Rush Makes Lemonade from Democratic Lemons

People either like Rush Limbaugh or they do not but no matter how people feel there is one thing they cannot deny and that is, the guy is a savvy business man. He built his talk show into a national program that is heard by millions of people each week and he has many ventures that bring him lots of money. He is generous with that money and he makes sure that he gives to and raises money for the Marine Corps Law Enforcement Foundation which awards scholarships to the children of fallen heroes.

Recently, Rush Limbaugh was misquoted in something he said on his program. Despite the fact that his morning update and the topic at hand dealt with one phony soldier, he was excoriated for using the words when they were taken out of context and when Media Matters, an organization Hillary helped found, made it appear as if Limbaugh was talking about all soldiers who disagree with the war, not just the ones who are truly phony soldiers. Interestingly, the very Democrats who are trying to bring our troops home in defeat, the very ones who refused to denounce for talking badly about General Petraeus, jumped up to defend the honor and dignity of our troops. Harry Reid, the low life, scum sucking maggot, wrote a letter to the company that syndicates Rush Limbaugh demanding an apology, which the boss decided he was not going to do.

In any event, this was the Democrats talking about Limbaugh and trying to discredit him. They tried to portray him as anti troop and a bad guy. This is all part of a plan by Media Matters and the rest of the liberal groups to discredit and silence Conservative talk before the next election. One might have thought that Harry Reid had the upper hand and that he was going to make Limbaugh look like he does not support the troops but he underestimated Rush Limbaugh.

Rush took the lemons that Harry Reid gave him in that letter and turned them into lemonade. Rush has the original letter with the signatures of the 41 Senators who signed it and he is auctioning it off on eBay. This auction is not to make money for Rush though because 100% of the money made from the sale of the letters will go to the Marine Corps Law Enforcement Fund. Rush is using the stupidity of Harry Reid to earn money for the very people Reid and the cretins at Media Matters want you to think he does not support.

Once again, Rush Limbaugh outsmarted the idiot Democrats. I heard that the Dems were not too happy about this but there is absolutely nothing they can do. Rush can do as he pleases with the letter and he is selling it. As of this writing the bid is up to $40,200 which is worth more than the value of the 41 people who signed the damned thing.

Way to go Rush.

Hey Harry Reid; How does it feel to get screwed in front of the entire nation?

Big Dog

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13 Responses to “Rush Makes Lemonade from Democratic Lemons”

  1. Stix Blog says:

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  13. […] Big Dogs Weblog Says: October 14th, 2007 at 4:15 am Rush Makes Lemonade from Democratic Lemons… […]