Some Good News from Iraq

There is a troll who visits my site and that of others and is deriding all of us because we are not reporting on Iraq, as if these blogs are only about Iraq. This is a problem that people who suffer from one dimensional thinking suffer from. People with higher levels of education can see that there are many things to talk about. Since I have served in the Army, have a degree in nursing, and have a variety of other interests, I can write about more than one thing. I also realize that it is useless to write anything good about Iraq because it is disputed by liberals and their media wing. If the press reports it then it must be correct even if it is different than what my soldiers who serve tell me. In any event, i thought I would link to some good news even though it is feeding the troll, and trolls are annoying like gnats.

There are some good news stories about success in Iraq, news that is not heard in the media wing of the Democratic Party. It will not be long though, before a comment appears saying these are not legitimate stories or that the reporters hiding in hotels are writing something different.

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5 Responses to “Some Good News from Iraq”

  1. Robert says:

    Tell the truth BD, Did Harry Reid send you these links????? LMAO

    I know there is some good things happening in Iraq, but they are over shadowed by Paris Hilton in the media, UNLESS it’s some bad news.

  2. Billy Joe says:


    Well get the word out! Look at all of the Paris Hilton coverage on the right wing blogs. Until Big Dog did us this service, even right wingers weren’t covering the good Iraq news. You can’t blame the liberal media for that.


    These are good. I’m glad you took up the challenge. Honestly speaking, I find that the articles have a “Good morning, Vietnam” feel to them. I mean, they’re all from the DoD, which is run by President Bush, so pardon me if I am skeptical of their coverage. It’s sort of like Pravda coverage of Soviet good works in Afganistan back in the 80’s, but it’s better than no coverage at all, like some of your compatriots on the right.

    I do find the “good news stories” to be mostly local news and anecdotal. The problem, in my mind, is that perhaps the US can make a positive difference is some localities, as these articles seem to indicate. We just don’t have enough troops to take care of the entire country. That, plus polls show the Iraqis want the US out. The greater trends and raw numbers (2m refugees fleeing Iraq; more attacks on Americans this year than last year, and more last year than the year before, etc.) are not, in my opinion, running in our favor and I think Americans need to be mature enough to acknowledge that without feeling like someone insulted your mommy. We need to come up with ideas and solve problems.

    From one of the articles you supplied about Fallujah… Would you want to be subjected to following in your own country?

    “If they do have an (identification) card with them, we’ll do a quick scan to check and see if they are already enrolled in our computer system. We’ll update any information we can and if they have an expired card or don’t have one at all, we’ll give them a new one. Basically everyone gets an ID card that comes in here.”

    Iraqis with I.D. cards can use them to move more quickly through entry control points that are located in many places within the city.

    “When they hand us their cards, we can look in the system and figure out who they are and whether they have connections with known individuals involved in any circles of insurgency,” Taggart said. “In the end, we are trying to make life easier for everyone. Iraqis just want to get on with their lives. We’re here to make sure it happens.”

    It seems heavy handed to me. I’d be interested in hearing what the resident’s of Fallujah think of these ultra-intrusive, big government controls on them. Is this winning hearts and minds? It wouldn’t win mine.

    Anyway, thanks for the links and efforts. My hat is off to you for trying.

  3. Big Dog says:

    Well, I can understand your point. I am skeptical about the main stream media because they are run by the Democratic party. I chose the links from sources who are there. These people are fighting the war. Interestingly, the same kinds of people who say that the DOD can not be trusted to present its own news objectively are the ones who dote all over Hillary and think the Hillary web site is just full of truth and honesty.

    The DOD gets news from all over. Now I would be happy to find you some good news in the MSM but they hardly report it because that would not help the Democrats. Why don’t you visit Milblog websites of those who are or have been there and see what they have to say.

    I knew you would discount these because of the source and since you did I will say this, I appreciate you providing news about Iraq but since you get it from the MSM it is not credible but bice try and thanks for the effort.

  4. Billy Joe says:

    Thanks for the reply. Two things I’d like to point out:

    1. Even the FOX News website has the same Iraq stories that are in the “liberal” press. They generally cover the same events. As a study pointed out recently, FOX covers Iraq less than the others (no surprise), which is unfortunate, to say the least. Iraq news should dominate our newscasts, but it’s pushed aside everytime Paris is arrested.

    2. I have checked some milblogs. I follow the links that I get to thru yours and smokey’s sites. I don’t find it to be “pro-war” though. Maybe I’m looking in the wrong place but the soldiers seem more practical. And some of their day-to-day issues (equipment, etc.) sound like sh*t. Reading the milblogs – of people who are actually in Iraq – tends to be a wash for me. They tend to avoid politics. The blogs I’ve read though, don’t seem pro-torture and they seem unhappy about the waste in Iraq and lack of a well-defined mission. Well, they are rarely as pro-war as the right-wing blogosphere.

    Anyway, if you read something good, especially from a milblog, please throw up the link. I DO like reading it. I don’t think we can arrive at the best decision by only reading what we want to believe. We need a lot of input to make the best decision. Our troops depend on it.

  5. Sheila says:

    Why did the troll cross the road?
    To get away from The Big Dog!