Obama is the Perfect Candidate

…for the Democratic Party.

I don’t know why there are so many Hillary supporters who keep attacking Barack Obama. I just cannot understand why so many super delegates are undecided and I cannot understand why Hillary has not dropped out so that she and Bill can support Obama because he is the perfect Democratic candidate.

Barack Obama has so many things going for him that make him the perfect candidate, a perfect representative of the Democratic Party and all that it stands for. Obama is the kind of person the party claims to represent and he fits nearly every demographic that they could hope for.

Obama’s mother married a Muslim, a non citizen, and give birth to little Barry. Then his momma, in true liberal style, abandoned Barry and his daddy and hooked up with another dude. Both her suitors were black men and she was white so she was a diverse chick way back when. Obama comes from a broken home and Democrats love that. His momma was divorced and remarried and the Democrats love that except for the NOW gang who don’t see a need for men. Little Barry was raised by his grandmother (the one who is typical and is afraid of black folks) and he is mixed race. Democrats should be eating him up with a ladle.

Barry was a drug addict and alcohol abuser and the Democrats certainly love that about a person. Obama’s abuse of booze is the sole factor in getting the Ted Kennedy endorsement and the drug use should make Bill Clinton jump right on the Obama train. In addition to his drug and alcohol abuse, Barry was a cigarette smoker which is a turn off to the clean air Dems but he said he quit at the start of the campaign so now he is a beloved reformed smoker.

Barry Obama believes that when a woman gets pregnant it is a punishment so he believes that any woman should be able to abort a child at any time, no questions asked. He has always opposed any legislation that would restrict abortions. Obama is so pro abortion that he would probably be OK with killing a newborn and calling it an abortion. After all, why punish the mother when you can punish the child instead?

Barry is real big on government intervention and he loves the idea of taxing and spending. He has made a number of promises to raise taxes and he has told us that he intends to introduce legislation that will cost billions of dollars. Obama is a Socialist who loves the idea of income redistribution and he will be more than happy to take money from those who earn it and give it to those who don’t. He believes in people getting money to which they are not entitled just as he did when he purchased his home.

Barry believes that bitter white folks cling to religion when times are bad but thinks nothing of clinging for more than 20 years to a racist pastor in a America hating church. Barry believes that we small town white folk cling to our guns because we are bitter but fails to mention the inner city black kids who kill each other every day because they have been the victims of failed Democratic policies. Yes, that Barry sure knows how to point fingers at everyone else and that is the making of a Democratic king.

Yes folks, Barry Obama has almost all the attributes needed to be the perfect Democrat. He lacks only one credential in order to be perfect.

If he could somehow show that he was in fact an aborted fetus he would be the hands down nominee. Hillary would drop out, Bill would sing him praises, the super delegates would all support him and the godless of the Democratic party would have multiple orgasms all through the convention.

I bet Hillary wishes he had been an aborted fetus…

Big Dog

Obama and Parenting

Barack Obama, the man who wants to be the president, has some advice on parenting and that advice is for parents to take responsibility for their children. In a recent speech Obama stated:

“Parents if you don’t parent, we can’t improve our schools,” he said. “You’ve got to parent. You’ve got to turn off the television set in your house once in a while, you’ve got to put the video game away once in a while.” My Way News

It is interesting that Obama would tell parents that they have to actually be parents to their children and that they have to turn off the TV or the video game because that would indicate that he thinks parents should be involved in the lives of their children. But this is the same Barack Obama who believes that parents should not be involved in the lives of their young daughters who become pregnant. At that point parents are supposed to stay out of the way. Obama is happy with las that do not require parental notification for girls who seek abortions.

Obama is a Democrat so we already know that he does not advocate personal responsibility. He believes that the only way people can survive is to have big government paying their way and bailing them out of their mistakes. Make a bad loan, no problem Obama and the Democrats will have other taxpayers foot the bill. Don’t work, no problem they will give you welfare. Don’t worry about being responsible for your health as Obama and the Democrats will give you health care paid for by the rest of us.

The fact is, Barack Obama does not believe in personal responsibility and his voting record as well as his political beliefs show. This is the same man who stated that if his daughters got pregnant he would want them to be able to abort the child so they would not be “punished” with a baby.

Actions have consequences and Democrats generally fail to see that as their whole belief system is based on the assumption that people are too stupid to live their own lives and need the government to run every aspect of their existence.

Yes, there is too much TV and too much video game playing but that is a smaller part of the overall problem. There is too much government intrusion into our lives and with Obama we are guaranteed to get much more of that.

Parents, if you want your children to get an education and be raised properly demand that the government get out of education. Stop subjecting your children to the liberal prattle that they are bombarded with each and every day.

Personal responsibility? That is a novel idea for the Democrats. Republicans have believed in that for a long time. Perhaps parents can start educating their children by just saying no to liberals…

BTW, is this the same Obama who was raised by his grandparents? Where were his parents when it was time to raise a child?

Big Dog

Remember, Abortion is a Liberal Concoction

Legalized abortion is a concoction of the liberals in this country. They were the ones who fought to get it legalized and they are the ones that are constantly out in front on a woman’s right to choose to murder her unborn child. Certainly, there have been conservatives who have had abortions and to think otherwise would be insanity. However, conservative by and large oppose abortion and fight vehemently against it. Liberals believe that it is a woman’s right to choose. They also believe that people who are conservative are racists so why is it that Planned Parenthood, a liberal organization that fights any limit on abortion, has been caught accepting donations from people who want their money to be used to abort black children?

Planned Parenthood is a liberal organization. There can be no doubt about that. They espouse abortion on demand for anyone who wants one and they believe that children should be able to get abortions without parental consent or notification. Yet, this liberal organization has been shown to favor aborting black babes in order to gain money.

