Reid: Everything bad from 2012 – 2014 is Republican’s Fault

Already Dingy Harry is claiming that everything bad that happens between now and 2014 is the fault of Republicans. Did I call this, or what? Reid is campaigning, right now, November 3, 2012, for Democrat candidates in 2014. And, like any good Democrat, he just throws the lies around.

Reid has “warned” the GOP to stop obstructing, like they have been doing. Of course, that’s a complete lie. I’ve mentioned this one before, but the media never calls him on it. It is a complete and total lie to claim Republicans blocked ANY legislation in the Senate — it was literally impossible. If every single Republican voted against an issue and every Democrat voted for it, it passed. Therefore, the ONLY way there was “obstruction” was if a DEMOCRAT voted against Reid.

But hey, Harry says he wants to work with Republicans, but only if they’re going to agree with him. Well, he said something about “a combined yes,” which actually means, either agree 100% with Harry or he’s going to call you an obstructionist. As I predicted, the Democrat campaign theme for 2014 is already revealed: Republicans are the party of no and to blame for anything bad.

Reid shows his confusion when he claims in one sentence that he’s comfortable with his 53-seat majority, yet says that the ball is in the Republicans’ court. Well which is it, Harry? Are you in charge or Republicans? Oh, wait, I know the answer — when anything liberal is passed, Harry’s in charge. When anything liberal fails to pass, Republicans get all the credit.

Hey, it could be worse — anti-gun king Schumer could be running the place.


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14 Responses to “Reid: Everything bad from 2012 – 2014 is Republican’s Fault”

  1. Adam says:

    “It is a complete and total lie to claim Republicans blocked ANY legislation in the Senate — it was literally impossible.”

    You keep saying that but are you forgetting that for the last 10 months the Democrats have had a 59 member caucus instead of 60? It’s not like that’s a little bit of time either. That was the halfway point of the session. How can you keep calling it a lie instead of acknowledging that?

  2. Mr. Ogre says:

    Look, Adam, we already know you’re not interested in truth and the facts, so why bother? I mean, do you want me to play your game and demand that provide proof of every single time Democrats got 59 Democrat votes and the vote failed? No, I’m not going to bother.

    Because even if I did, you’d still come up with some other way to blame Republicans for the failure of your fantasy-land Utopian socialist paradise.

    Look, you had an avowed Marxist running the executive branch. You had 63-65 liberals in the Senate. And you had a super-majority of freedom-haters in the House — and you and Democrats are STILL complaining that the failures of socialism are someone else’s fault!

    If you want socialism so bad, I honestly don’t understand why you don’t move to France. I’d move in a minute if I could find a country that allowed me to be free. Sadly, there is none on the planet today. I can only hope the recent election results in America will result in a slight advance of freedom — but Harry Reid’s words tell me not to expect him to allow me any freedom any time soon.

  3. Adam says:

    “Look, Adam, we already know you’re not interested in truth and the facts, so why bother?”

    Stop running from what you wrote. Let me quote you again:

    It is a complete and total lie to claim Republicans blocked ANY legislation in the Senate — it was literally impossible.

    Please tell me how it was “literally impossible” if they had the 41 Republicans required to prevent a cloture vote.

    “Look, you had an avowed Marxist running the executive branch.”

    Obama openly declares himself to be a Marxist? More lies. You’re full of them lately.

    “If you want socialism so bad, I honestly don’t understand why you don’t move to France.”

    I don’t want socialism and I certainly don’t want to live in France. I hate to break it to you but no matter how many times you call us socialists and suggest we want America to be a socialist country you’re still not getting any closer to being correct. You’re just a broken record.

    “I can only hope the recent election results in America will result in a slight advance of freedom…”

    Your view of freedom is based on an imaginary situation that has never and will never exist in America and yet you feel fine suggesting I am the one that has some fantasy-land vision for America? Funny.

    • Blake says:

      Adam- have you forgotten the “conservative “Dems that voted WITH the republicans?
      If it wasn’t for them, the republicrats Snowe and Collins would have still given the Dems a filibuster-proof majority- so blame YOUR side also- it is not just the Republicans here.
      Call a spade a spade- it is what it is- a combo.

      • Adam says:

        First of all I never made any statements confirming or denying that the Democrats were partially responsible for their failure to get parts of their agenda done. The truth is they are responsible in many (but not all) cases.

        My problem is that Ogre has insisted multiple times that it was impossible for the GOP to block legislation. We know very clearly that is not true. The fact is that if every single Democrat and the others voted against every single Republican in a cloture vote then the vote would fail 59 to 41. That was the whole point of the Brown victory.

        Instead of choosing to clarify what he means he simply went straight to attacking. I can only assume that is because he knows he’s wrong to suggest what he is suggesting.

        • Ogre says:

          Arguing with a brick wall: there’s just no point.

        • Adam says:

          Sorry Ogre. As long as I’m allowed to freely comment on this site I’m going to continue calling you on the things you write that are wrong or just flat out lies. That list grows every day.

          You can take the cowardly way out and simply deflect and attack me or you can do the honest thing which is to either clarify or correct your statements.

        • Ogre says:

          Sorry, I’m not interested in playing your game. Instead, I’ll live free and post the truth. You can quibble with irrelevancy all you like.

        • Adam says:

          It’s duly noted that you are not interested in being accurate or truthful or backing up your statements. You don’t play that game, I get it.

  4. victoria says:

    “no matter how many times you call us socialists and suggest we want America to be a socialist country”

    And you are completely blind and deluded to your own party then.

    • Adam says:

      You get your facts from folks like Limbaugh, Beck, and Drudge…but I’m the one that is blind and deluded? Right. You don’t even know the name of my party so I don’t think you’re in much of a position to judge.

      • victoria says:

        don’t forget Patriot Post, Human Events, WND, Fox, Hot Air, Ace of Spades, Blackfive, Big Lizards, Patterico, Right Wing News, Newsmax, Red State, Townhall, Conservative Grapevine, Newsmax…..

        And yea we know–“when the American people vote for Democrats, it’s because they’re full of hope and want positive change and care about their little kiddies. And when they vote for Republicans, it’s because they’re angry, stupid and irrational.”

        You just keep dreaming about that Adam.

        • Adam says:

          You live completely in the bubble of right-wing partisanship and paranoia and you’re so very proud of it. That’s not surprising at all.

          Don’t mix up my views of voters though. Thinking voters have gone to the polls and voted against their own well being is not the same as thinking voters are stupid or irrational. I do think they are angry. They have a reason to be. These are very times for the American family.

  5. victoria says:

    Really, I live in a bubble. Well I would say it is a pretty big bubble compared to yours after Tuesday.