload of money to appease each other. Then they will come before the cameras with the majority telling its supporters they finally made the minority come around to the correct way of thinking. They didn’t get all they wanted but they got a lot. The minority will come before the cameras and tell us that they tried but dog gone it they just could not prevent the increase. They will all go back inside, slap each other on the back and head home for the holidays while taxpayers are left wondering how they were raped yet again. This happens all the time. If they needed more time they should have spent August working on it instead of on recess. They should be working on this instead of the BS global warming new deal crap. But this has been planned all along. They always push things until December and then work around the clock to make us think they are negotiating. Then they hit us with a predetermined outcome, they pretend they did the best they could and they pretend that it is good for the country.
2. If they want to fix the debt issue the first thing to do is to cut government spending. Both parties spend more than we have even when the government receives record levels of income from our taxes. The more they get the more they spend. We need to take a cleaver to the federal budget. I think that they should cut all unconstitutional spending. I do not want to entertain ideas about how they twist the Constitution to allow things. Nowhere in there is there a provision for paying welfare (no, the preamble and the general welfare statement are not about that kind of welfare). We do not need to send billions of dollars to other countries. We are not the world’s ATM. Let them fend for themselves. There are agencies not authorized under the Constitution, get rid of them. Pare the government down to those things only authorized by the Founding Documents and make it a lean government. Once we have cut the trillions of dollars of waste we can go about changing the budget process. Right now, federal agencies are spending billions of dollars on things they do not need and should not be buying. The government’s fiscal year ends 30 September and each year around this time agencies that have excess money go on spending sprees to buy furniture, computers, office supplies, you name it. They spend billions of dollars instead of turning the unspent money back in. They do this because next year’s budget is based on this year’s and they are afraid if they return money they will get less for next year. This is a terrible way to run anything. If a business ran like this Congress would be calling the CEOs in for a chat. I think they should go to a two year federal budget where agencies submit requests for the amount of money they need to operate. Any agency with money left over at the end of the process would return it and the agency would receive a small percentage of that money for morale, welfare and support programs as an incentive. All agencies would be barred from making huge purchases in September.
3. If it were my wife or daughter. The Biden Regime cares little about Americans or the nation. He is mandating vaccines for citizens who do not want them but allowing ILLEGAL aliens to enter the country and be released without being vaccinated. Biden had a catastrophic withdraw from Afghanistan that, after 20 years, billions of dollars, lost lives and life altering injuries, is right back where it started. Biden’s hasty and poorly conceived withdraw resulted in tens of thousands of Afghanis, mostly men of fighting age, ending up in the US. These people are being housed at military bases across the nation until Biden can release them into different states. It seems that many governors are happy to have them. That is probably because governors get armed police to protect them. Whistleblower reports indicate these Afghanis are causing problems at the military bases including criminal acts, assault and RAPE. It should come as no surprise because where ever they put Middle Eastern men there is always an uptick in crime and there is always an uptick in rape. These people do not care about women and they think it is perfectly OK to rape them. Biden is importing this. I can’t figure, for the life of me, why no member of the military who has been affected has not opened fire and eliminated the problem. If it were my wife or daughter I would hunt the bastard down and shoot him. I would then smear his body with pig grease and hang him for the buzzards to eat as a reminder to the others. Biden plans of filtering these people into your neighborhoods. All I can say is if they come to your neighborhood and cause trouble shoot them. In a sane world these people would have been put in other ME nations where they could engage in their 7th century lifestyle with like minded people. In a slightly less sane world the people will be released in the neighborhoods of liberals so they can live with their blunder. In my world they get shot if they step out of line. IOW, touch the women in my family and you die.
