Prom King a Girl? Do We Have a Drag Queen?

There is a high school student named Cinthia Covarrubias in, where else, California who wants to be considered for Prom King. Nothing unusual about that except Cinthia is a girl who dresses and acts like a boy. She is what they call transgendered and I am sure this has caused the poor kid some confusion through the years. However, this kid is a girl and should not be allowed to run for Prom King since the King is the part played by a real boy, not a pretend one. The gay and lesbian folks think the school’s decision to allow this is is a landmark decision. These groups like landmark decisions because that usually means that we have changed one more thing in society to appease the gay crowd. If the queers keep having landmark decisions, there will not be a normal society left.

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Now there will be those who send me hate mail and dare me to question gay people and chastise me for daring to suggest they have an agenda but they do. The whole idea is to change things in society so that homosexual behavior is considered normal. It is not normal and I, unlike the psychiatric community, will not be bullied into accepting this behavior as normal. I also do not expect to have to explain why I think this is abnormal and immoral. I have the right to believe what I want and all the landmark decisions in the world will not change my mind about homosexual behavior. I believe that this is a choice and people deliberately choose to engage in behavior that is immoral. There are those who say that homosexuality is encoded in people’s genes and they have no choice in the matter. I guess that is possible because genetic coding gets messed up sometimes and abnormal people are born. Nonetheless, that makes homosexuality abnormal.

The kid at this school desires to dress and act like a boy but that does not mean she should be able to do all the things real boys do. Should she be allowed to play football with all the boys? How about allowing her to shower int he same shower as the boys? I mean as long as we are deciding that we need to accommodate this kid’s problem shouldn’t we go all the way and give the gays another landmark decision? The fact is this is another episode where tradition is changed to allow gays to do what they want. You don’t really think that if a straight guy decided to run for prom queen they would allow it, do you? A straight girl would never have been able to pull this off but let the kid be gay or confused and all doors are opened. The only way a guy gets to be prom queen is if he is a drag queen. Straight folks are treated differently because we only need to reeducate America about gays until everyone accepts the behavior as normal. Not going to happen in the Dog’s House.

I will wait for the gay sympathizers to email me or comment as to why I should change my mind and how terrible I am for understanding that homosexuality is abnormal. Nothing they say will change my mind and nothing that this or any other school can tell me will convince me that they are right about this one. I also know that i will feel very sorry for the girl who wins Prom Queen if this Cinthia is elected Prom King. She will be forced to walk down with she/he and maybe have that King and Queen dance. How distasteful! Is it any wonder though? Here is what one kid at the school said about the entire mess:

But Leanne Reyes, 16, said Covarrubias had her vote.

“It’s not like the stereotype where the king has to be a jock and he’s there with the cheerleaders anymore,” said Reyes, a senior. “We live in a generation now where dudes are chicks and chicks are dudes.” My Way News

I don’t know what generation Leanne belongs to but in my generation dudes are dudes and chicks are chicks and any guy who runs around in ladies clothes or acts like a girl is a sissy or faggot. Regardless of what generation Leanne belongs to generation XX should remain a girl and generation XY should remain a boy. This will keep us from having any other problems.

The reeducation of America is under way and it begins with our youth. When they are taught to believe that things that have been traditionally wrong are now right these little things sneak in to society so that they are eventually accepted. Yesterday it was the murder of unborn children and today it is homosexual behavior. What will it be tomorrow, sex with children?

I am glad I am not a high school student today. The gay crowd should be glad about that as well because this would not happen in a school the Big Dog attended. They might talk about it but they would change their minds…

Big Dog

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4 Responses to “Prom King a Girl? Do We Have a Drag Queen?”

  1. 123beta says:

    Open Trackback Weekend #50…

    What a week it was… This open trackback post dedicated to those who lost their lives this past week at Virginia Tech….

  2. Virginia says:

    Good God , what the hell is the school system coming too, this is terrible. I sure hope that Queen tells that school to go straight to hell with the rest of the dykes. Then they wonder why a lot of teenagers yell they are bisexual, anyone can check this out on myspace . com, where a lot of teenagers hang out. If my son or daughter ever come up with crap like this, I think I will be tempted to pop them in the mouth. Gays are not born that way, God would never create something like this. God gives us free will, to bad, some have to use it in such a sick way as this. Everytime I hear girl acting like a boy, or boy acting like girl, makes me think of Rosie , and she makes me want to vomit. To me it is more like a sick cult, but that is why HRC got on the gay bandwagon, more votes. Then again, look at HRC, she may be bisexual and bending more to the gays, maybe Rosie will be her first man dyke in the white house, if she gets elected, we can only hope and pray she does not. If you get hate mail, it will be from the gay community. Shows how much of this sick society is in the world, and they fly under their homosexual flag of something like a cult corruption group. Guess we will both be getting hate mail, no matter, they are the ones going to hell.

  3. Rae says:

    I feel like killing myself. You’re hurting me.

  4. Rae says:

    Stop hurting me. I don’t want to die.