Swine Flu On The Decline?

As I have been saying all along, the H1N1 Swine Flu does not appear to be the massive killer that people feared. Mexico is reporting that the flu is on the decline and that the worst might be over. It would appear as if people are cautiously optimistic that there will not be widespread outbreak and death.

Officials are now saying that the H1N1 might be no more of a problem than the normal flu we experience during flu season.

However, the head of the World Health Organization is saying that she would rather be overly cautious than unprepared and that the virus might reappear with a vengeance in a few months.

“We hope the virus fizzles out, because if it doesn’t we are heading for a big outbreak.” But she said: “I’m not predicting the pandemic will blow up, but if I miss it and we don’t prepare, I fail. I’d rather over-prepare than not prepare.” FT.com

There is a possibility the flu will die down during the warm summer months and then return when the weather gets cooler and it is certainly a good idea to keep looking for a vaccine and way of combating an outbreak. People should remain vigilant and wash hands frequently.

So far everything I have discussed in past posts has been accurate including predictions that this will not be terribly bad.

My Way News

Big Dog

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4 Responses to “Swine Flu On The Decline?”

  1. Blake says:

    I am glad that so far at least, this is less than predicted, but I also worry that this flu could be a trial balloon for something worse. For all we know, terrorists or rogue countries might have wanted to see how it might spread into this country without actually having to take the contagion into this country. Using Mexicans, its pretty easy to do, and when you add the airline factor, even something as tame as this gets scary.
    I would like to offer a cautionary note that flus such as this often morph in midstream of a contagion, and they seem to strike the healthy people first, so we may just be looking at the tip of the spear.

  2. Marc says:

    The comments from Blake are just bizarre and must be from someone that has read to many comics …I expect his ancestors must of been looking for “Reds under the Bed” Well the Swine flu hasnt spread like wild fire and Blake can sleep easy tonight and remove the surgical mask ,,Maybe the swine flu will rear its ugly head and we will be all doomed and suppose the terrorists have been concocting this plan to sleep with pigs for some years and eventually got a dose of H1N1 and thought bingo we can take a tour of the USA and infect everyone that they met …it makes a good story line for a film with a really big cast of Hollywood stars and everyone around them falling ill ,,,I am bored with the news media channels continous coverage of the swine flu and even they are starting to run out of news worthy content relating to this subject and must be praying every day for something with more “Meat on the Bone” news worthy content …

    • Blake says:

      Marc, Bio- weapons have been an age old weapon not limited to catapulting plague- ridden corpses into cities during the Middle Ages. Every army from Alexander to Hannibal used weapons of opportunity, the more terrible the better.
      Hannibal once, during a naval engagement,filled clay pots with serpents and catapulted them ontp the decks of the enemy ships, forcing many to abandon ship.
      Just because the scenario sounds outlandish doesn’t make it less possible.
      I was just postulating that whether or not this was a dummy run on terrorists’ part, they now have a pretty good idea of how diseases can spread, and how fast.
      I agree the news media over hype whatever they talk about- Obama comes to mind, but when it comes to possible WMDs, and the source is biological, I would rather err on the side of caution, wouldn’t you?

  3. Big Dog says:

    Marc, while I don’t think it is the case with swine flu there have been plans to infect the country by sending people infected with various diseases (small pox) into the country.

    You would not have to sleep with pigs if your scientists bio engineered the virus.