Planned Parenthood has apologized for their “mistake” but are they sorry for the idea or sorry they got caught? In any event, we once again see liberals as the real racists in this world. No conservative is out saying that we should end abortions, except for black babies. Conservatives want an end to ALL abortions and do not care what color the bay is.

We have seen the ugly head of racism here recently and it involves liberals. We have racist remarks by members of the Clinton team and racist remarks by associates of Barack Obama. Now we have word that Planned Parenthood is all about aborting blacks to get rid of them.

Perhaps blacks should start espousing more conservative values and move back to the Republican party. They would be a lot safer on the right.

Idaho Statesman
The Advocate

Big Dog

Bill Clinton; “Tell the Truth”

Clinton Sign

If there is anything in politics that rings hollow it is a politician telling people to tell the truth. It is particularly disturbing that lying to Congress carries a five year jail term yet Congress lies to us, their employers, all the time. Most disturbing of all discussions of the truth is when Bill Clinton admonishes people and demands that they tell the truth. Given Bill Clinton’s inability to tell the truth, one would wonder why he demands it of others.

At a speech Bill Clinton lashed out at pro life people in the crowd. One person in particular, seems to have riled the former president. Clinton is heard admonishing the person and then says “Tell the truth, tell the truth. You want to make criminals out of women and their doctors.” He then goes on to say that is what pro life people want but will not say because it is not politically tenable. Of course, he then goes on to tell how Hillary has done the most to limit abortions.

Any time Bill Clinton yells “tell the truth” I wonder where his head is. I assume it is in a body cavity that has the aroma of E. coli and that the fumes are clouding his ability to think. Clinton does not know what the truth is. He has been caught in one lie after another and he and his wife believe that they should lie, lie, lie and deny, deny, deny. If they get caught they will have watered down the charges sufficiently by then. There is no way to deny Clinton is a liar. He lied on national TV and he admitted to that lie. He was convicted of lying under oath so the public record is pretty clear on the issue.

In addition to his blatant hypocrisy, Clinton makes accusations that smack in the face of reality. No one wants to make women and doctors criminals. What people want is to outlaw abortion. This issue was decided by the SCOTUS and they got it wrong. Those who support abortions like to point the decision out but forget that somehow the Court was able to find the word abortion in the Constitution. It is not there and it never has been. The same people who claim that abortion is a Constitutional right are the ones who want to ban guns even though the “right to keep and bear arms” is contained in the Constitution (don’t let them fool you with their pro gun talk while campaigning, they oppose gun ownership).

Regardless, abortion is not an issue that should have ever risen to the federal level. This is a state issue and should have stayed at the state level. However, outlawing abortion is not a matter of trying to make any person a criminal. It is designed to make the act illegal. If a woman and her doctor decided to conduct an abortion they would be guilty of breaking the law just as doctors who disclose protected health information are guilty of violating the law. No one ever claimed that enacting HIPAA was an attempt to make doctors criminals. Laws are designed to place limits on the acts the people of a society may engage in. Speed limits are designed to keep people driving at a safe speed but no one suggests that enacting speed limits is an attempt to make all drivers criminals. Certainly, no woman is ILLEGAL because Hillary told us that while pandering for votes.

The debate over whether an unborn child is a blob of cells or a life is ongoing and it is a debate for another post. Suffice it to say that after conception, the “product of conception” has human DNA. The Bible tells us that the life is in the blood; blood begins to flow about 14 days after conception. Regardless of how science and theology debate this issue, one thing is certain; politicians have already weighed in and told us that an unborn child is a human being. They did this when they passed laws that allowed them to charge an assailant with two crimes when a mother and her unborn child are injured or killed. Scott Peterson was charged with two murders when he killed his pregnant wife.

Bill Clinton and his band of merry thieves are entitled to believe what they want and there are those who still worship the ground this cretin walks on. He will never lose credibility with a certain crowd no matter how much he lies and no matter how much he demands others tell the truth. He is a typical liberal who believes the rules do not apply to him but by God you had better follow them. The Clintons are certainly entitled to believe in abortion and they are free to believe that a product of conception is worthless. I know that they are both products of conception and I find them to have no value.

When I see Bill and Hillary Clinton I wish their mothers had believed in abortion and exercised that option. They are good examples of why some animals eat their young.

Big Dog

The Dems Said Fox Was Dishonest?

Not to long ago the Democratic candidates all decided to cancel a debate sponsored by Fox. They made their claim that Fox was biased to the right and that they would not conduct a fair and open debate. The Democrats were more comfortable with the 70% left leaning “unbiased” MSM so that is the route they went. Republicans have not canceled any debates based upon distrust of a network though it appears they should have.

CNN hosted last night’s debate and I wrote a post informing that the gay general who asked the question about gays in the military was affiliated with the Hillary Clinton campaign and had endorsed her. Now it seems that this guy was not the only “undecided” voter who already supported a Democratic candidate. At least three other people who asked questions have endorsed a Democrat. Two of them for Edwards and one for Obama. The abortion girl Journey even posted a video about her response to the answers to her question while she was wearing her John Edwards T Shirt. The mom with the lead paint toy question is a union manager for a union that has endorsed Edwards and her video is displayed on the union’s website.

So somebody tell me again why the Democrats were worried about Fox but not concerned about CNN. Oh, because CNN seems to be in the tank for the left. There is no way that someone at CNN could not have known about these people. Perhaps they figured they would not get caught.

The Democrats canceled the Fox debate because they wanted fair. How fair is it that the gay general got more time to speak than Tom Tancredo, Ron Paul or Duncan Hunter? For that matter, he got longer than any candidate for a single response. They were limited to 90 seconds and 30 seconds for a follow up. The gay general got 2 minutes to talk about his lifestyle.

Michelle Malkin has quite a bit of detail.