4. Big brother is watching. Biden wants to have your bank report any balance over $600 to the government in order to keep tabs on what billionaires are doing with their money because everyone knows everyone with $600 in the bank is a billionaire. The government wants to keep track of your money (probably so they know if you have more for them to take) and that is never a good thing. Now there is word that instead of your standard credit score developed by looking at your loan and payment history as well as debt to income ratio they want to start using your browsing history to determine your credit worthiness. The internet already tracks a lot of what you do and you might have to provide a browser history when applying for a loan if the International Monetary Fund (IMF) gets its way. The claim is that this will help the underserved or those who might not make it based on the old standards. Here is a clue, this will not be good for anyone but the government. I am opposed to government being involved in anything in my life so I am certain I will not be providing my browser history. Anyone who thinks this is a good idea deserves what happens to them. I would say that they could make it voluntary so that if your loan was not approved you could then submit your history but that would only lead to more abuse. Soon EVERYONE would be denied so that they could get a peek at your browser history. I do not need them looking at my browser to get a loan. I damn sure will not let them tell me otherwise. We are well on our way to the systems set up in Australia and China. Eventually you will comply or you will get nothing. Sounds to me like that jackass Mark Zuckerberg was involved in writing this up. He loves all the info on you he can get so he can target you with ads. Put your money in a credit union. They do not have to report your balance (I bet most of Congress has their money in a credit union).
5. It is a good start. The government is a revolving door between federal service and contractors or lobbyists. The Defense Department is a prime example. People at the Pentagon leave the service and go to work for a defense contractor drawing a huge salary for the connections they have inside the Puzzle Palace.
A recent Government Accountability Office (GAO) report found that 14 major military contractors have hired 1,718 former senior Pentagon officials over a five-year span. A group of good-governance advocates are pushing reforms seeking to prevent potential conflicts of interest posed by this activity.
The Sept. 9 GAO report found that of 1,497,882 people who left the Department of Defense (DOD) between 2014 and 2019, 37,032 of them went to work for one of the 14 major contractors reviewed. Of those, 1,718 were senior officials, according to the report. ~ Source
The government is attempting to remedy this by placing a one year (or two) wait on people transitioning from the government to the contractors. I think that anyone who was involved in any aspect of the contract business regardless of which company or companies they dealt with should have to wait a long time, perhaps five years, before working for a contractor. I think any contractor who recruits should be penalized and I think anyone who uses their service to benefit themselves through the contractor (in violation of the law) should receive jail time. But let us not stop there. Members of Congress should be forbidden from leaving government and going to lobbyists, think tanks and any other groups that pay them lots of money for access to government. I personally think all lobbyists (K street) should be forced to move out of DC and not be allowed to lobby members of Congress while it is in session. I would forbid all lobbying but I imagine that would violate a right or two. I also think that people should not be allowed to come from the companies doing business with the government to work for the government. There are rules in place but Congress has exemptions it can grant so they just ignore common sense and grant exemptions. If we had followed the rules Lloyd Austin would not be the SECDEF and maybe, just maybe, 13 souls would not have been lost in Kabul. We might not have all the social justice BS distracting the military from its primary mission. We need reform but it has to have teeth so people face serious problems when they go astray.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: Afghani rapists, biden, big brother, dementia
Covid And Vaccine Round Up Star Date 2021.264
by Big Dog on Sep 21, 2021 at 09:56 Posted in COVID, Tyranny, Vaccines Comments Off on Covid And Vaccine Round Up Star Date 2021.264
1. A whistleblower has come forward to Project Veritas and reported that many people are being harmed by the Covid vaccines but government is sweeping the information under the mat. Obvious vaccine related injuries are not being associated with the shots in order to keep pushing them on the unsuspecting public. The adverse reactions are NOT being reported and that means more people are going to get sick, many will die. Read this article and tell me how this is not pure evil. Keep in mind these doctors and nurses are federal employees at HHS.
O’Malley: “If we [government] are not gathering [COVID vaccine] data and reporting it, then how are we going to say that this is safe and approved for use?” ~ Project Veritas
Read it and ask yourself, would your government really do this? If you think the government has your best interests at heart you are wrong. Ask the black population about Tuskegee or the Indians about smallpox infected blankets.
2. The government is hiding the damage done by the vaccines but it has been playing us all along. The 6 foot social distancing was arbitrary and not based on anything other than when told it should be between 3 and 6 feet they took 6. They originally wanted ten but decided people would not know how to estimate that and would never buy it. Most of what they are doing is based on what was done during the 1918 pandemic. Over 100 years and they are doing the same thing that resulted in the deaths of millions of people. This has always been about control. They needed an event to use to control people through fear and thus be able to cheat in the 2020 election. You do not have to believe that but I weep for anyone who can see all the evidence and ignore the reality. The entire process was for tyrants to control you and in the process they cost entities billions of dollars, destroyed businesses and ruined lives. They did this to control you. If you think government would not do this for power you are one of the sheep.
