Round Up Star Date 2021.314
by Big Dog on Nov 10, 2021 at 20:15 Commentary, Opinion, Political, Tyranny
1. Kyle Rittenhouse is the example of why you need an AR 15 (or any rifle like it). I do not believe that anyone has to demonstrate a need to own any firearm but the gun grabbers are hell bent on forcing the issue. No one needs an AR 15, a weapon of war, claim these anti American morons. Well Kyle Rittenhouse demonstrated why people would actually need such a weapon when three Antifa/BLM thugs attacked him and he shot them with an AR 15. He was lethal and eliminated the threat. America’s streets can become a war zone any time the left wants to gin up violence and Rittenhouse is a shining example of an appropriate response. He also demonstrated why the government wants to take these away from people. They are accurate and lethal and a game changer during violence. The prosecution is watching its case fall apart as one witness after another gives evidence that the shootings were in self defense. One such revelation caused a prosecutor to execute a face-palm. They claim Kyle was reckless but he only shot those attacking him and no one other than the attackers were hit by his rounds. Expect more unrest once he is found not guilty. If he is found guilty it might be time for gun owners to riot…
2. Joe Biden wants to pay illegal immigrants nearly a half million dollars each for being separated at the border when they broke the law entering here. Imagine a man robbing a bank and going to jail and then his wife suing because the government separated her family. Imagine further that they gave her $450,000 for doing so. This is the insanity of the US government. It wants to pay lawbreakers (future democrats) lots of money. They have denied it and they have skirted around the issue and now they have settled on the fact the DOJ is deciding how much the lawbreakers will get for us enforcing our laws. The American public though, is not happy. They do not want any money paid to the illegals and they want the southern border closed. I bet a mean tweet would be welcomed right now if Donald Trump were still here to keep the border secured. Remember this next November. Let’s Go Brandon.
3. The CBO will rescore the Dem-Commie budget bill after moderates on the left said they could not vote for it until they knew the real costs. The CBO is not some magical agency that can give accurate estimates because they can only score what they get and under the parameters provided. If Congress has them score a program for one year at a certain rate and then the program continues past a year (it will, all government programs have eternal life) it will cost a lot more. These deceptions are deliberate and are designed to hide the TRUE cost from the taxpayers. If all the programs that would pay for themselves actually did then we would not be 29 TRILLION dollars in debt. If this bill is scored accurately then the cost will be double the number the Dem-Commies are telling us. If the number is close to what they are saying then you know they used that fuzzy math to get it to pass.
4. A baker’s dozen of RINO Congress Critters voted for the Biden infrastructure bill that sends about 10% of the money to infrastructure and the rest to pay off political friends. Then those who opposed it touted how great it will be for their states (looking at you Mitch McConnell). Larry Hogan of Maryland was praising it for the 6 billion or so dollars his state would get. These idiots are praising the spending of over a TRILLION dollars because they got a few billion to fix things in their states. I highly doubt the money will be used to fix anything. The shovel ready jobs bill Obama passed spent trillions of dollars on infrastructure and it is no better today than it was when the money was sent out. All they did was name it infrastructure and then blow the money on all kinds of other things like solar panels that remained in the stockyard when they companies went belly up. Now there are Republicans calling for those who voted for the bill to be stripped of their committee assignments. Two of these critters are leaving Congress so they likely will not care. The others should have their assignments taken away and then they should be primaried. We can no longer have people in our party who work against the country. And we do not need morons like McConnell or Hogan with their short sighted narrow views.
5. When government does not work for you then you replace government. A teenager did just that. Nicholas Seppy missed his senior year at school and was denied his senior prom because of Covid shutdowns. He decided that the school board needed new blood and he ran for a seat and the 19 year old beat out a long time incumbent by 17 points. It looks like more people than they expected are not happy with the tyranny.
6. We are being radically transformed into a Communist nation ~ Candace Owens. The bad thing is many people will not even see this until they are on he wrong end of a government owned gun working for the greater good and eating dirt to survive.
7. The FBI and left wing groups instigated the unrest (the mostly peaceful protest) on January 6th. The Capitol Police officers were in on it as well. They opened doors and invited people in, they threw flash bang grenades into crowds of people peacefully sitting near and on the steps (people screaming why are you doing this to the people who support the police) and they even pushed a protester off the Capitol steps where he fell 15 feet, a fall that could have killed him. The government is tyrannical and these agencies and alleged law enforcement officers need to be investigated.
8. Speaking of tyrants in the FBI, they raided the home of James O’Keefe, founder of Project Veritas, handcuffed him and threw him in the hallway (half naked for his neighbors to see) while they searched his home and confiscated his electronic devices and notes that were confidential journalism and investigation notes. Imagine if they did this to a main stream journalist? The FBI is trying to find Ashley Biden’s diary, the one where she says she took inappropriate showers with her father (Joe Biden) and they have broken the law to find it. PV turned the diary over to law enforcement but pages from it were disclosed on the internet by other organizations. It appears as if there is something in that book the Biden’s (and the left) do not want disclosed so they are using the storm troopers in the FBI to harass and intimidate people. They hid Hunter Biden’s hard drive and now they are trying to retrieve the diary of a sexually abused drug addict to protect her abusive father. The FBI was used as tyrants during the Trump Administration (but AGAINST Trump) and they are continuing that right through this Administration but here they are protecting the illegal acts, drug use and perversion of the Bidens. What more do you need to know the FBI should be disbanded and law enforcement taken care of at the local level?
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: biden, diary, justified shooting, lies, rittenhouse, sex abuse