Selective Law Enforcement

We already know that selective law enforcement is how the Obama regime operates as evidenced by the way Attorney General Holder handled the New Black Panther voter intimidation. The case was won but dropped. The Secretary of Homeland Security operates much the same way.

During a Senate hearing on illegal aliens and the DREAM Act, a large number of illegal aliens were invited to participate. The people who are breaking the law gathered in one area and were ignored by law enforcement officers. In fact, these law breakers were invited to the hearing.

Napolitano told this subcommittee of the Judiciary Committee that although the large group gathered was part of the population that is subject to deportation; there was no enforcement of the law that morning. Human Events

No law enforcement that morning. I wonder if the Senate would invite mob members or bank robbers to a hearing and then have no enforcement of the law.

Imagine if they had a top ten most wanted hearing and invited the top ten most wanted. If they showed do you think the FBI would have no enforcement of the law that morning? Hell, the police routinely set up stings by having phony events where criminals are invited. Once they arrive they are arrested. Unfortunately, the DREAM Act hearing was not a sting but it was a phony event…

It should come as no surprise that these people refuse to enforce the law. Some of them don’t even know the law. Democrat Senator Dick Durbin said:

“When I look around this room, I see America’s future. Our doctors, our teachers, our nurses, our engineers, our scientists, our soldiers, our Congressman, our Senators and maybe our President. Real Clear Politics

One could make the case that this has already happened nonetheless, we do have a Constitution that forbids aliens, illegal or not, from becoming president. One must be a natural born citizen and aliens do not fit that bill.

Who would expect a United States Senator to know this?

So we have evidence that a Senator does not know the Constitution (the law of the land) and the Secretary of Homeland Security will not enforce the law.

Is it any wonder that our nation is going to hell in a hand basket and we are all out of hand baskets?

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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4 Responses to “Selective Law Enforcement”

  1. Macker says:

    Who would expect a United States Senator to know this?

    Um…someone who already knows of the Illegal nature of the current resident of the White House?

  2. Blake says:

    I get sooooooooo tired of trying to keep up with the dumbasses in DC- both sides of the aisle.
    If we could slap their hands every time they reach for a piece of legislation, and put soft helmets on each and every one, we might have a chance.
    There should be a sign above the Speaker’s Dais that says, ” The next time you have a thought, SHUT UP!”
    Not every thought should be spoken aloud.

  3. Mr. Ogre says:

    Of course they don’t enforce that law. They don’t like it. Keep in mind, this is the administration that has recently issued an executive order passing the DREAM Act. Yes, the DREAM Act has failed Congress over and over again, but Obama just passed it by executive fiat.

  4. Ferd Berfel says:

    I get sooooooooo tired of there being an aisle on which dumbasses are on one side, and conservatives the other.