3. Pfizer is not content on poisoning the adult population, now it has its sights set on the children. Pfizer is seeking approval to give the experimental vaccine to children ages 5-11. They continue to tell the lie that the vaccine is safe and effective (if they cannot tell you how it will affect you in the future they are lying about it being safe). Right now the evidence shows the vaccine (is not really a vaccine) is not effective as the vaccinated are getting Covid and infecting others. Despite the CDC changing the definition of a vaccine the reality is a real vaccine provides immunity from infection. The two shot mRNA experimental shots have been touted as highly effective but now government and the manufacturer are demanding that booster shots be given. How many boosters will be required as the virus continues to affect the vaccinated? Israel is on its fourth booster. Children could be negatively affected by these drugs and you know the government will force kids to take them in order to go to school. I do not want to hear that other vaccines are mandated because those have been tested for years and years and found to be safe. The Fauci Ouchy is not tested in the long term. Boys and young men are suffering from heart problems associated with the jab even thought he government is not reporting it. How evil is it to know there is danger and still mandate people take it? The government tells you the risk outweighs the benefit. They do not get to decide my risk tolerance. Protect your children. You do not want your five year old to have multiple health issues in ten years because the government used him for research.
4. Australia is showing us the world model for fascism and it is not very different from the path the Israelis are taking. Australia has decided that boosters will be needed regularly and that people must have their vaccine passport updated routinely in order to be compliant. We were told two jabs are >90% effective. Then we were told without those jabs we could not participate in society and we were shown things like passports in order to do normal things. Now we are being told that those passports expire whenever government decides a new booster is needed and without the update to the passport we will be shunned from normal society. This is happening NOW in Australia and you can bet your next stimulus check that it is coming here. Chairman Biden of the CCP will demand boosters (his FDA said no for now but this is about politics not science so the boosters are coming) and if you do not get them you will not be in compliance. Imagine how many people will be required to get boosters. It will be all the ones that Biden just mandated to get the jab. All federal workers, companies with more than 100 employees and anyone else the Chairman directs. He did an end run around the Constitution and will keep doing so until we stand up and resist. They do not have the manpower to fight 170 million gun owners (this is why they want gun control) so a spark could make things interesting. Against all enemies foreign and DOMESTIC. Right now Biden and his regime are domestic enemies. Say no to the jab. Fight or you will end up like Australians, locked in your homes or sick camps with police running around beating you into compliance. Now you know what happens when they take away your means to resist.
5. Finally in vaccine news, people in Maui Hawaii are protesting to keep Maui free from vaccine mandates. This grass roots movement grew from hundreds to thousands as people on the island (a place that gets a lot of money from tourism) decided to protest the things that have taken away their livelihoods, their businesses and their money. Good for them but Hawaii is a huge blue liberal state that votes for the very tyrants who imposed this on them. Even if these people get what they want right now you can bet the farm that they will still vote for Democrats in the next election. They will continue to vote for the people who are oppressing them. As the forest got smaller and smaller the trees voted to keep the axe there. He must be ok, they claimed, because his handle is made of wood. The hogs run toward a farmer every day to be fed. He brings the food and they come running. They are excited to see the very person who will butcher them one day. Thus it is with liberals who continue to put people in office who will one day knife them in the back. I hope they not only get what they want with their protests but that they also wake the hell up.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Round Up Star Date 2021.263
by Big Dog on Sep 20, 2021 at 16:01 Posted in Commentary, Political, Tyranny, Vaccines Comments Off on Round Up Star Date 2021.263
1. Judges in North Carolina decided that the State’s voter ID requirements were discriminatory because minorities do not have ID cards so they must be the ones targeted by evil Republicans. The ruling will be appealed and saner judges will overrule this nonsense. First of all this is 2021. Tell me how any person in the US makes it through any year without having to show ID for something. You have to show ID to enroll in classes, get on a plane, buy alcohol or tobacco and you have to show ID to buy a firearm. So unless the law requiring an ID is discriminatory for the gun buyers it can’t be for voters. This is 2021. It is easy to get an ID and most places that require them to vote will provide them FREE OF CHARGE. The reality is the court in this case is the racist in the room. They assume people of color are not bright enough to get an ID. And the article mentions how this affects the poor. The poor had to have ID to sign up for the many generous welfare benefits the taxpayers are forced to provide. I imagine none of them complained about needing ID to get free money. So spare me. If you do not have an ID to vote it is because you were too lazy to go get one. Seems to me these democrat cheater groups could take people to get IDs instead of stealing their ballots and voting for them. Judges are tyrants in black robes.
