Senators Want Taxpayers to Bail Out Mortgage Problems

Christopher Dodd and Charles Schumer want the White House to take action in regards to the sinking sub-prime mortgage market. Sub-prime mortgages are ones that people who do not qualify for regular mortgages get. These mortgages are risky (as we are seeing now) and in some cases they involve people who are not very good at handling their finances and businesses that have deceptive practices. Senators Dodd and Schumer seem to think that because people did not have sense in their finances they should be bailed out.

I think it is wrong and a gross misuse of taxpayer money to bail out people or businesses (Chrysler should have been allowed to sink). The Congress has no authority to spend our money fixing the personal financial mistakes that people have made. If these folks are unable to pay their loans then they should sell their houses or they should take one of the jobs Americans are not willing to do as a second or third job to pay their bills. It is not the responsibility of the taxpayer to bail out people who cannot take care of their finances just as it is not the responsibility of the taxpayer to pay for the health care for others or to provide just about anything that people are responsible for providing for themselves.

It is a matter of personal responsibility but Dodd and Schumer are showing us once again that the Democratic Party believes it is its job to be a nanny to everyone and that people should not be held accountable for their decisions. It is indeed unfortunate that these two moronic Senators feel that the government is supposed to care for us all.

We need fewer people in government and we need 535 new ones in Congress. As for the folks who are having problems with their mortgages, take a little responsibility and work it out.

Federalist Patriot

Big Dog

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