More Fuel For The “Birthers”
Jan 22, 2011 Political
The people who think Barack Obama was not born in the US are negatively referred to as “birthers.” They believe that Barack Obama was not born in the US and if he was that he has dual citizenship as a British subject because his father was a British subject. There have been many inquiries into this and they have been stymied by the Obama regime as a lot of money has been spent to keep the long form birth certificate from being released.
The new Governor of Hawaii has vowed to put an end to these stories by releasing information that proves Obama was born in Hawaii and is thus, an American citizen.
When this controversy was brewing a Hawaii state official claimed that documentation exists that shows Obama is a US citizen. Snopes reports that Hawaii officials have verified that Obama has a birth certificate on file which was enough for them to label the issue as false (that Obama is not a natural born citizen). The issue is cloudy because Hawaiian laws at the time of his birth allowed the registration of births that did not take place in Hawaii. The newspaper announcements of the birth would have been triggered by the registration and do not necessarily indicate he was born there.
Snopes is not the only one to report that there is a real birth certificate.
There is a problem in all of this because Governor Abercrombie, who said he would release information, now says that they have not been able to locate a long form birth certificate. He claims there is a written entry of the birth in the archives (which would have been done if the birth were merely recorded in accordance with the law of the time) but that there is no birth certificate. A written entry later entered into a database would generate the COLB that has been passed off as proof he was born there.
This will further fuel the issue because the “birthers” have claimed this was the case all along. Now the question will be, if state officials verified a birth certificate (as per Snopes and those official’s own statements), where is it? It could not have simply disappeared and we have been told that no one ordered his birth certificate be handled any differently than the birth certificates of others. Once again, where is it?
Perhaps Dr. Fukino, who verified Obama’s citizenship, only used the archive entry and gave a misleading statement about it. Perhaps Snopes and others inferred more from her statement than was actually stated. But there is a problem with this as well because Fukino earlier reported that there was indeed a birth certificate:
“Therefore, I as Director of Health for the State of Hawai‘i, along with the Registrar of Vital Statistics who has statutory authority to oversee and maintain these type of vital records, have personally seen and verified that the Hawai‘i State Department of Health has Sen. Obama’s original birth certificate on record in accordance with state policies and procedures,” Fukino said. [emphasis mine] KITV ABC
So the question remains, if there was a birth certificate in 2008, where is it now? Notice that Fukino said that it was in accordance with state policies and procedures. If Fukino meant those in place when Obama was born then it might very well be a recorded birth.
Even though Abercrombie cannot find the birth certificate that Fukino claims to have seen, we are supposed to take comfort in his statement that anyone who wants to know the truth should just ask him. He, after all, says he was there. The problem is that he lied when he made the original statement because he says he was there and then says he was not at the hospital. What he likely meant is that he was in Hawaii at the time and then some period later he saw the young lad. He cannot claim to have witnessed the birth (he already said otherwise) and he cannot expect people to just take his word for it.
He is an Obama supporter and would lie through his teeth. Hell, he is a politician so you know he is lying when his lips are moving. No, I think I will go by the Ronald Reagan policy of trust but verify and the trust part is in question because I do not trust any of them.
A contradiction exists because one official claims to have verified a birth certificate exists and one claims it cannot be found. This is a problem and adds fuel to the fire.
It is looking more and more like no one can prove Obama was born in the US.
As for me, I just want to see the proof. I hold him to the same standard expected of me when I was hired (I had to show my birth certificate) and when my kids registered for little league (I had to show their birth certificates).
Until such time, I remain skeptical. Call me a birther if you must but I don’t think it is too much to expect proof of any claim.
And one’s word, particularly the word of a politician, is not proof.
Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
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Tags: abercrombie, birth certificate, lies, Obama