2. When the plandemic started I monitored Sweden and I reported regularly (before Facebook put me in jail) that Sweden was not locking people down and that they were not any worse off than places that did. I also mentioned that the only thing they lamented was not protecting the elderly more at the beginning. They did it right and by so doing they are reporting no deaths from Covid. They are getting rid of any vaccines that are left because no one wants them. They can do that since they do not have a Fauci trying to increase vax rates to get more money from the investments. If this nation, an allegedly advanced nation, would have protected the vulnerable and left everyone else alone (as I preached from the beginning) we would be done with this but then again there would have been no fear porn to allow the cheating in the election…
3. Indiana’s biggest hospital system has parted ways with 125 staff members who refused to get the Covid Vaccine. I imagine the hospital will be begging for help when they cannot replace the talent they chased out the door. Here is a statement that makes me laugh:
“Indiana University Health has put the safety and well-being of patients and team members first by requiring employees to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 by Sept. 1,” IU Health said in a Sept. 16 statement. “After a two-week unpaid suspension period ending Sept. 14, a total of 125 employees, the equivalent of 61 full-time employees, chose not to receive the COVID-19 vaccine and have left the organization.”
Indiana University Health, like every other health system in the nation, did not put the well being of its team members first when they forced them all to come in all through the worst part of the pandemic. The system did not give a second thought to how many team members were being placed in harm’s way as long as they kept pumping out Covid cases to get the system higher reimbursements form the government. Every team member put themselves and their families at risk in order to show up every single day to do their jobs. Now that there is a vaccine they are all of the sudden a burden and have to be let go. I say the next time there is a pandemic the staff refuses to work until there is a vaccine. Soon there will be shortages across the nation. Some of the folks will be asked to come back and not forced to get a shot. They should request double the salary to do so.
4. Other emergency responders are in the same situation. Firefighters in Gainesville Florida must be vaccinated by 31 October or they will be terminated. These are the people who run into burning buildings, stand on busy highways pulling people out of wrecks and who rush toward disasters like Hurricane Ida. If these folks go who will do the job? Imagine how it will be when a house is on fire and the fire department can’t respond because they were all terminated for not getting a vaccine they did not need to work during all of the pandemic. I only hope the burning houses, wrecked vehicles and disasters affect the people responsible for this. Maybe if no one can respond to their emergencies they will see things differently. Just like with medical staff, when they call you to come back demand they double your pay.
7. Democrats are very upset because the Senate Parliamentarian said their scheme to give citizenship to illegals through reconciliation cannot be done. As soon as Parliamentarian Elizabeth MacDonough reported her decision the left went bonkers. They immediately started saying that it is only a recommendation and should be ignored. Bomb vest wearing terrorist Congress Critter Ilhan Omar tweeted; “We can’t miss this once in a lifetime opportunity to do the right thing.” So to this dingbat it is OK to do the wrong thing (ignore the Parliamentarian) to do what she thinks is the right thing. Keep in mind that these are the people who said Donald Trump was a dictator and that he ignored the law and the rules. They impeached him over a phone call with a claim that he violated the rules (he did not). Is this the new norm? If I decide that I can carry a firearm anywhere I want gun control laws to the contrary be damned, will Omar and the others ignore my disregard for the law because I think it is the right thing to do? BTW, I believe all citizens should be able to carry a firearm anywhere they want, any time they want. But you see the point. Can we ignore the rules if it is what we consider the “right thing”?
