Screw Your Rights

Imagine telling black folks who wanted to ride in the front of the bus in 2021, screw your rights. Imagine telling women who wanted to vote in 2021, screw your rights. Imagine any American telling another American, screw your rights.

Throughout our history Americans have died in battle to preserve, protect and defend the US Constitution and the rights that it protects and it is a certainty that some two bit actor who is not fit to polish the boots of those patriots will not have a say in the issue.

Arnold Schwarzenegger was recently discussing the Covid tyranny and he said you should get the vaccine and wear your masks and “screw your rights.” This alleged Republican was the governor of a US state and he says screw your rights.

It is amazing that an Austrian born man who came to the US and enjoys the rights protected here would say such a thing but it is not surprising he would take such a position. Hitler was Austrian born as well.

So let me make myself clear to Arnold. No half assed second class actor whose claim to fame is bodybuilding is going to force me to do something against my will. In other words, no, not screw my rights, just screw you.

Now you can talk tough Arnie but if you want to have some fun contact me and I will give you my address and you can come try to force me to take the vaccine. Be kind of fun watching you cry.

Arnold is worried about this Corona virus that you have a 98% chance of surviving and he wants you to take all precautions necessary and just, screw your rights.

Well Arnie, the AIDS virus was a huge killer that had a near 100% fatality rate when it was discovered. You did not take precautions. If the stories are correct you were literally screwing everything with two legs and you did not worry.

So do us all a favor and shut up you pipsqueak.

Or in your words, screw you.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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