Pelosi Begins Job of Mentoring

Barack Obama gets his first lesson in finger pointing from House Speaker Bella Pelosi.

Pelosi FingerObama Finger

“Now Barack, remember to only do this when accusing a Republican or trying to shift blame to a Republican.”

“Yes’um Ms. Speaker”

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5 Responses to “Pelosi Begins Job of Mentoring”

  1. You are such a BAD BOY, Big Dog! 😉

  2. Clinton started the finger-pointing way back when. “I did not have sex” and the interview recently with what’s-his-name.

  3. Big Dog says:

    It is nice to see an OLD member of the House teaching a young Senator how to act!

  4. Raven says:

    LOL…pointedly, Obama and Nancy make a cute couple. Hmm.

    Wonder where them fingers have been???


  5. Virginia says:

    I figured it was just a matter of time before Obama showed his true colors, that finger just could not take it any longer, it had to pop out and point. lol