8. RINO Senator Bill Cassidy from Louisiana is telling the Republican base to forget about the election fraud that took place in 2020 and concentrate on 2024. He claims that if we do not let it be we will lose in 2024. If we do not fix it we will lose in 2024 because if they cheated once they will cheat again but don’t tell the Senator that he might not be done eating the paste. We are capable of doing more than one thing at a time Senator. We can focus on 2024 and still hold people accountable for the law breaking that took place. Folks who do not live in political fantasy land are able to do more than one thing at a time. Why is it that Congress Critters always want to excuse illegal behavior (especially if they are the ones who still have a seat)? Imagine hearing these words at different times in history. Senator Cassidy says to ignore Pearl Harbor or we might lose the war. Senator Cassidy says to ignore 9/11 or we might lose to the terrorists. On that one he might be right. Twenty years ago when we went into Afghanistan women and girls could not attend school, were subservient to men and treated as property and sold into marriage. Billions of dollars and too many deaths and injuries later and that is now exactly what is taking place. Maybe guys like Cassidy should focus on their own things and stop telling us what to concern ourselves with.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Round Up Star Date 2021.259
by Big Dog on Sep 16, 2021 at 11:33 Posted in 2020 Election, Commentary, Political, Terrorism, Tyranny, Vaccines Comments Off on Round Up Star Date 2021.259
1. Is the Pope Catholic? That used to be a retort to indicate that the answer to some query was affirmative. Now I ask it as an actual question. Pope Francis, who is a liberal Socialist (and probably Communist), is revered by Catholics around the world. They have no choice. They have been indoctrinated that this guy is holy and must be placed in high esteem. Not me. I once was Catholic but the Catholic church left me. I decided that I did not need to be a Catholic when they made special exemptions to the rules (like you can’t eat meat on Friday BUT we are having a spaghetti and MEATball dinner on Friday and you are allowed to attend). I was completely disgusted by the amount of child molestation that took (and takes) place in the church. Priests sexually abuse children and the church reassigns them so they can select new victims. Now we have Pope Frankie saying that, yes, abortion is murder but I just don’t think we should deny communion to alleged Catholic politicians who support abortion. Any other Catholic who supports abortion gets shown the door but America sends money and Joe molests kids like some of the priests do so he is like one of the family. The Catholic church is a joke that is concerned with money and making sure it can thwart lawsuits for molestation that would remove that money from the coffers.
2. The FBI is a criminal organization and it is the one law enforcement agency I could support being defunded. It has a shady history of criminal activity while being run by a criminal who used his position to build dossiers on politicians and then used them to achieve what he wanted. There have been great agents over the years but any such agents now hide behind their cell phones ignoring what the criminals are doing. If they refuse to speak up when something is wrong then they are part of the problem. Comey and his band of criminals used a phony dossier to hamstring Donald Trump and his agenda. Comey was engaged in criminal activity to take down the duly elected president. In testimony before Congress a number of young ladies, gymnasts who were treated by Dr. Larry Nassar, told of how they informed the FBI of the sexual abuse they were subjected to at his hands. They were ignored and Nassar went on to abuse more than 70 young ladies. The monsters in the FBI allowed it to continue. If it had been my daughter who had been raped and the FBI did nothing I am afraid they would not have to worry about firing the guy responsible.
3. But have no fear. The FBI is going to take steps to see it never happens again. That statement is government speak for “we got caught and we are saying we will do better and then we will move on and forget about it.” This is the pattern all of government takes. They deliberately fail to do their jobs or they violate your rights or break the law then when caught, they promise to make it better and fix things. “This is not who we are” they say BUT it is who they are. Do I really need to list the number of times a government agency has violated your rights, ignored the Constitution or acted in a way contrary to the law? There are two fall back positions for the government. The first was seen in the 2020 election. Deny wrongdoing took place and continue to tell you that things are fine despite any evidence to the contrary. This is only the fall back when the outcome is what they want. George W. Bush won? OMG, there must be widespread election fraud. Donald Trump won? OMG, there must be election fraud and the Russians helped him cheat. Joe Biden “wins” and gets more votes than the first black guy and first woman to run for president and it is no fraud here. Free and fair election. You must be a conspiracy theorist to think such things. Trust us, we are the government. The other position is to admit wrong doing. Say it is not how things are normally done and that they will make sure it does not happen again. Then they leave the spotlight and ignore it, it happens again, they say the same thing, wash, rinse repeat.
Wray said changes have been made at the FBI in light of what happened, including making agents who are handling similar cases document allegations that are reported to them.
Wray apologized to the gymnasts who testified and said he was “especially sorry that there were people at the FBI who had their own chance to stop this monster … and failed,” adding that “we are doing everything in our power to make sure it never happens again.” ~ Source
And there it is. Christopher Wray should be relieved of his duties. Like I said, defund the FBI (then defund Congress).
4. The Nanny State has arrived (OK, it has been here for a while but is getting bolder). As you may know by now, the tyrant known and Joe Biden has mandated vaccines for about 100 million people. He used a work around to deliberately end run the Constitution and he thinks himself quite clever. There are generally two reasons (legal ones) for an exemption to the vaccine. One is a medical exemption and the other a religious one. The third is screw you I don’t want it now leave me alone. In any event, the Biden Regime will be monitoring the exemptions to make sure they are not abused. So we now have a medical surveillance state where they know if you have been vaccinated for the China Virus or if you received an exemption and they will look to see if your exemption is an abuse of the system. These people work for us not the other way around. They are getting more and more tyrannical as each day passes. I imagine this will escalate to where you do not receive Social Security without a vaccine. You do not get treatment under Medicare without a vaccine. No grocery shopping or buying a new car or renewing a driver’s license without a vaccine. It is going to get to the point where the unvaccinated band together and form militia units that arm themselves and use threat of force to get what is denied them by government. There are not enough government goons to stop that. I think the fuse is close to being lit.
5. Covid is deadly, ahhhh, fear, ahhh look out, ahhhh get a mask on, ahhhhh, social distance, ahhhhh get vaccinated…..Fear is one of the greatest weapons and is more useful in propaganda than anything else. If you make people afraid of something they will do whatever they are told. The China Virus was introduced into society and government hyped it as a deadly killer and backed the claim up with case and death reporting methods that made the virus seem more than it is. If the common cold were reported using the same requirements as reporting for Covid the cold would be far deadlier and far more harmful. But they threw this virus out there and skewed numbers to scare people. Throw in a few governors who deliberately placed the vulnerable elderly who had Covid in nursing homes resulting in the deaths of tens of thousands and you can get real panic to set in. They develop a drug they call a vaccine and then mandate it and boosters that will never end all to make money and control people. I know people who would walk into Nazi style concentration camps and get in the showers if government told them it would protect them from Covid. That is sad and pathetic. You have a 98% chance of surviving. If you are high risk then protect yourself. I will live my life and if I get it I get it. If it kills me then it is a glorious day to die. I will not live in fear. Government thinks it knows best but it does not. You get to accept the risks in your life They do not get to accept them for you. Singapore has reached the 80% vaccine threshold. Covid cases are spiking there and the government is getting ready to impose the same draconian measures that did not help the first time. In New Zealand over the past two weeks more people died from the Covid vaccine than from Covid. Looks like things are not going as planned so the plan is to do more of what did not work in the first place. Maybe we should just give Ivermectin prophylactically and be done with it.
6. In the Biden has dementia file, Joe Biden was addressing the UK and Australia during an announcement of a joint deal in defense tech sharing. Joe Biden has already reached a deal with the Taliban regarding sharing our defense tech so much so he just gave them billions of dollars worth of high tech military equipment. Donald Trump negotiated peace agreements in the Middle East. Joe Biden arms Middle East terrorists. I digress. Biden mentioned Prime Minister Boris Johnson by name but when he referred to the Australian PM he could not remember his name so he called him “that fellow down under.” Joe has cue cards with pictures to know what reporters to call on. You mean to tell me his staff could not provide him with something to remind him who he was speaking to? Biden was supposed to be the adult in the room. The guy with foreign policy experience. The guy who would end corona and get things done. He forgets the names of leaders of other nations, has given Afghanistan back to the Taliban AND ARMED THEM, left Americans behind and wandered around lost at events. This yutz did not get anywhere near 80 million votes. Democrats cheated and we ended up with this moron. Remember that when some Taliban inspired terrorist attacks our people. It will be the fault of Biden and the people who cheated him into office.
7. Some guy named Jimmy Kimmel (not sure who he is or why he matters) mocked the people of Florida who have died of Covid. I do not know if this Kimmel fellow is based in California or New York but both of them have more total deaths than Florida (deaths attributed to Covid). I know this fellow was talking about since the beginning of the summer but I do not have the numbers for that time period. I can only say these are the totals; CA-67,672, TX-61,309, NY-55,330 and FL-49,257. So the two states with the most restrictive policies (restrictive to the regular folks, not the elite like Gavin in CA) have more deaths. And I bet a number of the older people who died in Florida are snowbirds from New York. They probably fled the city to keep their governor from putting them in nursing homes with sick people to kill them off. This Kimmel fellow seems to be one of those liberals asshats who think they can tell you how to live. I read somewhere this is the same Kimmel who wants everyone who does not get vaccinated to die. I wonder how he would feel if say, he had an infant child with a heart defect and people said his kid should die? I would say a prayer for a child in that case. Kimmel probably worships Satan.
8. And finally in the news, comedian Norm Macdonald died this week after a battle with Leukemia. Macdonald was a past regular on Saturday Night Live and a genuinely funny guy. He will be missed by many. “And that’s the way it is” Norm Macdonald, dead at 61. RIP Norm.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Covid Vaccine Round Up Star Date 2021.258
by Big Dog on Sep 15, 2021 at 08:02 Posted in COVID, Tyranny, Vaccines Comments Off on Covid Vaccine Round Up Star Date 2021.258
Chairman Joe Biden promised that he would not mandate vaccines. He said it was not necessary but he also said he knew how to end the virus and we needed him instead of Trump to get things done. Joe Biden made these promises as he hid in his basement while Trump campaigned his ass off. You see, Biden has a history of fabricating stories and telling lies to people right to their faces. But the one time he told the truth, that they had the best fraud campaign in history, the media covered for him. While Biden sat in his basement, alone, with a mask on, the forces of dark and evil were plotting to conduct the biggest fraudulent election in history and that they did. Now we have a demented old fool at the helm and the ship is taking on a lot of water. Now we have a dictator telling us that we will be required to take a vaccine (one that is not approved) or we will lose our jobs. How will the economy work out for us if 70% of the unvaccinated (control group) decides to quit rather than get the jab?
1. Fauci wants a mandate to vaccine school children. He wants them vaccinated even though there is no approved vaccine, there is no vaccine approved for anyone under 16 and there are no studies to show the long term effects of the vaccine. What we do know is that there are concerning side effects for young men. The vaccine appears to cause myocarditis in young men at rates well above that seen in the normal population of young men. Young males are more likely to be hospitalized because of the vaccine than the virus itself. There is nothing to indicate how the vaccines affect young females. What happens if ten years from now a huge portion of the female population of child bearing age is unable to reproduce? Something to think about as you contemplate injecting an unknown into your kids.
2. In the past we vaccinated to achieve immunity. The vaccine you got made you immune to the disease. Those who were vaccinated eventually provided protection to the unvaccinated through herd immunity. With Covid the CDC changed the definition of vaccine from a drug that Provides immunity to a drug that provides protection because the vaccines do not provide immunity, they only protect people from having a severe response to infection. This is in doubt since many people being hospitalized are the vaccinated. Ms. Kamala Harris basically told us the vaccines do not work by tweeting, in essence, that the unvaccinated had to get the vaccine to protect the vaccinated. While Harris is pushing the Biden imposed vaccine mandate she has spent time telling people that the Texas fetal heartbeat law is a violation of women’s rights and that our nation works better when government stays out of our medical choices. Kamala once said that if Donald Trump told people to take the vaccine she would not take it. I feel the same way with regard to Joe Biden. Just say no to Joe.
3. Perhaps the specter of patients waiting for hours for care and the reality of a lack of trained nursing staff has caused Spectrum Health out of Michigan to grant exemptions from vaccination if the employee can demonstrate a previous Covid infection. The human body has a pretty good immune system. We provide normal vaccines and the body develops immunity. If one is infected with the virus the body builds what is called natural immunity. The difference is in one case you get sick and in the other you normally do not. With Covid the drug is not a vaccine, it is a treatment. Good for Spectrum Health. Perhaps many more places will take this approach before the heath care crisis hits. If you think the period of Covid last year caused a horrible strain on the medical system wait until it has no medical staff to provide care.
4. Cleburne County Arkansas has a true patriot as its Sheriff. Sheriff Chris Brown has publicly stated that he will not be forcing his employees to get the Covid vaccine. He addressed the many items of tyranny enforced on us over the last year and a half and in his statement he said this:
I am not pro-vaccine, and I am not anti-vaccine. I am pro-freedom, and I am for each person’s ability and responsibility to decide for themselves (in conjunction with their doctor) whether or not to get the vaccine.
I am appalled at some of the absolute dictator-like things we are seeing from the Federal Government and several of the State Governments. It is absolute tyranny, and completely abhorrent. It flies in the face of everything our country has always stood for and is only furthering the damage and division done to the people of this wonderful nation.
CS Lewis said this: “Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated, but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”
We need more people like him and fewer like Biden and his band of Merry misfits.
5. According to a new poll 58.6% of voters do not believe Biden has the Constitutional authority to mandate vaccines while 29.7% think he does. Also, 83.5% of Republicans and 68% of Independents say Biden does not have the power to mandate the vaccine. This goes along with a recent poll that showed 72% or people would quit if their employer mandated the vaccine (with no ability to request accommodation).
6. The vaccine is so popular they have to force you to get it and they will yank your doctor certification if you provide what your board considers misinformation.
In a joint statement, the American Board of Internal Medicine, the American Board of Family Medicine, and the American Board of Pediatrics issued a statement on Sept. 9 in support of the Federation of State Medical Board’s (FSMB) position in disciplining doctors—which includes revoking or suspending medical licenses—who provide COVID-19 vaccine information that the board does not view as factual and approved by consensus.
“We also want all physicians certified by our Boards to know that such unethical or unprofessional conduct may prompt their respective Board to take action that could put their certification at risk,” the statement said.
“The evidence that we have safe, effective, and widely available vaccines against COVID-19 is overwhelming. We are particularly concerned about physicians who use their authority to denigrate vaccination at a time when vaccines continue to demonstrate excellent effectiveness against severe illness, hospitalization and death,” the statement added. ~ Source
Keep in mind that the misinformation is what THEY consider misinformation. I consider the statement by the joint groups that they have a safe and effective vaccine to be misinformation. How do they know it is safe and effective? It does not give you immunity and it does not keep people from being infected and passing the virus on to others. It just makes their symptoms less severe. How do they know if it is safe? We already know that young males are at a very elevated risk of cardiomyopathy from the drugs and there have been no long term studies to show the safety of the drug. This assertion is nothing more than speculation on the part of the boards and is, in and of itself, misinformation. They are coming at us from all sides.
7. The leadership at the FDA as well as other scientists say that most people do not need booster shots. This comes to us as Biden is pushing booster shots of the vaccine on just about everyone. Evidently Biden only follows the science or listens to the scientists when they say what he wants to hear.
8. When leftists do not get what they want they get violent. They are dangerous people who should be regarded as threats to health and safety. An assistant professor at Penn State has been arrested for assaulting a student. The offense this student committed was having the audacity to oppose a vaccine mandate for the school. The attack left the student bloodied but not seriously harmed. The assistant professor teaches Marxist classes on critical race theory and a bunch of other left wing victim mentality racist propaganda. It would be nice if they terminated this person. The irony of the CRT teacher taking himself out is delicious. These kinds of terrorists are among us and will attack you to push the left wing cause. I think we need to fight back or they will continue to use fear and intimidation to push their agenda. I am pretty sure if a professor had ever attacked me I would have ripped his arm off and beaten him to death with it.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: biden, lies, tyrant, vaccine danger